
The Champions Of Light

The god of the underworld unleashed his darkness upon mankind and used the King of Rone to conquer in his name. A war triggered the former ruler of Olympus who gave orders to some fugitives for a glorious and redemptive purpose. Else-World_Books Else-World_Characters By Richard Laurent Based on Else-World, all characters and events are purely fictional.

Richard_Prince · แอคชั่น
13 Chs

皿 Dust From The East 皿

The mountains listened to the continuous clanging and buzzing that came from the camp. The noise was like that of a busy battlefield. Although the clouds had gone gray for a long time, the soldiers cared less for a single raindrop. Taking down their opponents was the mission at hand.

"We need to do our best," hollered Octavius, the commander-in-chief as he strolled around the arsenal inspecting the activities going on.

"The only thing worse than being beaten is being outsmarted." He yelled and kept his hands at the akimbo. He turned his head upwards and gazed at the two men on the hill assigned to watch out for any adversary.


"Are you nervous?" the guard sighed as he asked his tall, brown-haired partner.

Cameron Grayson scoffed, looking at the horizon.

"Yes. I'm a bit nervous about what we're facing. I think it's better if you don't ask me that question again."

The guard gazed curiously at the thoughtful brunet, "If I may inquire,"—he leaned slightly on his spear. — "why do you feel like this?"

Cameron shook his head and turned away from the horizon. A deep sigh escaped his lips as he stared at the sky.

"I have a bad feeling. We'll meet our enemy soon, my friend."

"Are you scared?"

"Kind of." — he gave a weary sigh—"please can you stop asking questions about how I -"

"Look, over there!" The man interrupted, pointing his finger across Cameron at the east.

The brunet quickly turned his attention towards the direction pointed at, and the two men studied the eastern horizon from the hill they stood on. They could see dust dancing across the land but what could be the cause, a herd of wildebeests, buffaloes or could it be a sand storm? They tried to sieve the noise from the camp, putting their hand on their earlobe. Furthermore, they heard a faint sound coming across the land, it was the sound of hooves hitting the ground and the creaking of wheels.

"They're here." murmured Cameron as he turned to his partner, panting.

The guard eyed him like he was waiting for an order, "What next?"

"Sound the horn!" he said and scurried down the hill.

The guard grabbed the horn from a rock and began to force air into it. The rhythm that came from it caused an alarm in the camp. They began to march around, grabbing weapons upon weapons. All smiting work ceased, and all kinds of axes, spears, and swords, tossed into piles. Each member came, picking up theirs and hurried away.

"Legions of Mediopolis, get to your right battle formation!!!" Octavius yelled out, and they began to March to form an array.


The fresh warriors stood in the front, with a shield and spear, they were kept in rows of three while the experienced ones came afterwards in rows of four. The Calvary took their ground at the rear. The array was established, and they welcomed silence as they listened to the thunderous marching and creaking coming from the east.

A horse rode forward out of the order and drew to a halt, on its back sat Lucius Marcellus, their king. He held the reins tightly, taking in his surroundings. His face showed no emotion, nor was it afraid of death, but instead, he wore a look of concentration. Octavius rode to his side.

"This will not be easy." Said the king under his breath.

"Perhaps, you can stay back while we fight." Octavius replied as he tries to find balance.

"No, that is not an option," declared Lucius, he paused for a moment keeping his eyes fixed on the horizon.

"Bring Grayson here."

"Yes, your Grace" replied a subordinate retreating into the formation.

Shortly after, Cameron Grayson approached his king and kneeled, "What news do you bring me, godfather?"

"I know you have always wanted to fight side by side with me," Lucius utters, avoiding eye contact.

Cameron nods, confirming it.

"But something changed in this campaign. You have to understand that I am still the king, your father would want me to win and defeat his enemies."

"I understand" -he bowed- "but we can still win."

"Yes we could, but this fight will not be like the others, it's different."

"What would you have me do, godfather?" he asked, expressing a glimpse of disappointment.

His king glared at him for a while with an expressionless face and finally spoke. "You must leave the field, go home!" The king handed to him a large scroll, containing important inputs.

"Leave, do you hear me? Leave!"

Cameron began to grimace around, taking a few steps backwards before turning to leave. He hopped onto his white stallion and galloped away from the camp. Lucius watched his protégé leave until he was out of sight. At this point, he was full of thoughts and depressing emotions that even Octavius noticed.

"Your Grace, the Romans are here" informed Octavius.

Lucius' distraction diminishes as he veered his head back to the east.

"Come with me, I want to have a word with Aemon." He commanded and rode towards the halted Ronan legionaries, Octavius followed immediately. They rode on their steeds as they strode across the division.

"Lucius Marcellus, we meet again," Aemon yelled from the distance approaching the pair deliberately on his horse.

Lucius ignored the greeting from the Roman king and continued toward him. Aemon stopped his horse and disembarked, walking towards Lucius and Octavius, who also descended their horses.

Aemon's eyes rolled at Lucius, with a mild smirk striding across his lips.

"You are a great king, Lucius, and I respect you, that is why I have graced you so many times. We can spare the lives of our men if you would just accept my offer."

"For thousands of years," —Lucius retorted- "my people, the Medioites have been genuine worshipers of the Capitoline.

"We have no interest in your false god." He folded his arm, giving a stern glare at the old king.

Aemon scoffed, nodding his head, "Your arrogance is a mistake, it's a shame. Your people are going to die because of your stubbornness."

"Not when I am alive." Replied Lucius, glaring coldly at Aemon. "Now retreat or we shall kill you."

Aemon chuckled darkly, "How childish of you." A grin appears on his face, "But I guess if I'm really going to die, then I might as well try my hand at some good old-fashioned fun." He mounted his steed and galloped back to his troops, leaving Lucius and his soldiers behind.

The two men stared intensely at Aemon leaving and then turned their horses around.
