
The CEO's Obsession

Meet Kim Chae Woon, a twenty-five-year-old CEO of a modeling company to which he got transferred. He is heartless due to his heart being shattered by his first love, Choi Ji Soon but then he met Riele Grants who helped him heal his broken heart with her charm until his first love, appeared in his company to work as a model. Meet Riele Grants, a twenty-two-year-old lady, vibrant and cheerful. She works as Kim's assistant. She hated Chae Woon because of his cold personality but when she got closer to him, she found out he was a cold jerk with a warm heart and slowly she found herself falling deeper in love with him. She thought she saw those signs visible in him too not until his first love came and he became a different person. ~~~ "I told you several times, I don't have feelings for you anymore," Chae Woon answered her. She finally got him to talk after pestering him for a long time. How does a person change in such a matter of time? She wondered. "What about everything we shared? The love? The..." "You were nothing but an obsession to me, Riele." he cuts in. Riele looked at the lady beside him who was holding his hand as if her life depended on it. "Are you saying all this because of her? If you..." before she got to finish her words, he pulled Ji Soon closer and kissed her. She got the answer she needed. She was nothing but an obsession he is trying to get rid of. She shouldn't have trusted her heart to handle this situation. She should have used her head instead. She turned around and left with tears in her eyes. The moment she was out of sight, he pulled away from the lady but then he didn't feel those butterflies he felt when he kisses Riele and he wondered why. Is Riele just an obsession he is trying to get rid of or an obsession he can't help but love?

Angel_Lucia · สมัยใหม่
20 Chs

Chapter 017: It Started With A Kiss

"I am pregnant," Charlotte said.

Riele and the two guys in the house looked at her with shocked expressions written on their faces. Riele wasn't shocked about it because she knew the truth already but she was shocked that Charlotte would discuss it without telling her about it.

"What do you mean?" Jay asked. "Is it the same 'pregnant' I know about or is it another word for something I do not know about?"

Charlotte smiled, "it is the same 'pregnant' you know about."

"How many weeks?" Chae Woon asked.

"Four weeks."

"The father?" Chae Woon asked. Charlotte looked at Riele before telling them who the father was. "You are saying Kim Utter is the father? The same Kim Utter I told Riele to get as the male model?" Charlotte and Riele nodded.

"That was why I tried talking you out of it. I don't know what made you change your mind about hiring him but I am glad you didn't," answered Riele.

"I wasn't sure I was ready to face him yet."

"How on earth did it even happen?" Jay asked.

Charlotte breathes in and out before telling her story of how it all started. "Kim and I weren't close because he was a player and I knew he intended to get under every girl's skirt so I avoided him like plague."

"So how come he was able to get under your skirt?" asked Chae Woon.

"It all started June this year, there was a party going on and I was invited by one of my friends and because I didn't want to disappoint her, I went but I saw Kim Utter at the party too"


Charlotte's P.O.V

I got entered the hall where the party was being held and when I tried to avoid Kim seeing me, I saw that he had caught sight of me already and I couldn't hide anymore from him. I sat down on the vacant seat beside him. He turned to look at me with a smile on his face and he said, "I see you didn't come with your handbag today." He smirked. I knew he was talking about Riele so I ignored him.

"Would you care for a drink?" The celebrant, Miranda, asked me but I refused.

"Come on," Kim said. He stood up from where he was sitting and knelt in front of me and placed the glass of wine in his hand into my mouth. Everyone was cheering me to have a sip. They called my name, clapped, and sang. I wanted the torture to end fast so I drank it. "That wasn't so bad now, was it?" I glared at him instead of replying to him.

"Now we are going to play a game of truth and dare. To make it more fun, we will cancel truth and we just get to dare each other." Miranda said in excitement. Some people were against it while others jubilated but I didn't say anything because I had no intention of playing so I sat and watched the game when it began.

A lot of people were dared to do crazy things like give a guy heads and so much crazy stuff like that. I wished I could leave but I was too tipsy to move and I didn't want to embarrass myself. I was trying to catch some sleep when I heard, "Charlotte is your turn." I opened my eyes and saw Kim standing in front of me. I looked at him with a shocking expression on my face. Why is he standing in front of me like that?"

"My turn for what?"

"Kim was dared to kiss you for ten minutes,"

"What?" My eyes and mouth widened in shock. "But I didn't say I was interested."

"Exactly why your name was mentioned. If you had told us you weren't interested, you would have been saved." Kim said with excitement in his voice.

"What if I refuse?"

"You get to drink two glasses of vodka."

I was already tipsy and I needed my sanity to go back home so I agreed to the dare. I stood and he pulled me nearer. I gasped at his body touching mine. This was someone I was avoiding like a plague but now we are just an inch away from each other. I tried to ignore the heat I was feeling and get over the misery. "Just ten minutes," I told them.

Miranda nodded, "we will let you know when the time is up."

I exhaled and closed my eyes while he took the lead. He held onto my waist with one hand and pulled my face closer with his other hand and I felt his warm lips on mine. He was kissing my lips slowly and oftentimes he tried to use his touch to force its way into my mouth but I didn't let him. He pulled away and I turned to ask Miranda, "Is the ten minutes up?" Kim was looking at me and I didn't know why.

"It's just two minutes," Miranda answered.

"What?" The moment I exclaimed and left my mouth agape, Kim pulled me and kissed me with his tongue finding its way in my mouth. The kiss was so intense that I found myself moaning in satisfaction.

"Time's up," Miranda announced. I quickly pulled away and left the party.

Outside was cold and chilly but then my cheeks were burning up. I couldn't tell if it was because of the kiss or maybe I was embarrassed. I was thinking of what I would tell Riele but I decided to keep it a secret. She hates him too much already. I felt a hand grab my wrist and when I turned, I saw Kim staring at me with pleasure and passion in his eyes, or maybe they were nothing but lust. "What do you want?" I asked, trying to pull my hand away from his grip but he held me so tight that my wrist began to hurt.

"That was the best kiss I have ever had."

I looked at him and smiled. "I see you are drunk."

"Drunk in your love baby."

"Let go, Kim." Finally, he set my wrist free.

"I hope we will get to see more of each other. I won't tell Riele about this if I were you." he pecked my cheek and boarded a taxi for me. "See you soon, Mi Amor."

I quickly entered the taxi and left.