
The CEO’s Paranoid and Spoiled Wife

Ye Wanwan, in her past life, had a husband who neither loved her nor was close to his son. Upon rebirth, she had an epiphany; she would not wholeheartedly and recklessly love someone again. She decided to let herself go, no longer restraining herself, and began to do whatever she wanted to do. Shen Yi was busy with work, especially after being appointed by his father to establish an overseas branch. He hadn't returned home for two months, nor had he seen his wife. On his wife's birthday, he made a special trip back to the country, but learned from a servant that his wife had gone to a singer's concert. Shen Yi didn't even see her and left that same night. On their wedding anniversary, Shen Yi came back to the country again, only to find his wife throwing a pool party with a bunch of fair-weather friends at their villa, ending up drunk. He didn't even get a chance to speak a few words to her before he had to leave once more. Having initially completed the establishment of the overseas company, Shen Yi officially returned to the country. The day before returning, he even called home to check with the servants, making sure that his wife was at home and planning to pick him up from the airport the next day, feeling a faint sense of happiness. The next day, Shen Yi saw his wife, dressed in a revealing camisole and shorts, looking youthful and energetic at the airport. However, his wife was squeezed among a crowd, shouting at a man wearing sunglasses, "Husband!" Shen Yi, with a stern face, asked his visibly embarrassed assistant, "When did I get divorced?" [This sweet tale is free if it's not sweet! The female lead is a pure white flower who can't conquer all enemies, but there will be a little bun in the later stages!]

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289 Chs

Chapter 13 She Has Psychological Issues

But she didn't want to repeat the life of her last lifetime; she felt it was very painful, and Shen Yi must have been tired too, even Zhouzhou resented her.

Thinking of this, Ye Wanwan couldn't help but have her eyes redden; she knew that all of this was because her possessiveness was too strong and because she was too stubborn.

In her past life, Ye Wanwan wouldn't admit it, but now she had to acknowledge that there was something wrong with her mentality!

This time, she wouldn't run away; she would seek medical help and take her medication properly.

In this lifetime, she must not repeat the same mistakes at any cost.

However, the marriage between her and Shen Yi was tied up in too many complexities; it certainly couldn't just be brought to an end that easily.

And Zhouzhou—if she separated from Shen Yi, then her Zhouzhou probably wouldn't come to her side again.

She wasn't a good mother in her last life; Zhouzhou didn't like her at all, but she still loved Zhouzhou. She had always loved him deeply; it was just that she had loved him in the wrong way.

Ye Wanwan lay back on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling until the light hurt her eyes. When she came back to her senses, she couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

She would still be with Shen Yi. Maybe she would still love him a lot, but she wouldn't love him recklessly like before, treating him as her everything.

At this thought, tears unexpectedly slid down her cheeks. It was, after all, the man she loved deeply; letting go now still made Ye Wanwan feel uncomfortable.

As for Zhouzhou, if she was lucky enough to still be his mother, she would definitely learn from her past life's experience and never again use her so-called love to hurt him.

She would work hard to learn how to be a good and qualified mother.

After clarifying her thoughts, Ye Wanwan felt much lighter.

She got out of bed, barefooted, walked into the dressing room to grab a set of pajamas, and then went straight to the bathroom to shower.

After the bath, as Ye Wanwan sat at the dressing table applying skincare products, she couldn't help smiling as she looked at her youthful reflection in the mirror.

She would cherish the chance for a do-over that Heaven had given her.


Three days later.

Shen Yi returned from a trip with his team, travel-weary. He first went to the company to hand over work, and only after all the work was done, did he return home.

Ye Wanwan had just finished dinner and was taking a walk in the garden to aid digestion. Noticing the roses in the garden were in full bloom, she stepped into the garden, planning to pick some to place in a vase.

Suddenly, she heard the sound of a car, instinctively looked up, and then saw a car drive into the villa, stopping in the vacant space in front of the house. Once the car was parked, Ye Wanwan saw Shen Yi getting out of the car.

The easy smile on her face froze as she watched Shen Yi step down from the car, and she became cautious.

Eyes meeting, Ye Wanwan fiercely swallowed and then greeted him with feigned calm, "You're back."

"Yeah," Shen Yi nodded. He looked a bit tired but didn't head straight for the villa; instead, he walked toward Ye Wanwan.

"There are a lot of thorns on the flowers. Be careful not to scratch yourself," Shen Yi reminded her.

Ye Wanwan subconsciously looked at her own ankle, thinking she had already been scratched by the thorns and feeling inexplicably guilty.

It was already dark, and the garden was lit only by warm orange lights. It wasn't very bright, and one could easily get caught by the thorns if not careful.