
The CEO's Super Bodyguard

Eight years ago, Ye Fengwu was imprisoned on charges of rape. Now, after eight years, he returns to the city as a legendary war hero. When he discovers that the girl who suffered because of him had borne his daughter and is living a life of relentless bullying and misery, his fury ignites, ready to engulf the entire city.

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45 Chs

Chapter 22: The Name of the Blood Wolf King

However, Ye Fengwu kept a calm smile on his face, showing no sign of taking the upcoming fight seriously. This made Li Hu's initial admiration for Ye Fengwu waver slightly.

This man either doesn't think much of me or is just putting on a brave front with no real skills to back it up, Li Hu thought.

Suddenly, Li Hu moved. His heavy military boots left deep imprints on the grass as he launched himself towards Ye Fengwu like an arrow, his iron fists aiming straight for Ye Fengwu's vital spots with deadly precision.

Compared to Chen Nan, Li Hu's power and speed were on a whole different level.

Ye Fengwu nodded in appreciation. Li Hu's speed and strength were nearly at the peak of what muscle power could achieve, making him one of the best even among elite soldiers.

And so, Ye Fengwu moved as well, twisting his waist and swinging his leg.

From the side, Chen Nan watched with wide eyes. Ye Fengwu was using the same whip kick she had tried on him earlier, but his execution was far more fierce and powerful.

Faced with this whip kick, Li Hu didn't dare block it directly. He performed a backflip to evade and then sprang back up with a kip-up, intending to exploit any potential opening from Ye Fengwu's move, just as Ye Fengwu had done to Chen Nan.

But as soon as Li Hu sprang up, Ye Fengwu's leg was already descending from above, aiming for his head.

Ye Fengwu wasn't like Chen Nan. His muscle power had been trained to its absolute limit, making his speed and strength unparalleled. Even a whip kick left no openings for counterattacks.

Following up the whip kick with a downward strike was seamless, leaving no gap for an opponent to exploit.

Seeing this, Li Hu was shocked by Ye Fengwu's speed. He barely managed to roll away in time to avoid the attack.

Still on the ground, Li Hu felt the rush of wind from another attack coming from behind. This relentless barrage of attacks left him with no chance to fight back.

He rolled away again.

A dull thud sounded where he had just been. When Li Hu turned to look, he saw the sewer cover behind him shattered into pieces. Ye Fengwu stood there, smiling at him.

At that moment, cold sweat broke out on Li Hu's forehead. If Ye Fengwu had continued his assault, Li Hu knew he wouldn't have been able to avoid it.

"Not bad," Ye Fengwu said, seeming to compliment Li Hu.

Li Hu slowly stood up, his face still pale with shock. After a long pause, he said earnestly to Ye Fengwu, "If this were a life-or-death fight, how many moves could I survive?"

Ye Fengwu replied calmly, "No more than two."

"Uh..." Li Hu's eyes widened, and a look of defeat spread across his face. He, the three-time king of the Eastern Military District, had lost to someone labeled as a rapist.

And he didn't doubt Ye Fengwu's words. In a life-or-death fight, he wouldn't last two moves against him.

From the villa's rooftop, the bushes, and the hidden cameras around the lawn, three pairs of eyes watched in stunned silence.

Chen Nan, too, was shocked, her hands covering her mouth. As a martial artist herself, she could appreciate the brilliance of their brief but intense exchange. The whole fight lasted less than two seconds but displayed a level of skill and power beyond anything shown in movies or TV.

What shocked her more was the shattered sewer cover. If Ye Fengwu's kick had landed on her, she wouldn't have survived.

Her feelings towards Ye Fengwu became even more complicated, mixed with a sense of anger. How could a rapist possess such incredible skills?

As Chen Nan grappled with her feelings, Ye Fengwu approached her. "Call me brother," he said.

"Uh..." Chen Nan was taken aback, her large eyes filled with anger. "What's so great about having good skills?" she retorted.

