
The CEO's Super Bodyguard

Eight years ago, Ye Fengwu was imprisoned on charges of rape. Now, after eight years, he returns to the city as a legendary war hero. When he discovers that the girl who suffered because of him had borne his daughter and is living a life of relentless bullying and misery, his fury ignites, ready to engulf the entire city.

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45 Chs

Chapter 30: You Did Nothing Wrong

If Qin Qinghan had looked up, she would have seen Ye Fengwu's cold and terrifying gaze.

"Damn, she's stunning! Way prettier than any movie star. Gao He, you've really outdone yourself," Liu Cheng said, unable to hide his amazement as he looked at Qin Qinghan.

Aside from Liegou and Zheng Tao, the other five started making lewd comments: "Hey beautiful, you've come to the right place."

Then, Zhong Long, who was sitting on the outside, raised his glass and handed it to Qin Qinghan, smiling, "Drink this, and you'll be one of us."

But Qin Qinghan bit her lip and said, "I... I don't drink."

Hearing this, Zhong Long's face showed displeasure. Gao He's face turned cold as he said, "Qin Qinghan, don't refuse a toast only to drink a forfeit. Look around at who you're dealing with."

"Drink the wine and sit next to Brother Hao, or else…"


Before Gao He could finish, Liegou leaped over the three-meter-wide marble table and kicked the glass from Zhong Long's hand.

Zhong Long was shocked, but before he could react, Liegou slapped Gao He hard, sending him flying two meters and crashing into the wall, splitting his lip open.

Gao He didn't feel the pain because he was utterly stunned by the sudden slap. Did he do something wrong?

Next to Ye Fengwu, Jiang Hao's face turned pale with anger, and he wished he could rip Gao He, Fang Gang, and Zhong Long to pieces. They were putting him in a death trap because he could feel Ye Fengwu's murderous intent.

After knocking Gao He away, Liegou grabbed Zhong Long by the collar and slammed him onto the table. "Dog… what did I do wrong?" Zhong Long stammered in fear.

Liegou, close to Zhong Long's ear, whispered, "Your mistake… was not recognizing who's in charge."


With that, Liegou took a silver knife and stabbed it through Zhong Long's hand, pinning it to the table.

Zhong Long's face turned red with pain, but he didn't dare utter a single plea. Though he didn't know his mistake, he knew he must have made one.

Seeing this, Fang Gang, Liu Cheng, and the others who had mocked Qin Qinghan earlier, all turned pale.

Liegou then grabbed Liu Cheng and slammed him onto the table, pinning his hand with another silver knife.

Liu Cheng also endured the pain in silence. In Fenghao Real Estate, Hao Ge was the eternal boss, and Liegou was his enforcer.

Swish, swish, swish!

One by one, those who had mocked Qin Qinghan found their hands pinned to the table, their blood pooling on the surface.

Fang Gang stepped forward, laying his hand on the table without being asked. None of them questioned their punishment or dared ask why they deserved it.

Liegou faced Fang Gang and asked, "Gao He is your friend?"

Fang Gang stiffly replied, "Just an acquaintance, not a friend."

"But he's here because of you." Liegou's voice was cold as he kicked Fang Gang's leg, the crack of bone echoing. Then he pinned Fang Gang's hand with a knife.

Seeing this sudden change, Qin Qinghan finally looked up, seeing Ye Fengwu and Jiang Hao. Her heart sank. Was Gao He planning for her to serve them?

Feeling a mix of emotions, Qin Qinghan was even more hurt seeing Ye Fengwu's cold and disappointed eyes.

After finishing, Liegou took another knife and stabbed his own hand, saying, "Brother Wu, Brother Hao, they are my men. I'm sorry."

Suddenly, Jiang Hao stood up, drew a loaded gun, and aimed it at Liegou and Fang Gang. "Brother Wu, just say the word, and I'll shoot them now."

Ye Fengwu's voice was chilling. "They are loyal to you, and they did nothing wrong."

Jiang Hao sighed in relief. Though he hated to kill his men, he would do so if Ye Fengwu ordered it.

Suddenly, Jiang Hao turned the gun on himself, aiming at his leg. Just as he was about to pull the trigger, Ye Fengwu's hand stopped him.

In a flash, Ye Fengwu disassembled the gun, scattering the parts and bullets on the table.

Everyone was shocked, including Liegou, who, despite his expertise, couldn't disassemble a gun that quickly.

But the most surprising thing was Jiang Hao's willingness to cripple himself for Ye Fengwu.

Jiang Hao then took a knife and stabbed his hand, saying, "Brother Wu, I'm sorry."

Gao He, shaking in fear, realized too late that he should never have crossed Qin Qinghan.

Jiang Hao, looking at his bleeding hand, said, "You don't need to do this. They did nothing wrong."

Jiang Hao, looking at his men, said coldly, "Do you know who this woman is? She is Brother Wu's wife, our sister-in-law. You have some nerve."

Everyone turned pale. They might not know Brother Wu's past, but they understood the loyalty between him and Jiang Hao.

Today, they had foolishly mocked their sister-in-law, and Gao He had brought her here.

Gao He, trembling and wetting himself, finally understood who Qin Qinghan was.

She was married to the man even Hao Ge called brother. Gao He cursed Liu Fu for setting him up.

Then, Liu Cheng, Zheng Tao, Zhong Long, and the others pulled the knives from their hands, their faces showing a mix of shame and anger as they advanced on Gao He.