
The CEO's Dumb Lover

Living on the streets and stealing to survive. Elena meets Darren Hamilton when she stole from him. After she sets her eyes on him, she finds herself wanting to live with him. Darren Hamilton, the CEO of Maple Inc took in the strange girl to live in his mansion. A dumb girl with no last name, family or friends. Despite her being unable to talk, he soon falls for her. Loving the strange girl, he gets to know that she has a family and also finds out why she lost her voice. Elena cling to Darren but soon, she learns how to fight and survive without him. Instagram: faithanna_j

faithanna_justin32 · สมัยใหม่
25 Chs

Judging Matters

After the two were done eating, Darren carried Elena back to her room.

"When she's asleep, the three of you should come to her room. I guess you all have matters to report," Darren said.

Kyle, Dan and the butler nodded their head. They couldn't wait to tell their boss about Vivian, especially Dan.

Elena stare at Darren as he head towards her room. She wanted to speak but she couldn't.

Sensing her movement Darren then said " I'm not leaving you alone. Can you tell me about your days on the streets?"

Elena felt uneasy but she still nodded and held onto his neck tightly.

Darren brought Elena to her room and placed her on the bed. Elena slid into the duvet and laid her head on the pillow while staring at Darren who sat on the foot of the bed.

He switch on the iPad and passed it to her. "Can you use the notepad?" He asked.

Elena nod her head and took the iPad from him before she sat up.

Darren stood from where he was sitting and came to stand at her front, he used the pillow to support her from behind before sitting down.

"How long have you been on the streets?" He wanted to know.

Elena blinked before tapping on the iPad.

[I don't know. I can't even remember]

Darren looked at the iPad and sighed. "You can't remember? How old were you then? Can you tell how old?"

Elena shook her head. [Fifteen years old. I know my name and age but I don't remember the rest]

Darren nod and patted her head "Okay. Everything's going to be alright," he encouraged the girl.

Just then, Dan barge into the room and was soon followed by Kyle and the butler.

Darren frown his face and glared at them. "What are you doing?" He was now angry with these dull people who can't understand simple english.

"Bo... Boss we thought she's asleep," Dan said and look at his feet.

"Who's we. You said the girl might've slept," Kyle pushed the blame back to Dan.

"Why are you blaming me!" Dan said harshly.

"You two are making a noise in here," Darren said and they immediately shut up.

Elena sat quietly and watch in excitement, there was no sign of sleep in her eyes.

"Now tell me what happened while I was away," Darren straighten up and looked at the three.



They said simultaneously. Dan's face twisted, he wanted to tell Darren about Vivian first.

"Butler Jan, you first," Darren pointed out.

"Thank you master. The Lady," The two brothers held their breath as they wait in anticipation if the butler would mention about Vivian.

"...Dinah said she would visit the mansion during the weekend. Lady Charlotte sent a message that she would like to see you after your return," The butler said truthfully and omitted Vivian's so the brothers could have it.

Darren nodded but he wondered why his mother want to visit.


Dan eyes grew wide. If Kyle tell Darren about Vivian, what would he say?

"Winston's health has improved. I also caught the blackmailer and his cohorts, they're in the headquarters. It took three days to find them," Kyle said and looked at his brother.

Dan smiled. At least they let him have the sweetest part.

Darren then shifted his eyes to Dan and saw the fella grinning at him.

"Dan... I am sure yours is interesting?" Darren asked.

"Yes. Lady Vivian visited," Dan said and Darren was caught off guard.

"Vivian visited the mansion?" Darren wasn't pleased to hear this part, he subconsciously glance at Elena who was staring at him.

He pinch the space between his brows and gestured for Dan to go on.

"She was the lady that hit Elena the other day, the maidservant confirmed it. Vivian also remembered the maidservant and she grew more suspicious," Dan said proudly.

"Suspicious as how?" Darren was confused.

The butler shook his head in exasperation. Dan was jumping from one incident to another.

"We took Elena to her room before Vivian was let in. She recognized the maidservant." Dan drawled.

"Okay." Darren sighed and dismissed them.

Elena watch in silence as Darren run his finger through his hair. She flinch a little when he pulled at it.

Darren saw the hem of her nightdress through his fingers. When he raised his head, Elena sat on his lap and hug him.

He was astonished that she was trying to console him. He drew her to himself and tighten his hold on her.

When Dan said Vivian was the lady who hit her, he was shocked that Vivian would do that. Darren had known Vivian for a long time, she was the most gentle and generous girl he had met till now.

"I'm okay. It's late, you should sleep," he patted her back but Elena didn't bulge.

It was when he felt her breath turned even did he realize she had fallen asleep.

Darren carried her carefully and laid her on the bed. He smiled when he felt her hand tighten around his neck. Even in her sleep, she doesn't want to let him go.

He covered her body perfectly with the duvet and laid beside her.

Darren ran his slender fingers through her hair, he moved his finger and trailed it down her face. He caressed her lips and wished she'd speak in the future.


Dan blocked his brother before he could step into his room.

"What? Why are you blocking my way or do you want to throw more curses on me?" Kyle asked while arching his brows.

Dan scratch his neck and hesitated. "You didn't tell boss about Vivian because...,"

"Don't be a pup, Elena's assigned to you. Anything related to her is your business and not mine. You don't have to thank me," Kyle said harshly and step into his room before shutting the door with a bang.

Dan felt crying. He knew Kyle purposely skipped Vivian's matter because of him. He turned and walk to his room with a heavy heart.

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