"You're backing out of our deal?" Ye Fengwu said through gritted teeth.

Chen Nan bit her lip and finally muttered, "I, Chen Nan, keep my word. Brother Wu."

Ye Fengwu grinned triumphantly. "Good girl. See you around, little sister."

"I'm Chen! Chen Nan, you scoundrel! I'll kick you out of Qinghan's house one day," Chen Nan shouted after him as he walked away.

After Ye Fengwu left, Li Hu approached Chen Zuoshan. His eyes still carried a hint of defeat.

Chen Zuoshan smiled and said, "Losing to him is nothing to be ashamed of."

Li Hu was puzzled but had to ask the question on his mind. "Commander, who exactly is this man?"

Clearly, Li Hu couldn't believe Ye Fengwu was just a criminal.

Chen Zuoshan replied, "He might not know you, but you certainly know him. If I hadn't taken you in as my guard back then, you might have joined the Blood Wolf Special Forces after passing his test."

Li Hu's muscular frame trembled, and his eyes lit up with excitement and disbelief.

"It's him... I had the honor of fighting him. Thank you, Commander. Thank you for telling me," Li Hu said, unable to hide his excitement.

The man was a legend in the military, almost mythical. Few knew his real name, as he was better known by his formidable moniker—the Blood Wolf King.

Years ago, Li Hu had been selected for the rigorous Blood Wolf Special Forces selection process, where the instructor was none other than the Blood Wolf King himself. Many had dreamt of seeing this legendary figure, but Li Hu missed the opportunity by becoming Chen Zuoshan's personal guard.

That missed opportunity had always been a regret for Li Hu. But today, not only had he met the Blood Wolf King, but he had also fought him.

If that man was indeed the Blood Wolf King, then losing to him was only natural.

When Ye Fengwu returned home, it was already seven in the evening. Jing Si opened the door for him.

"Uncle, you're back," Jing Si said sweetly, smiling up at Ye Fengwu.

Ye Fengwu patted her head gently. "Where's your mom?" he asked.

Jing Si pointed towards Qin Qinghan's room, her lips pursed. "Mom's in her room. She's not happy today. Uncle, please don't upset her."

Ye Fengwu's face darkened slightly as he noticed a box of discarded items in the corner of the living room. He immediately understood.

He knelt down to Jing Si's level and said softly, "Uncle will never upset your mom. I'm just going to check on her, okay?"

Jing Si nodded, and Ye Fengwu walked towards Qin Qinghan's room.

The room was dimly lit, with only a bedside lamp casting a soft glow. Qin Qinghan was curled up on the bed, tissues scattered around her.

When she saw Ye Fengwu, she quickly wiped her tears. "You're back. I'll go make dinner."

As she got up and tried to walk past him, Ye Fengwu grabbed her hand.

Qin Qinghan tried to pull away but couldn't. She had to let him hold her hand.

"Qin family is digging its own grave," Ye Fengwu said solemnly.

Qin Qinghan looked at him in surprise and frowned. "Don't get involved in this. I'll find a job tomorrow."

She pulled her hand free and went into the kitchen.

Ye Fengwu had anticipated the Qin family would kick her out. It was all part of his plan. If they didn't push her to the edge, how could he justify retaliating so ruthlessly?

He took out his phone and called Jiang Hao.

"Brother Wu, Qinghan wasn't among the people who came to the project site today," Jiang Hao's voice came through.

"Of course not," Ye Fengwu replied. "They've already fired her."

"What? Those Qin bastards! Brother Wu, just say the word, and I'll destroy them in two days," Jiang Hao said angrily.

Ye Fengwu laughed. "Qinghan is pure-hearted. If we act rashly, it will only make her resent us more."

"But we can't let her suffer like this," Jiang Hao protested.

"Do you think I'll let the Qin family off?" Ye Fengwu said with a smirk. "Starting tomorrow, give them as many projects as they can handle. Just flood them with work. Let's see if they can swallow it all."