
The Woman Bathed In Light

Amelia stared at the white empty void around her, her body floating on something she did not recognize.

It was quiet, but comfortable at the same time. The lingering silence allowed her to contemplate on what had just happened.

She died....

The void around her remained still as ever, as tears fell down her face. The thought of her her mom discovering her death, pained her.

They were the only ones they had, living together just the two of them. Her father left her when she was just a child, leaving them for another younger woman.

She didn't want to die, she didn't want to leave her mom. However, that girl needed to be saved and somehow she felt obligated to do so.

'Well aren't you a hero'

Those words echoed through her head earning a chuckle from her. The chuckle soon grew louder until it turned to full on shouting.

Rage filled her entire body as she flailed her arms and legs. Because of him her friends were killed, because of HIM she couldn't see her mother anymore.

Amelia loved her mother more than anything, but right now she knew it was already done. She made a choice to save that girl and the image of her surviving made her smile.

'Atleast you'll be ok'

Amelia stopped shouting and wiped her tears. She tried to stand up, but only rolled in the air as if she was truly weightless. Getting her bearings, she finally found herself on a somewhat upright position.

Moving her arms she pushed herself forward, her feet pushing back. It was like swimming, but their was no water, and it was more fun.

Pushing harder, Amelia flew across the air, chuckling as she made her way through the seemingly endless void.

The tears in her eyes started to dry as she was somewhat enjoying this moment. The memory of her mother still remained in her head, but she wasn't crying.

The thought of the girl she saved made her smile, and somehow made her dying at least worth it.

Soaring through the void, she was now looking for any signs of life. She couldn't just be the only one here, could she?

A sense of dread filled her head, the thought of being alone slowly started to sink in. What is she gonna do here? In this empty void!

Her thoughts were broken when a strong force reverberated through the void. It was as if a stack of heavy somethings just came crashing down.

The strong force managed to turnAmelia upside down. Rolling upright, Amelia examined the area, a feeling of hope gushing through her body.

'Maybe I am not alone...'

Amelia quickly flew across the void, following what she believed to be the direction of the strong force.

Her dark blonde hair flapped freely in the air, as she started to gain some speed. Pushing harder and harder she found herself zooming thought the air, feeling like superman.

Gaining her maximum speed, she saw a giant structure on the horizon. It was shimmering in the light, obstructing Amelia's vision.

Pushing harder, she finally arrived at the shimmering construct. It was a humongously tall wall, encircling an entire area.

In front of her was a giant silver door, in which closer inspection, found that there were cracks forming within the frame. Looking again at the wall, Amelia saw another crack, and another, and another.

'Does this void have earthquakes or what..' Amelia thought to herself as she further examined the giant structure in front of her.

Touching the door, another loud bang could be heard, luckily Amelia managed to hold on or else she would have been pushed back.

Clutching her chest she heard a slow creak, looking at the door she found it slightly open.

Peeking through, she examined the inside. Clouds filled the room as white marble pillars lined up in the middle, forming a straight path.

Following the pillars, Amelia saw a giant ball of a light and what appeared to be a silhouette of woman sitting on a throne.

Excitement suddenly surged through her body, followed by a feeling of doubt. Something inside of her told her to go inside, but something else kept her from going.

"It's ok Amelia, you can come in"

The sudden voice made her flinch as she looked closer inside to see the vague form of the woman staring at her from her throne.

Taking a depp breath, Amelia opened the giant doors. Ignoring the staring eye of the woman, Amelia floated towards her, keeping her eyes focused on the giant ball of light in the middle.

"Looks like someone's interested in the loom of fate" The woman voiced, her eyes remaining on Amelia.

"L-loom of fate?" she asked, finally getting a little bit of confidence.

The woman was bathed in white light, her hair cascading elegantly down her body. She sat regally up on her throne, looking down on her with those beautiful silver eyes.

Honestly, it felt so overwhelming.

"Yes, the loom of fate" she answered, raising her hands as a single strand of golden thread escaped from the sphere.

"The loom of fate weaves the destinies of every living thing in the world. This thread I'm holding represents a single person living out his life" She pulled on the thread until the entire thing was out "However, this one doesn't have that much left"

She waved her hands as the thread went back into the light.

"Wait so you control the lives of every human being?"

"Well not just humans, it also reaches out to elves, dragons, even gods! Pretty much anything that has a predetermined purpose, which is everything"

"So are you like a god?"

"Well not exactly, I'm what you call a primordial, a being who acts as the pillars of the universe, keeping balance and harmony"

Amelia nodded, still surprised at what this woman just said. If this woman can control destinies, maybe she brought her here, maybe she's the one that sent that killer.

A panicked expression showed on her face as she remained silent with all the thoughts in her mind. The woman saw this and snapped her fingers, causing Amelia to stare at her wide eyed.

