
The CEO's Dumb Lover

Living on the streets and stealing to survive. Elena meets Darren Hamilton when she stole from him. After she sets her eyes on him, she finds herself wanting to live with him. Darren Hamilton, the CEO of Maple Inc took in the strange girl to live in his mansion. A dumb girl with no last name, family or friends. Despite her being unable to talk, he soon falls for her. Loving the strange girl, he gets to know that she has a family and also finds out why she lost her voice. Elena cling to Darren but soon, she learns how to fight and survive without him. Instagram: faithanna_j

faithanna_justin32 · สมัยใหม่
25 Chs


It was weekend. Darren didn't go to his company because his mother would visit today.

"You hungry?" he asked Elena while cuddling her.

For the past days he had gotten used to being with her. Always cuddling her and even now he knows she can do things herself, he'd still feeds her and he finds it interesting.

Elena shook her head and buried her face in his chest while he browse his email.

Darren stop what he was doing when he felt her small fist on his chest. He look down and saw her blinking at him. "What?" he was now staring into her black eyes.

She took her newly bought whiteboard and scribbled on it.

[Why is your chest so strong]

Darren blinked before chuckling, "I'm a man," he answered.

Elena wasn't satisfied and pointed at her chest [Mine is soft]

Darren's ears turn pink🙈 and he quickly look away from her chest. "Because you're a woman," he replied awkwardly. He didn't see that coming.

Elena saw he was uncomfortable so she sat up from his body but Darren pulled her back, "Don't worry, I'm alright," Darren said and stare at the girl.

Their gaze locked with each others, Darren couldn't believe this girl made him feeble like this.

Darren cleared his throat and looked away. He just remembered she said she would leave after sometime here.

"Are you still leaving?" His voice was quite low.

Elena nodded her head and picked her whiteboard,

["yes. You said I'll leave after sometime right?]

Darren felt a pang in his chest, he didn't want to let her go.

Elena saw the concerned expression on his face and scribbled again. [I'll be alright, you don't have to worry about me]

She touch his face, Elena have never had this kind of feeling she was having now. A feeling that kept growing everyday she's with him, a feeling of longing when he's not with her.

Darren couldn't take it anymore "How could I not worry about you?" His voice was raspy.

[You're good to me. That made you special in my heart. You have to move on when I'm gone]

Darren felt a stone was pushed down his throat. He gaze the little body in his arms and hug her tightly. Elena also embraced him, she wanted to be with him but it was impossible. He has family and people who loves him not like her who doesn't have any.

"Okay. I hope you don't forget me in that little heart of yours," he said and ran his fingers through her silky black hair. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, her beauty was charming and alluring.

Darren didn't say it to her that he'd make her stay with him, he promised in his heart that she won't leave him.

When he raised his head from staring at her, he was surprised to see who was standing outside his room.

"Mother? When did you come?" he was shocked.

Mrs. Hamilton stood there like a stone. She was shocked to her marrows when she saw Darren embracing a girl he was cuddling.

She quickly placed her finger on her lips to stop Darren from talking. "I came awhile ago and didn't expect to see you so romantic," she said with a low voice. She smiled and shut the door.

Darren exhaled and gaze at Elena who was feeling sleepy. "My mom's around so be good okay?"

Elena nod and stood from his body, she lay on his bed and Darren draped the duvet over her. "I'll be back," he said and stare at her.

Elena smiled and raised the hair that felled to his face. Darren lean and kissed her on her forehead before he spun on his heels to leave the room.

Elena was dumbstruck and embarrassed at the same time.



Dinah sat on the couch inside the living room. Vivy had told her what happened in her son's mansion and she came to find out for herself only to see Darren embracing another girl.

"You should've informed me that you arrived rather than spy on me" Darren complained as he didn't like how his mother barge into his privacy.

The woman stood from where she was sitting and walk towards her annoying son. "You brat! You didn't tell us you've found a wife!" Mrs. Hamilton exclaimed and pinch Darren's ear.

"She's not my wife. You don't want a daughter-in-law like her," Darren blurted.

Mrs. Hamilton frown "What do you mean?"

"She doesn't speak..."

"I saw that, she uses a whiteboard." Mrs. Hamilton said and slump on the couch.

"But you don't care Darren. I see you love her. Don't you?" She searched his eyes for any expression but she found none.

Darren still at what his mother said. "I won't disturb you again. Jan told me everything, I should leave," the woman's little hope on her son faded completely.

"Do you want a daughter-in-law like her?" Darren chose his words wisely.

"Darren you're my son. A CEO and chairman of the Hamilton group, you going for her is your choice. You chose her because she's good for you, I hope she finds her family soon." Dinah said and left the living room.

Darren sighed in relief. 'It seems things is going to get interesting' he thought as he head back to his room.


Elena hid inside the garage and peeped for the man who was chasing her but she couldn't find him.

She ran out of her hiding towards another street. A plump man suddenly came out from a corner and smirk at the young girl.

Elena halt on her steps, she clench the little bag on her hands tightly and look over her shoulder cautiously.

"Little girl you should not steal from people like us," the plump man said and laughed violently.

She wanted to run away but the man suddenly grabbed her hair and pushed her against the wall which was followed by ring of laughters.

Elena was pushed against the wall much harder this time. She couldn't yell or call for help as the man hit her head against the wall furiously.

Soon, her face was covered in blood. The killing pain was too much as she sobbed quietly.

"Damn bitch!" Another man said and kicked her stomach heavily.

Elena spat blood and passed out.


To the present,

Elena jolted up from her sleep and felt a warm body embrace her. "Don't be scared I'm here," Darren patted her back.

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