
The CEO's Super Bodyguard

Eight years ago, Ye Fengwu was imprisoned on charges of rape. Now, after eight years, he returns to the city as a legendary war hero. When he discovers that the girl who suffered because of him had borne his daughter and is living a life of relentless bullying and misery, his fury ignites, ready to engulf the entire city.

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45 Chs

Chapter 21: Beat Him Up

Facing his fiery-tempered granddaughter, Chen Zuoshan, a man whose influence could shake the entire nation, felt utterly helpless.

Ye Fengwu said, "It seems I'm not welcome here. I should take my leave; my wife is waiting for me to have dinner at home."

With that, he stood up to leave.

The animosity between Chen Nan and Ye Fengwu left Chen Zuoshan at a loss, even though he had hoped to have Ye stay for dinner.

"I'll walk you out," Chen Nan said, wiping the tea from her face with a napkin, her beautiful eyes gleaming with a hint of malice.

Chen Zuoshan, knowing his granddaughter's fiery nature, sensed she was up to no good. However, she had no idea about Ye Fengwu's temperament.

"Nannan, stop fooling around," Chen Zuoshan admonished.

With a scoff and cracking her knuckles, Chen Nan replied, "If a guest is leaving, of course, we should see him out. Otherwise, it would reflect poorly on our family's hospitality."

Seeing this, Chen Zuoshan sternly told Ye Fengwu, "You'd better behave yourself."

As Ye Fengwu reached the doorway, he replied without turning back, "That depends on how well your young miss handles herself."

Chen Zuoshan's warning was clear, but Ye Fengwu's response was equally a retort.

As Ye Fengwu walked to the villa's courtyard, Chen Nan suddenly blocked his path.

With a slight smile, Ye Fengwu teased, "Officer Chen, surely you're not looking for trouble."

After hearing Ye Fengwu's provocation, Chen Nan's eyes flashed fiercely as she limbered up, her knuckles cracking.

"I heard you're quite skilled. Let's have a friendly match," Chen Nan suggested coolly.

Feigning surprise, Ye Fengwu asked, "Oh? And who told you that?"

Caught off guard, Chen Nan snapped, "Enough talk. I just heard it somewhere."

Just then, Li Hu approached and asked, "Miss, what's happening?"

"This doesn't concern you. I'm teaching this man a lesson," Chen Nan snapped.

Li Hu, eyeing Ye Fengwu, noticed a change in the atmosphere. He then addressed Ye Fengwu more respectfully, "Brother Ye, everything okay with the chief?"

The newfound respect in Li Hu's voice didn't sit well with Chen Nan, who retorted, "Li Hu, why so polite? Just watch. If he gets hurt, get a stretcher."

Despite not having fought Ye Fengwu, Li Hu knew from his formidable investigative skills and robust fists that Ye was not someone to trifle with.

Ye Fengwu remained calm, stating, "Let's not. After all, I am a man; how could I strike a woman?"

But Chen Nan was adamant, "Cut the crap. If you lose, you'd better leave Qinghan's family alone and stop bothering her and her mother."

Ye Fengwu's expression darkened at her meddling. Tired of her antics, he proposed, "If you lose, you call me 'Brother Ye' from now on."

Furious but confident, Chen Nan agreed, "Fine, let Li Hu be our witness."

They moved to the lawn. Ye Fengwu suggested, "Let's not trample on people here," and moved to another spot.

Chen Nan, confused by his comment but curious, stomped the soft grass under her feet.

Li Hu watched her actions, his face twitching slightly, thinking: You're in for a tough time, buddy.

"Take this!" As soon as Ye Fengwu settled on the new patch of grass, a powerful kick came flying towards him. Without even looking, he knew the force behind it was substantial, a testament to her training. However, Ye Fengwu's developed muscular strength allowed him to easily sidestep the attack.

Chen Nan's whip kick missed, leaving her stunned. Gritting her teeth, she warned, "You got lucky dodging that. You won't be so lucky next time."

Ye Fengwu, amused, advised, "Officer Chen, a friendly tip: whip kicks aren't suitable against all opponents, especially those quicker than you. It only exposes all your vulnerabilities."

Scoffing, Chen Nan retorted, "I've been trained in martial arts since childhood; I don't need your advice. You just got lucky. If you think I'm flawed, prove it."

Ignoring her belief that his dodge was mere luck, Chen Nan launched another, faster whip kick at Ye Fengwu's cheek. With ease, Ye Fengwu dodged again, and this time when Chen Nan's kick fell, she spun around, ready to strike again.

But Ye Fengwu was already behind her.

Stunned, Chen Nan faced a sudden loud slap that sent her jumping two meters away, her face as red as a ripe apple.

"You... you... you pervert! How dare you hit me?" she yelled, one hand covering her rear.

Ye Fengwu, still smiling, said, "I warned you. Whip kicks aren't effective against faster opponents. Consider that your first lesson."

Humiliated and furious, Chen Nan tried to attack again, but Li Hu intervened, saying, "Miss, you can't win against him."

His words stung, but Chen Nan knew Li Hu's prowess. As the top soldier in the Jidong military district, even ten of her couldn't match him.

Realizing she couldn't defeat Ye Fengwu, Chen Nan ordered, "Li Hu, take him down. I'll handle any consequences."

Li Hu hesitated, "Are you sure about this?"

"Absolutely. You're my grandfather's bodyguard. Will you just stand by while his granddaughter is humiliated?" she demanded.

Li Hu, though reluctant, was also eager to test Ye Fengwu's skills. With Chen Nan's encouragement, he finally said, "Brother Ye, let's have a friendly match."

Ye Fengwu nodded, "Alright."

In an instant, Li Hu's demeanor changed from friendly to fiercely competitive, ready for a serious fight.

As soon as Ye Fengwu took his stance on another patch of grass, a powerful gust of wind rushed towards him. Without turning around, he could sense the force behind the kick. Only someone who had trained for years could deliver such a fierce whip kick.

However, Ye Fengwu's muscles were honed to their peak. With a slight shift of his foot, he easily dodged the sudden attack.

Chen Nan's whip kick missed, leaving her pretty face momentarily stunned. Gritting her teeth, she said, "Lucky you dodged that one. Next time, you won't be so fortunate."

Ye Fengwu smiled playfully, "Officer Chen, here's a friendly tip: Whip kicks aren't suitable for all opponents. Against someone with faster reflexes, a whip kick only exposes all your weaknesses."

Scoffing, Chen Nan retorted, "I've been trained in martial arts since childhood. I don't need your advice. You just got lucky dodging once. If you think I have weaknesses, show me."

Clearly, Chen Nan didn't believe Ye Fengwu had dodged based on skill. Raised with martial arts, unbeaten in the police academy, how could she be ridiculed by a rogue and alleged rapist?

So, Chen Nan moved swiftly and launched another whip kick at Ye Fengwu's face, this time with more force and speed.

Ye Fengwu smirked, "You asked for it."

He leaned back slightly, easily dodging the kick again. As Chen Nan's kick missed, she spun around, ready to attack once more. However, Ye Fengwu had already moved behind her.

Chen Nan's face showed a mix of surprise and confusion.


A loud slap echoed, and Chen Nan jumped back over two meters.

Her face flushed like a ripe apple, she covered her sore backside with one hand and pointed at Ye Fengwu with the other, shouting, "You... you... you pervert! How dare you hit me!"

Ye Fengwu maintained his playful smile, "I warned you. Whip kicks aren't effective against faster opponents. Consider this your first lesson."

Furious and humiliated, Chen Nan tried to attack again, but Li Hu intervened, saying, "Miss, stop. You can't beat him."

Li Hu had been observing Ye Fengwu closely. From his easy dodging of Chen Nan's attacks to his precise exploitation of her weaknesses, it was clear Ye Fengwu was more formidable than he had anticipated.

Despite Chen Nan's prowess in martial arts, in front of Ye Fengwu, she seemed like a child being toyed with.

Li Hu's words were a blow to Chen Nan, but she knew his capabilities well. As the top soldier in the Jidong military district, even ten of her couldn't match his strength.

Realizing she might not be able to defeat Ye Fengwu, Chen Nan pointed at him and ordered, "Li Hu, take him down. If anything goes wrong, I'll take responsibility."

Li Hu looked conflicted, "Are you sure about this?"

"Absolutely. You're my grandfather's bodyguard. Will you just stand by while his granddaughter is humiliated?" Chen Nan demanded, still seething from Ye Fengwu's slap.

Li Hu turned slowly to face Ye Fengwu. He had been itching to test Ye Fengwu's strength, and now, with Chen Nan's encouragement, he had the perfect excuse.

Smiling, Li Hu said to Ye Fengwu, "Brother Ye, how about we have a friendly match?"

Ye Fengwu nodded and smiled, "Sure."

In an instant, the friendly smile vanished from Li Hu's face, replaced by a steely resolve. This intensity only surfaced when he faced a worthy opponent.