"If your thinking about your death, I promise there's a reason"

"What reason" Her voice was shaky as images of her friends played out in her head.

"You had to die, because I need you..."

"But why that!? Why did everyone else had to die, especially in that way.." Tears started streaming down her face, the feeling of complete helplessness and fear imbedding itself onto her memory.

"Trust me, everything happens for a reason, especially your death. You and everyone else had to die like that, not just because I needed you, but because it had to happen. There's a higher order that needs to be followed to keep balance within the universe, and your death is just a part of that higher order that keeps the universe from shattering. So please....stop crying"

Wiping her tears, Amelia started to calm down. She still felt frustrated but she decided to forget about it, as there was no turning back time, or is there....

"And no you can't turn back time" The woman rebuked, as if reading her mind.

Amelia sighed and nodded. Not surprised that she could read minds when she can literally control every microscopic event in the universe.

"Now that you've calmed down, let's get back to business" The woman pointed at the ball of light, following her finger Amelia's gaze arrived at what seemed to be a giant crack. Rays of white powerful energy seeped through, causing Amelia to cringe.

"See that crack, it's there because something broke the balance"

"What do you mean 'broke the balance'?"

Hearing my question, the woman waved her arms and an image of a giant cloud of black dust materialized in front of me.

"What is this thing?"

"I don't know" Amelia looked at her, confused " According to the loom, it shouldn't even exist, it's a literal anomaly. It just manifested two years ago in another world. Because of it's appearance the loom is breaking, the literal universe is in grave danger of being destroyed, just because this thing simply exists"

"Woah" she answered, realizing how grave the situation is.

"Woah indeed" The woman said, as she snapped her fingers again, images of people appearing in front of Amelia.

"Those people are the 'gods' of the world that cloud thing is inhabiting. After realizing the threat it posed to the that world and the universe I secretly implanted an idea in their heads" The woman saw Amelia looking at her with a raised eyebrow "They can't know I exist, so I 'implanted' an idea in their heads"

"Why can't they know you exist?"

"Please, if ever those prideful, ego-centric, wannabe heroes find out about destiny. They would come running up here trying to take it. And besides, I'm not allowed to reveal my secret" Amelia nodded at her statement.

"Now going back, I 'implanted' an idea that each of the 20 most powerful gods should summon a champion from your world to fight that thing. However, it did not go so well, and that's where you come in"

Amelia looked at her with wide eyes "How do I come into this?"

"Amelia Carson, I want you to be my champion, the champion of destiny, and help the others defeat that thing, or 'the great evil' as they call it"

Amelia was silent, was this woman for real. Was she really expecting for a girl like her to just accept this? How can she even defeat that thing?

"Don't worry, I'll give you my powers so that you can fight 'the great evil'"

"B-but...." She was still speechless, her head in a complete frenzy.

The woman chuckled at her antics and snapped her fingers. Suddenly, several ancient runes appeared around her body.

"Wait I still haven't made my-" Before she could finish her sentence, she was enveloped by a shining light.

Amelia could feel the energy coursing through her veins as her eyes radiated with power.

The light dissipated, revealing Amelia floating in the air, her body covered in white light, as pulses of energy emanated from her.

The woman smiled at the sight as Amelia fell to the ground, the light slowly disappearing.

"So, how do you feel Amelia?"

"I feel.....like I'm about to throw up" Amelia covered her mouth as the woman summoned a bucket towards her.

Amelia grabbed the bucket and started vomiting.

"For inheriting the greatest power in the universe, you don't look all that thrilled" The woman stated as Amelia continued to vomit.

"Well what were you expecting" Amelia answered, wiping her mouth.

"I don't know, maybe a little bit of excitement?"

Amelia only looked at her with a deadpanned expression, causing the woman to sigh.

"Well now that your ready-" The woman was cut off from her sentence when a hand was raised towards her.

"Wait" Amelia said, her voice serious "If you want me to go, then I want you to do something for me"

The woman looked at her questioningly "Fine, what is it that you want?"

"I want you to look out for my mother, I won't be their for her and she would be devastated to find out I'm gone. So could you please protect her, make sure she doesn't get hurt?"

The woman stared at Amelia then smiled "I'm sure I can pull a few strings" The woman chuckled as Amelia closed her eyes.

"Let's do this..."

"Good" The woman snapped her fingers and another rune appeared right below Amelia "I'll send you somewhere remote so the gods won't detect you. I want you practice your powers when you arrive, try to get use to them. I'll talk to you later on what you should do next"

Amelia nodded as the white light grew brighter, the last thing she saw was the woman staring at her with determination until she was fully engulfed in the light.

"Looks like this is happening..." She muttered to herself as the light blinded her eyes.