
The CEO's Super Bodyguard

Eight years ago, Ye Fengwu was imprisoned on charges of rape. Now, after eight years, he returns to the city as a legendary war hero. When he discovers that the girl who suffered because of him had borne his daughter and is living a life of relentless bullying and misery, his fury ignites, ready to engulf the entire city.

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45 Chs

Chapter 12: Crossing the Line!

Jiang Hao had originally planned a welcome dinner that evening to apologize to Qin Qinghan, but she declined, citing the need to pick up her daughter from school.

So, Ye Fengwu and Jiang Hao arranged to meet the following evening instead. Ye Fengwu needed to uncover more of Haihua City's secrets, as relying solely on Lin Qiang and a few others wouldn't provide enough detail.

Before starting his mission, Ye Fengwu needed to eliminate the Qin family and the Xi Hu Heifeng group from Haihua City as part of repaying his debt to Qin Qinghan for the past eight years.

Driving a basic Chevrolet through the city, Ye Fengwu could clearly hear the engine showing signs of aging.

Given Qin Qinghan's current state of shock, Ye Fengwu volunteered to drive.

"You should have accepted Xiao Hao's Ferrari. That car's worth at least five million," he said.

Qin Qinghan's face remained pale as she stared out the window, her mind lost in thought. The day's events felt like a nightmare; she had almost witnessed the deaths of seven people.

After hearing Ye Fengwu's comment, Qin Qinghan quietly said, "Thank you for today."

A simple thank you made Ye Fengwu smile briefly, but he quickly turned serious and said, "If you're thanking me just because I saved you, then I hope I never hear that again."

Hearing this, Qin Qinghan turned to look at him, wondering if he regretted saving her under such circumstances.

Ye Fengwu spoke earnestly, "Never let yourself be in such danger again. If you get hurt, I couldn't bear it."

Qin Qinghan's pale face was marked by surprise as she looked at him with eyes full of wonder, sensing his deep concern.

If he weren't a convicted criminal, based solely on his actions and words, she might truly have developed feelings for him.

"Promise me, okay?" Ye Fengwu suddenly asked, reaching for her hand on her thigh.

However, as Qin Qinghan moved to brush her hair from her face, his hand landed directly on her thigh. Despite the fabric barrier, he could feel its softness.

Qin Qinghan was taken aback by his audacity and instinctively slapped at his hand.



Her attempt to hit his hand instead landed on her own thigh, causing her to wince in pain.

Ye Fengwu, reacting quickly, withdrew his hand just as she struck.

Seeing this, he nearly laughed, managing the steering wheel with one hand while apologizing, "Sorry, sorry, that was just a reflex. Try again, I won't dodge this time."

Despite his assurances, he shamelessly placed his hand back on her thigh.

Tears welled up in Qin Qinghan's eyes, perhaps from the pain or the indignity, but she did not continue to resist, allowing his hand to remain.

"Do whatever you want; I've resigned myself to it," she said, turning her face back to the window.

That day, she had met the fearsome Eastern Dragon King, who controlled half of Haihua City and was, shockingly, Ye Fengwu's subordinate.

What could she expect now, in his grasp? She only hoped he wouldn't harm her family after tormenting her.

If Ye Fengwu knew her thoughts, he might have driven the Chevrolet right into a ditch.

He was determined to truly win her over and show her he was a man of integrity.

So, Ye Fengwu gave her thigh a gentle squeeze before quickly pulling away, admitting to himself it was just a man's instinctive reaction.

"Don't you want to know about my relationship with Jiang Hao?" Ye Fengwu suddenly asked.

"Not interested," she responded flatly.

His face fell in embarrassment. He had been ready to brag impressively. Wasn't it said that many women loved a flashy, dominant man? Qin Qinghan really was an exception.

Jiang Hao had been Ye Fengwu's close friend from childhood. The two had commendably dropped out of middle school to take part in street fights and collect protection money, influenced by gangster films. Even now, Ye Fengwu regretted those influences, though they seemed glamorous at the time.

By eighteen, Ye Fengwu had made a name for himself in Haihua City's underworld, making many enemies in the process.

Jiang Hao had idolized Ye Fengwu, obeying him almost religiously after Ye Fengwu had saved his life multiple times. Later, he was framed by the son of a rival gang leader and imprisoned on false charges.

