
The CEO's Missing Heiress

Emerald had no memory of her real parents except for some painful flashes of a rainy night in a dark forest. In her desire to uncover her identity, she met a handsome devilish man named Seven. What would happen if Seven was not just a handsome jerk but the key to what was missing in her? What if she fell in love only to discover that she was forbidden to love him?

Jyojiko · สมัยใหม่
29 Chs


Ridge was telling the truth when he said he was here not to ski but to do business.

Because as soon as they arrived at their room, Ridge went out to meet some business associates. She was left to do her own thing.

And since she wasn't interested to ski, nor to take pictures that could incriminate her in the future, she found herself sitting alone in a coffee shop with a copy of a psychological thriller book she found in their room.

She was scanning the synopsis of the book while waiting for her coffee when someone dragged the chair opposite her.

"Excuse me," she said, lifting her eyes from the back of the book.


Words got stuck at the back of her throat when her eyes met Seven's grinning face.

She watched him lower himself to the chair as if they were acquaintances who agreed to meet up for a cup of coffee.

"Hello, my second best. The next race is near and yet, you are here," he said, taunting, looking behind her as if he was expecting to see someone with her.

She didn't say anything even though it was quite obvious that he was looking to see if she's alone or not.

"I see that you're snobbish outside as well."

Era clenched her teeth as she tried not to show the panic that she was experiencing. She had no idea how she should deal with this obnoxious jerk.

She watched him call for the waiter and asked for some breakfast same as hers.

She gritted her teeth, looking at the huge plate of toast, shrimp omelette, and crispy bacon on the sides, with a bowl of fresh berries.

She came to this cafe to be alone and in her attempt to just enjoy the perks of being Ridge's escort, she ordered a huge breakfast.

She was not really hungry. She was feeling silly and just get whatever that would bill a lot into Ridge's room.

But now, with Seven grinning like a Chester cat, she regretted ordering all of the food that was on her plate when all she really wanted was coffee.

"You're not going to eat?"

She exhaled an exasperated sigh and rolled her at eyes at him.

Instead of answering his question, she picked up her cup of coffee and took a sip. She flipped the front cover of her book and start reading.

She scanned the first page of the book, not understanding any of the words that were floating on the paper.

"You should read his book The Door to December. Dean Koontz knows his business when it comes to psychological thriller."

Era dropped her book in shock when Seven leaned forward and spoke inches away from her face. His minty breath was fanning her face which suddenly flared up, her face was flushed like she had been sitting under the sun and not in a warm coffee shop, and her body was covered in thick winter clothes with how her body heats up as a reaction to what Seven did.

"What do have want?!" She snapped at him, slapping her hand on the glossy cover of the book she was pretending to read.

The couple in the next table stopped romancing each other and threw them a curious look with the sound her hand made when she slapped the book.

Her voice also rose a bit higher enough for them to be curious on what was happening on their table.

"Can you get a hint?"

"I can," he said nonchalantly, leaning back on his chair and folded his arms over his chest as if she wasn't about to lose her patience on him.

He was acting like he was going to stay longer and was ready to engage in a long conversation.

She didn't want to talk to him. He belong ina different part of her life. She didn't want him to know that she was in this members only ski resort as a paid escort to a man she didn't really know.

She wanted Seven to be part of her racing life and that's all. Even in the racetrack, she wished to avoid him at all cost which was impossible since he was right with his taunting. She's his second best.

And the two of them are bound to meet in the racetrack. Trez is training her as him as the main opponent in mind.

"Just leave, please."

She scoffed inwardly when she saw a slight disappointment in Seven's face.

It seems like he was expecting her to engage with him in a verbal match. She wants too but the way his long legs keep on touching her feet under the table, she can't think straight to form a coherent sentences.

"You're hurting me. I thought we are friends and we can talk about the upcoming race. You're playing again, do you?"

Era gritted her teeth in annoyance. It's clear that Seven was trying her patience. She had no idea why and she wasn't interested to find out.

She wished him to be gone. She's working and she didn't want him to know the nature of her other job.

"As I said, leave," she said in a tone of voice void of any emotion.

"You heard what my woman said, leave."

Era straightened her back when she heard Ridge's voice. She felt a coldness crept up her spine when Ridge's hand rest on her right shoulder.

"Fancy seeing you here."

She gawked at the two men stare at each other. She watched with worry sitting at the pit of her stomach with the palpable tension between them.

"I don't."

Era stood up from her chair and circled her arm around Ridge's waist.

"I want to ski now," she declared out of the blue to cut the staredown between the two.

It's clear in their exchange of words that they knew each other and they are not friends. Making things awkward.

She pinched Ridge's waist when he didn't budge.

"Sure, honey."

She pressed her cheek on Ridge's shoulder, twisting her body halfway, facing Ridge and whispered in his ear.

"Thank you. I'll explain things later."

— — —

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