

"So you made your decision?"

Josephine implored and Tinsley shook her head positively.

"I think I do not owe it to anyone when it comes to my daughter."

Tinsley let out and Josephine closed her eyes for a brief second. Her brother would be not in a good state after he would come to know that.

"I'm sorry but your brother signed his rights away in the past. It was his decision and he should abide by that. "

Josephine nodded to Tinsley's words as if understanding them. It was very clear that her brother indeed did that.

"But what would you say if I tell them that he has only a has not much time left and wants this time in between to be with the baby that is his...you can't deny that?"

Josephine threw the question. And it fell upon Tinsley unguarded. She had no idea what Josephine was trying to say.

"I'm not allowed to tell you everything about his life but I will tell you this...that he never had it easy.