
The CEO's Super Bodyguard

Eight years ago, Ye Fengwu was imprisoned on charges of rape. Now, after eight years, he returns to the city as a legendary war hero. When he discovers that the girl who suffered because of him had borne his daughter and is living a life of relentless bullying and misery, his fury ignites, ready to engulf the entire city.

1376680852 · สมัยใหม่
45 Chs

Chapter 3: Are You Playing Matchmaker?

When Ye Fengwu stood up, an eerie silence descended over the entire hotel. His gaze was terrifying, not only cold and menacing but with a faint hint of bloodlust, like a ravenous wolf on the verge of going berserk.

Qin Shou, with a look of fear on his face but emboldened by the presence of over a dozen security guards nearby, sneered at Ye Fengwu, "Where did this lowlife come from? Looking like a beggar. Do you think you can just waltz into my grandfather's birthday celebration?"

Ye Fengwu's attire was indeed modest—a simple desert camouflage uniform without any insignia, and worn-out military boots, making him look like a construction worker.

"You dare to lay a hand on them?" A deep, beast-like growl emanated from Ye Fengwu's throat. The killing intent within him was now fully unleashed.

As a soldier king, Ye Fengwu had faced death countless times on missions and had killed enough people to fill an entire battalion. But never had he struggled so much to control his murderous rage.

"Damn it, so what if I did? You think you, a lowlife, can meddle in Qin family affairs? Get lost before I make you leave on a stretcher," Qin Shou taunted, reaching for Qin Jingsi.


A sharp sound echoed as Qin Shou's hand froze in mid-air, his face contorted in pain. Ye Fengwu's hand, like a vice, gripped Qin Shou's arm, and the sound of bones creaking was audible to all.

"You... you bastard..." Qin Shou roared in anger but was cut off by a powerful gust of wind.


Ye Fengwu's slap landed hard on Qin Shou's face, the force reverberating through the spacious hotel. The slap was so powerful that Qin Shou, who stood six feet tall and weighed over 180 pounds, was sent crashing to the floor, face first.

Blood splattered everywhere, and the sound of bones breaking was clearly heard. Qin Shou didn't even have time to scream before he passed out.

The violent scene left everyone in the hotel stunned. The dozen security guards stood frozen, unable to react as Ye Fengwu moved with lightning speed and ferocity.

Qin Qinghan, naturally gentle and timid, was horrified by the violence, her face turning pale. She didn't know Ye Fengwu, but his rage seemed to be triggered by Qin Shou's attempt to take Jingsi. Why would this stranger do such a thing?

"My son..." Qin Fei's face turned ashen upon seeing his son's condition. He shouted at the security guards, "What are you waiting for? Take this bastard down!"

Qin Guangnan, seeing his only grandson in such a state, felt a sharp pain in his chest and growled, "Don't hold back. I'll take full responsibility."

The guests were shocked by Qin Guangnan's words. Known for doting on his grandson, Qin Guangnan was clearly furious and wanted Ye Fengwu dead.

The security guards, emboldened by Qin Guangnan's assurance, readied themselves. These were well-trained fighters, accustomed to dealing with troublemakers. But Ye Fengwu wasn't just any troublemaker.

"Get him, brothers!" the lead guard yelled, swinging a baton at Ye Fengwu's head.


Ye Fengwu's icy gaze remained fixed. As the baton neared, he moved.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Each strike was as swift as lightning, each punch and kick carried the force of a lion. As the strongest soldier king, Ye Fengwu's speed made the guards' movements look like slow motion.

Before the guards could land a single blow, Ye Fengwu had already delivered five punches and six kicks. Screams filled the air as the guards were sent flying, crashing into tables and chairs. Each guard had only been hit once, but that was enough to render them unconscious.

In an instant, the hotel fell silent again. Everyone stared at Ye Fengwu in disbelief. He was violent, powerful, and clearly not there to make friends.

Qin Qinghan, never one for violence, was horrified, her face drained of color. She didn't recognize Ye Fengwu but could see his rage stemmed from Qin Shou's attempt to take Jingsi. Why would a stranger do this?

"Son..." Qin Fei's face turned ashen upon seeing his son's state. He shouted at the security guards, "What are you waiting for? Get this bastard!"

Qin Guangnan, seeing his only grandson in such a state, felt a sharp pain in his chest and growled, "Don't hold back. I'll take full responsibility."

The guests were shocked by Qin Guangnan's words. Known for doting on his grandson, Qin Guangnan was clearly furious and wanted Ye Fengwu dead.

The security guards, emboldened by Qin Guangnan's assurance, readied themselves. These were well-trained fighters, accustomed to dealing with troublemakers. But Ye Fengwu wasn't just any troublemaker.

"Get him, brothers!" the lead guard yelled, swinging a baton at Ye Fengwu's head.


Ye Fengwu's icy gaze remained fixed. As the baton neared, he moved.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Each strike was as swift as lightning, each punch and kick carried the force of a lion. As the strongest soldier king, Ye Fengwu's speed made the guards' movements look like slow motion.

Before the guards could land a single blow, Ye Fengwu had already delivered five punches and six kicks. Screams filled the air as the guards were sent flying, crashing into tables and chairs. Each guard had only been hit once, but that was enough to render them unconscious.

In an instant, the hotel fell silent again. Everyone stared at Ye Fengwu in disbelief. He was violent, powerful, and clearly not there to make friends.

Qin Qinghan, naturally gentle and timid, was horrified by the violence, her face turning pale. She didn't know Ye Fengwu, but his rage seemed to be triggered by Qin Shou's attempt to take Jingsi. Why would this stranger do such a thing?

"You..." Qin Fei's face turned from shock to recognition and then to a sneer. "I remember you. You're that rapist."

Eight years ago, Qin Fei had spent two days in detention for harassing a female employee. At that time, he had shared a cell with Ye Fengwu. While Ye Fengwu had ignored him, Qin Fei never forgot the face of the man branded as a rapist.

The word "rapist" spread like wildfire, and the room filled with contemptuous and hateful glances. People despised rapists, and seeing one in the flesh intensified their revulsion.

No one felt this more than Qin Qinghan. Her face paled even more upon learning the truth. The man who had stood up for her daughter was a rapist—the kind of monster who had ruined her life.

She gathered the strength to break free from Yang Yu's grip, grabbed Jingsi, and moved as far away from Ye Fengwu as possible. The fear and loathing in her eyes were unmistakable.

Ye Fengwu hadn't expected his identity to be exposed so quickly. The disdain in Qin Qinghan's eyes was a stark reminder of his past sins.

Qin Guangnan, sensing an opportunity, turned to Qin Qinghan and said, "Today is my birthday and your engagement day. You will marry, whether you want to or not."

"I've already said, I won't abandon Jingsi," Qin Qinghan retorted, her voice firm despite the tremor.

"She is the daughter of a rapist," Zhang Ge added disdainfully. "Our family won't accept her."

Qin Guangnan's face darkened. "If you refuse this marriage, you might as well marry another rapist."

"Are you playing matchmaker for us?" Ye Fengwu interjected, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Everyone was stunned. Qin Qinghan's face twisted in disgust.