
The CEO's Super Bodyguard

Eight years ago, Ye Fengwu was imprisoned on charges of rape. Now, after eight years, he returns to the city as a legendary war hero. When he discovers that the girl who suffered because of him had borne his daughter and is living a life of relentless bullying and misery, his fury ignites, ready to engulf the entire city.

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45 Chs

Chapter 1: Return of the War King

In a spacious office, a middle-aged military officer adorned with three stars on his shoulders sat composedly in a reclining chair. He extinguished his cigarette in the ashtray, his stern face gazing at the young officer standing upright before him.

The young officer stood tall and robust, his skin a healthy wheat color, and his chiseled features exuded a striking handsomeness.

"Ye Fengwu, this mission is arduous. You wouldn't refuse, would you?" The general's tone was calm and composed.

Ye Fengwu's expression remained impassive, his posture rigid as he responded in a thunderous voice, "Commander, do I have the right to refuse?"

Upon hearing this, the general's previously stern expression broke into a half-scolding, half-laughing retort, "Stop playing games with me. Do what you must!"

Ye Fengwu chuckled, a roguish glint in his eye. He casually picked up the half-pack of special cigarettes from the general's desk, lit one, and pocketed the rest.

After a deep drag, Ye Fengwu asked, "Why me?"

The general sighed, "Do you think I want this? You're the only one in our army who's a major general at twenty-six, and the sole instructor of our Blood Wolf Special Forces. If the task wasn't so crucial, the higher-ups wouldn't be sending you back to society."

Pausing briefly, the general's tone turned stern, "Ye Fengwu, you should understand your past. Returning to society means you're no longer the decorated war hero but once again the convicted rapist."

Ye Fengwu smiled indifferently, "It doesn't matter. I was an orphan, ridiculed and humiliated since I was a kid. Growing up poor, I faced endless taunts from neighbors and classmates, which only twisted my psyche further. Fights, extortion – I excelled at them all. So, returning to that life, I can handle it."

"But..." he continued, a shadow of regret crossing his eyes, "It led me to commit an unforgivable act at eighteen."

At sixteen, failing to get into high school, he fell in with thugs. At eighteen, driven by alcohol, he did something against his principles – he raped a girl.

A month after his imprisonment, he was taken away and gradually became the finest war king in China. Yet, the incident haunted him, never forgetting the girl's face.

Exhaling a smoke ring, Ye Fengwu laughed, "So, Old Luo, I owe you for this chance. Without you, I'd still be rotting in prison."

Calling a general "Old Luo" was a liberty only Ye Fengwu dared to take, and he had earned it.

Luo Tianfei, with a lineage from China's prominent Hu Men, was the highest commander of the Blood Wolf Special Forces, the elite of the elite.

The general's face turned serious, "Actually, the one who got you out of prison and into the army was someone else."

"Oh?" Ye Fengwu's brows furrowed in confusion.

Eight years ago, he believed it was Luo's discerning eye that saved him. Was there someone else?

Luo Tianfei continued, "Ye Fengwu, I've always been curious about your true origins. You claim to be an orphan, but an orphan wouldn't have the means to get into the Blood Wolf Special Forces."

Ye Fengwu's frown deepened. Could there be someone else involved? Was it related to his background?

Seeing Ye Fengwu's puzzled expression, Luo Tianfei smiled, "I've searched for a long time. Your past remains a mystery. Perhaps you are just a lucky orphan. I can't help you there, but I can help with your guilt."

Ye Fengwu's eyes brightened.

Luo Tianfei added, "The girl you wronged years ago lives in Haihua City. Her name is Qin Qinghan. She was drugged, which led to your unfortunate encounter. You were likely drugged too."

"Qin Qinghan..." Ye Fengwu murmured, "No wonder her state was so strange back then, and my self-control was so poor. But it's a pity I never saw her face clearly."

"She was once a celebrated gem but now lives a tragic life. She's a high executive at her family's company, with a daughter by her side," Luo Tianfei explained.

Hearing about Qin Qinghan's suffering, Ye Fengwu felt a pang of guilt. Learning she had a daughter gave him some relief. "So, she got married. I hope her life is fulfilling."

Luo Tianfei shook his head, "She had a daughter the year after you wronged her. It nearly got her expelled from her family, leaving her disgraced. You ruined her life!"

"What..." Ye Fengwu stood abruptly, his voice rising. He never imagined causing such immense harm.

An unmarried mother subjected to endless ridicule.

Ye Fengwu's face grew grave, "From today, my life belongs to her and her daughter."

Luo Tianfei sighed, "You should leave soon. Qin Qinghan seems to be in trouble. If you're late, you'll regret it forever."

With a loud crash, Ye Fengwu slammed his fist into the solid wooden table, leaving a dent.

Two days later, at 7 PM, a luxurious hotel in Haihua City's busiest district was filled with opulent banquets. A hummer, exuding luxury, was parked at the entrance, smoke swirling inside. Four men sat in the vehicle, all with wheat-colored skin and muscular builds. Ye Fengwu sat in the back, discarding his cigarette.

"Tell me everything about the Qin family," Ye Fengwu commanded coldly, his icy eyes devoid of emotion.

The man in the passenger seat respectfully replied, "Commander, the Qin family is one of Haihua City's few family enterprises, not the top, but with some clout."

"The current head, Qin Guangnan, is celebrating his 70th birthday today. He plans to marry off his granddaughter Qin Qinghan to a man named Zhang Ge. Zhang Ge's father is a chairman of a large company, not as influential as the Qin family but worth billions."

"But Zhang Ge is a notorious playboy, with a terrible reputation."

The man beside Ye Fengwu added, "Commander, I've heard Qin Qinghan has suffered greatly over the years. The Qin family barely treats her as human, constantly suppressing her and her family."

Ye Fengwu's face turned chillingly cold, "From today, no one will mistreat my woman."

With that, Ye Fengwu stepped out of the car.

"Commander, let us accompany you to make a statement," the driver called out urgently.

The driver, Yang Lu, the passenger, Liu Peng, and the man in the back, Lin Qiang, were all elite members of the Blood Wolf Special Forces, holding the rank of colonel. Despite their youth, they had the authority to mobilize local troops, showcasing the Blood Wolf's might.

Each was a war king in their own right, but they revered Ye Fengwu as a deity.

They were in Haihua City to assist Ye Fengwu, providing any necessary support.

Ye Fengwu shut the car door, "No need. Your identities must remain secret. I'll call if needed."

With that, Ye Fengwu walked towards the hotel's entrance.

Inside, the other banquet tables were lively. Qin Guangnan, in a red Tang suit, was all smiles, continually raising his glass to guests.

In a corner, at the least noticeable table, sat four individuals, or rather, three and a half.

Among them was a girl, about six or seven, with delicate features and large, captivating eyes, making her exceptionally charming. Two small pigtails added to her adorableness.

Next to the girl was a stunning woman, in her twenties. Her long hair cascaded over her shoulders, and despite wearing casual attire, her enchanting beauty shone through, every movement exuding a gentle grace that invoked a desire to protect her.

The woman occasionally glanced at the girl beside her, her eyes filled with an indescribable tenderness, tinged with deep melancholy.