Today, she encountered the Eastern Dragon Overlord, a dominant figure in Haihua City, only to find out that this fearsome individual was actually a subordinate of Ye Fengwu.

Captured by him, what could she expect? She just hoped that after he had his way with her, her family would be spared any harm.

If Ye Fengwu knew Qin Qinghan harbored such thoughts, he'd probably drive the Chevrolet straight into a ditch.

He was determined to win her over with his sincerity and prove that he was a true gentleman.

That's why Ye Fengwu, after lightly pinching her thigh—an instinctual male response—quickly retracted his hand.

"Don't you want to know about my relationship with Jiang Hao?" Ye Fengwu suddenly asked.

"Not interested!" replied Qin Qinghan coolly.

Hearing this, Ye Fengwu's face flushed with embarrassment. He had been ready to boast extensively. Didn't many girls like bold and assertive men? Qin Qinghan was certainly different.

Jiang Hao had been Ye Fengwu's close friend since childhood. They both dropped out after middle school to fight and collect protection money, and Ye Fengwu still gritted his teeth over this life choice.

He was really influenced by those old gangster films, though they did have a certain appeal.

By the age of eighteen, Ye Fengwu had already made a name for himself in the underworld of Haihua City, making numerous enemies along the way.

He had saved Jiang Hao's life on more than one occasion. From then on, Jiang Hao idolized Ye Fengwu to the extreme, even obeying him without question.

Later, Jiang Hao was framed by the son of Black Tiger and imprisoned on charges of assault.


Throughout the journey, Qin Qinghan frequently checked the time, visibly anxious.

It was nearly 5:30 PM, time for Jing Si to get out of school, but it was already 5:25 PM and they might not make it on time.

"Drive faster," Qin Qinghan urged Ye Fengwu for the third time.

Pointing to the long line of cars ahead, Ye Fengwu grimaced and said, "Honey, it's a traffic jam."

Qin Qinghan bit her lip, her eyes filled with unspeakable anxiety.

Seeing her like this, Ye Fengwu didn't understand why she was so anxious about a slight delay in picking up their child. "Don't worry, Jing Si is smart. She'll find a safe place to wait for us," he reassured her.

Yet Qin Qinghan's anxiety did not subside, and her hands, clutching her clothes, turned noticeably pale.

This deepened Ye Fengwu's confusion about what she might be so worried about. Could there be trouble with Jing Si?

Thinking this, Ye Fengwu honked the horn forcefully, urging the traffic ahead to move.

It took fifteen minutes to travel less than a kilometer, finally stopping at the elementary school gate Qin Qinghan had mentioned.

Many parents had already picked up their children.

Before the car fully stopped, Qin Qinghan burst out and rushed toward the school gate.

Seeing this, Ye Fengwu quickly followed.

From afar, Ye Fengwu saw a crowd gathered at the gate, including students and many parents.

He heard mocking laughter.

"Qin Jing Si, little bastard, your dad's a rapist, and your mom's a dirty woman."

Ye Fengwu's face darkened ominously as he approached.

In the crowd, Jing Si, her backpack on and her uniform spattered with spit, stood with a face as delicate as a porcelain doll, filled with stubborn grief.

Her eyes shimmered with tears, yet she held them back. Who knew if she faced such humiliation every day?

At least a dozen mischievous children were laughing and taunting Jing Si, with their parents watching on, seemingly unaware of the moral corruption their children were displaying.

A young boy told his mother, "Mom, that's Qin Jing Si. Her mom was raped by a criminal, and she doesn't even know who her dad is."

The boy's mother, despite being only thirty, had sallow skin heavily masked with makeup. She looked at Jing Si with disdain, then affectionately told her son, "Don't play with such dirty kids at school."

"Jing Si…"

At that moment, Qin Qinghan rushed over. Seeing Jing Si's tearful face and disheveled uniform, her heart broke. She fought back her tears, wrapped her arms around Jing Si, and led her away from the crowd.

She couldn't bear to hear any more of their insults.

Dressed in professional attire that perfectly showcased her figure, Qin Qinghan's stunning beauty caught the eyes of many fathers, leaving them in awe. Even some mothers couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy.