
The Celestial Phoenix: Rebirth of a Martial Goddess

"The Celestial Phoenix: Rebirth of a Martial Goddess" is an enthralling wuxia tale set in a fantastical land teeming with martial arts experts, legendary monsters, and the pursuit of vengeance. The story follows the journey of a brilliant and peerless beauty named Li Xuehua, who was tragically killed by the most formidable monster in the land, the Shadow Dragon. Consumed by a burning desire for revenge, Li Xuehua meets an untimely end, vowing to return stronger and gather the most powerful martial artists to aid her cause. Miraculously, Li Xuehua is reincarnated as a baby, retaining memories of her past life. As she grows older, she diligently cultivates her skills, harnessing an innate talent for martial arts and unlocking her hidden potential. Guided by her past experiences, Li Xuehua embarks on a quest to locate the most skilled and brilliant martial artists she encountered in her previous life, in order to both learn from them and enlist their aid in her future endeavors. Throughout her journey, Li Xuehua forms a close-knit group of male followers, each a prodigy in their own right. Unbeknownst to her, these followers fall deeply in love with her, creating a captivating reverse harem dynamic. However, the oblivious Li Xuehua remains focused on her ultimate goal of exacting vengeance upon the Shadow Dragon, oblivious to the romantic affections that surround her. As the story progresses, Li Xuehua and her loyal followers face numerous trials and challenges, battling monstrous creatures and formidable adversaries. Together, they grow stronger, forming an unbreakable bond as they train, learn, and evolve. Amidst the battles and dangers, a main love interest emerges, captivating the readers' hearts and leaving them torn as to who among her devoted followers will eventually win her affections.

emjhie · แฟนตาซี
46 Chs

The Return of Jushi Rong

In the genius class classroom, anticipation filled the air as Li Xuehua and Mei Dong basked in the glow of their recent duel. Their excitement was interrupted by the arrival of a mysterious figure dressed in all black. It was Jushi Rong, the enigmatic genius of martial arts and assassination.

Jushi Rong, with his jet-black hair, piercing black eyes, and pale complexion, exuded an aura of darkness and secrecy. He had been studying in the genius class for two years before being called back home to resolve conflicts within his assassin guild. Now that the conflicts had been settled, he had returned to continue his studies.

As Jushi Rong entered the classroom, his gaze fell upon a beautiful child sitting in his usual chair. Next to her was Mei Dong, engaged in lively conversation. It was the first time Jushi Rong had seen Mei Dong so genuinely happy. The beautiful child and Mei Dong immediately noticed his presence.

Mei Dong greeted him warmly, "Jushi Rong, welcome back. I hope everything is well at your home." Jushi Rong, not one for many words, simply nodded in response, his attention focused on the captivating child sitting next to Mei Dong.

Mei Dong proceeded with introductions, "Jushi Rong, this is Li Xuehua. She cleared the 50th floor of the tower. Li Xuehua, this is Jushi Rong, my best friend. We both passed the tower twelve years ago."

Jushi Rong was taken aback. This seemingly delicate girl was a monster in the tower? Memories of his own challenging journey flooded back, the close encounters with danger and the ants that had nearly taken his life on the 43rd floor. He couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and respect for Li Xuehua's incredible feat.

Li Xuehua, unaware of Jushi Rong's internal thoughts, bowed politely and greeted him, "Nice to meet you, older brother Jushi Rong."

Jushi Rong's heart skipped a beat. It was the first time someone had called him brother. Li Xuehua, considering Mei Dong her older brother, extended the same honor to Jushi Rong, recognizing the deep bond he shared with Mei Dong.

Just as the atmosphere settled, Grandmaster Mao, Master Ting, and a new teacher named Master Dong entered the classroom. Master Dong, specializing in the power of poison, instantly caught Li Xuehua's attention. She couldn't help but shiver, remembering tales from her past life about a figure known as the King of Poison Rong.

In her previous life, the King of Poison Rong was feared by all, with the mere mention of his name striking terror into the hearts of even peak-level martial artists. His lethal poisons were said to be capable of taking lives effortlessly. Li Xuehua's gaze turned to Jushi Rong, whose eyes seemed as dark as the night itself. The thought crossed her mind—could Jushi Rong and the King of Poison Rong be one and the same? The answer remained elusive, as the true identity of the King of Poison Rong remained a mystery to all.