
He Vomited Blood

บรรณาธิการ: Larbre Studio

He Xiyan felt tears prick at her eyes. She looked at Yuan Yuan and tears could be seen in her clear eyes. 

She was extremely comforted by the fact that her children were both very clever and obedient. 

Mo Yixuan didn't have much of an appetite either. He hadn't been eating well since he lost his mother and he had lost a lot of weight as a result. Now that Yuan Yuan was about to leave, he felt even more disinclined to eat. 

He looked at the woman in front of him, the love of his life, the mother of his child, and his wife. Strictly speaking, she was no longer his wife but to him, she had always been his wife. The greatest mistake he had ever made in his life was abandoning the woman he loved the most, the woman who once loved him most; and now, he would spend the rest of his life regretting his decisions.