
The CEO's Missing Heiress

Emerald had no memory of her real parents except for some painful flashes of a rainy night in a dark forest. In her desire to uncover her identity, she met a handsome devilish man named Seven. What would happen if Seven was not just a handsome jerk but the key to what was missing in her? What if she fell in love only to discover that she was forbidden to love him?

Jyojiko · สมัยใหม่
29 Chs

Skiing Trip

"All ready?"

She nodded awkwardly, feeling foolish in her green dress scattered with tiny white daisies on them. The whole dress looks like a flowering field.

She has no problem wearing the dress but what truly makes her awkward is the way her breasts are pulled and displayed in the square neckline of the dress.

She felt like it was too much. There is no reason for Ridge to see her breast in such a manner but she did not win with Dommie and his wisdom on what to wear and what was necessary to hold Ridge's attention and for her to be the best arm candy for him in front of his associates.

With the way Ridge looked at her, she grudgingly accepted that Dommie was right. The dress indeed held Ridge attention. It kept Ridge's attention on her to the point she felt like a fish in an aquarium. She could not breath, seeing Ridge, staring at her from the corner of her eyes.

"Yes," she replied curtly.

Her throat is dry and itchy. She has the overwhelming urge to hug herself.

"I'm sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable. You look ravishing."

She smiled politely and said nothing. The sincerity in Ridge's voice caught her off guard.

*I'm glad that we are going to the Alps. I would not like to bring you right now to a place where you're going to be seen like that."

She scoffed under her breath.

"I'm just like any other man, Mira. I admire beauty when I see one. And right now, you're the most beautiful in my eyes."

She choked on her saliva and a shaky giggle escaped her parched throat.

"T-thank you. Don't mind me. I'm just not used to it. It's my first time to ride a private plane and I don't know how I'm going to change once the temperature changes."

"Don't worry. There's a suite in the plane. You'll be fine."

Era almost slapped the back of her head with how stupid she sounded. Of course, there is a suite or a room for her to change her clothes. It's a private plane after all.

Because of her mishaps, she kept her mouth shut throughout the flight.

It wasn't difficult to do since Ridge faced his computer as soon as the plane left the runway.

She was left to entertain herself which she prefers because she ended up sleeping for the most part of the flight.

The flight attendant woke her up to remind her to change her clothes for when they were about to take off.

While she was in the plane private suite, she uttered a thanks in her head for Dommie's plan to have all her outfit planned ahead for her. All she had to do was pick the one she was told to wear and she didn't have to worry about anything.

She could imagine her headache if every time she would open her suitcase, she would think of what she should wear.

But with Dommie's brilliant planning, everything is labeled. She just realized the beauty of it all, even though she worries a little for Dommie seems to be too obsessive in terms of packing.

"Who is it?" She asked turning her head when she heard a soft knock.

"It's me."

"Come in. The door isn't locked."

She pushed her luggage by her feet to the foot of the bed as she wait for Ridge to enter the room.

"I see that you are all ready."

She smiled at little and breathed out an awkward breath when Ridge openly watched her from the top of her head to her feet covered with snow boots.

"I see that you have already changed. I'm going to think of your dress the for the rest of this trip. I regretted agreeing to this skiing trip. I should have insisted of meeting in Bahamas."

The sheer disappointment in his face made her burst into a fit of giggles.

"You've already changed as well."

He nodded. "Yes, the pilot will land us at the resort and according to my secretary, the rest of the gang are already itching to ski."

"Maybe it's not too late to remind you that I don't know how to ski?" She arched her brow, waiting for his reaction.

"Don't worry about that. This ski resort has a beautiful lodge with huge windows, offering the whole view of the mountain and some of the girls just stay in the lodge and sip hot chocolate and watch their men froze their asses gliding down the mountain. You can join those girls and report to me what they share about their men."

"Oh?" She raised her brow higher.

"I didn't assume that as part of the job."

"I beg Dommie to get your service again not just because you're pretty but because you have a way of stirring interesting conversation."

Era folded her arms over her stomach and stare at Ridge. His expression meant business.

"Well, I guess I do but then, it always turn out to be an awkward situation."

Ridge stepped forward and chuckle dryly.

"Perfect. Just be you. Don't worry about a thing. This trip is not meant to be perfect."

Her forehead clenched and lines were formed. A hunch was formulating at the back of her mind but she kept those thoughts to herself because she pretty sure Ridge would not like it.

"Let's go."

"Yes, let's go," she replied, taking his offered arm.

She hooked her arm into his crooked elbow and allowed him to lead her out of the room.

Two men in black suit are occupying the seats she vacated when she went to the room to change.

She avoiding looking at them because she was not aware that they are with them when the plane took off.

And Ridge did not introduce them to her. She kept her mouth shut because her guts were telling her that these men were not included to people Ridge wanted her to stir up an awkward conversation.

— — —

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