
The CEO's Super Bodyguard

Eight years ago, Ye Fengwu was imprisoned on charges of rape. Now, after eight years, he returns to the city as a legendary war hero. When he discovers that the girl who suffered because of him had borne his daughter and is living a life of relentless bullying and misery, his fury ignites, ready to engulf the entire city.

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45 Chs

Chapter 7: Into the Lion's Den

Qin Qinghan could clearly feel Ye Fengwu's intense gaze on her, making her even more vigilant. Clutching her clothes, she hurried to her bedroom and slammed the door shut.


The door closed tightly, but Ye Fengwu didn't hear the sound of a lock. Could it be...?

Thinking this, Ye Fengwu extinguished his cigarette and walked directly to Qin Qinghan's bedroom door.


Pushing the door open, he saw Qin Qinghan lying in bed with her daughter, Jing Si, already asleep beside her. Qin Qinghan, like a frightened bird, curled tightly under the covers, her tear-filled eyes full of vigilance.

"Where should I sleep?" Ye Fengwu asked softly, careful not to wake Jing Si.

Qin Qinghan knew all too well that his gentleness was a facade and that eventually, he would show his true, rough nature.

Soon enough, Ye Fengwu noticed a narrow spot on the floor where a blanket had been thoughtfully laid out for him. "What a considerate wife," he thought as he lay down, enjoying the faint scent.

However, when Ye Fengwu looked at Qin Qinghan, he saw her still watching him with those vigilant eyes, her hands tightly clutching the blanket.

"If you're uncomfortable with me here, I can sleep on the couch in the living room," Ye Fengwu said bitterly.


Ye Fengwu had hoped his offer would earn him some sympathy, but her cold, indifferent response made his heart sink. With a dejected look, he picked up his bedding and left the bedroom. "Why did I even bother trying to be decent?" he muttered to himself.

Ye Fengwu had a habit of sleeping late and waking up early, so the next morning, while everyone was still asleep, he went downstairs to exercise and bought breakfast.

Despite his efforts, he still didn't receive a smile from Qin Qinghan.

Qin Qinghan, dressed in a light blue business suit, looked fresh and elegant even without makeup. She didn't eat breakfast but instructed her parents, "Mom, Dad, please take Jing Si to school. I'll pick her up this afternoon."

Without waiting for a response, she left in a hurry. Today, she had to negotiate a project with Fenghao Engineering. If successful, she might earn a commission, as Fenghao Real Estate was one of the top companies in Haihua City.

"I'll go with you," Ye Fengwu called out.

But his words were met with silence as she walked away.

"Get a proper job if you really want to stay here. Don't let Qinghan bear all the burden alone," Yang Yu said before she and Qin Zhi left to take Jing Si to school.

Ye Fengwu muttered to himself, "I guess it's time to start working."

For him, "work" didn't mean finding a job; it meant starting his secret mission in the city. He pulled out his phone and dialed a number. "Lin Qiang, what's the address of Luohuang Group?"

Haihua City was a bustling metropolis, home to numerous business giants. Qin Qinghan's destination was Fenghao Engineering, located in the city's development zone.

Rumor had it that in two years, a high-end villa complex would be built there, covering thousands of acres. Many companies were vying for the opportunity to collaborate with Fenghao Engineering due to the lucrative benefits.

The project office was in a large, two-story temporary building on an open site. When Qin Qinghan parked her modest Chevy downstairs, it drew disdainful looks from nearby workers and tattooed youths.

Seeing such a low-end car, the youths sneered. Every day, those seeking business here arrived in luxury cars.

However, when Qin Qinghan stepped out of the driver's seat in her professional attire, all eyes were instantly captivated.

Some even whistled.

In such a chaotic construction site, women were rare, let alone a stunning beauty like Qin Qinghan.

"Hey, beautiful, what brings you here?"

A group of youths approached, their eyes filled with lewd amusement as they ogled her figure.

Used to such stares but aware she was on Jin Bao's turf, Qin Qinghan felt uneasy. Still, she bravely said, "Hello, I'm Qin Qinghan from Qin Group. I'm here to discuss a project with your manager."

The youths' expressions changed to excitement. One of them said with a grin, "Follow me."

He led Qin Qinghan to an office door.

"Boss Bao, someone wants to discuss a project," he called out.

"Get lost! Don't disturb me," came a gruff reply.

The youth smirked and insisted, "Boss, you won't be disappointed."

He opened the door and gestured for Qin Qinghan to enter first.

"Damn it..."

Jin Bao, a burly man with a buzz cut, was lounging in a chair. When the door opened, he was about to curse but stopped mid-sentence upon seeing Qin Qinghan's figure and stunning face.

Suddenly energized, Jin Bao's eyes gleamed with lust as he looked at her.

"Here to discuss a project? Please, have a seat," he said, hurriedly pouring two glasses of wine.

Qin Qinghan frowned. The office reeked, and it had a wine cabinet, bar, and even a large bed, making her want to leave.

Jin Bao dismissed the youth with a wave and asked, "Which company are you from?"

The youth, understanding, left with a sly grin, closing the door tightly behind him.

Seeing the closed door, Qin Qinghan felt even more anxious but took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Bao, I'm Qin Qinghan from Qin Group. I'm here to discuss a potential collaboration with Fenghao Engineering. I hope you'll give us this opportunity."

Jin Bao eyed her with a lecherous smile. "Qin Group, huh? I heard Qin Guangnan has a beautiful granddaughter who was raped at sixteen. That must be you."

Qin Qinghan's face paled. This was a wound she could never heal, and each mention felt like a stab to her heart.

Forcing herself to stay composed, she said, "Mr. Bao, Qin Group is willing to lower our profit margin for this collaboration. Are there any other conditions?"

Jin Bao's grin widened. "Qin Manager, you should know many companies want this project and are offering similar deals, even willing to forego profits. So why should I choose Qin Group?"

He pulled a chair close and patted it. "Come, sit here, and we can discuss it."

Seeing the chair so close to him, Qin Qinghan's frown deepened. She wasn't naive and understood his intentions.

Though she wanted to leave, she thought of the looming mortgage and the possibility of losing her job if the deal fell through. She couldn't afford to lose this opportunity.

Steeling herself, she moved the chair slightly away and sat down.

Jin Bao's eyes roamed her body, frustrated by her conservative outfit. His face darkened, and he pushed a glass of wine towards her, sne