
The Celestial Phoenix: Rebirth of a Martial Goddess

"The Celestial Phoenix: Rebirth of a Martial Goddess" is an enthralling wuxia tale set in a fantastical land teeming with martial arts experts, legendary monsters, and the pursuit of vengeance. The story follows the journey of a brilliant and peerless beauty named Li Xuehua, who was tragically killed by the most formidable monster in the land, the Shadow Dragon. Consumed by a burning desire for revenge, Li Xuehua meets an untimely end, vowing to return stronger and gather the most powerful martial artists to aid her cause. Miraculously, Li Xuehua is reincarnated as a baby, retaining memories of her past life. As she grows older, she diligently cultivates her skills, harnessing an innate talent for martial arts and unlocking her hidden potential. Guided by her past experiences, Li Xuehua embarks on a quest to locate the most skilled and brilliant martial artists she encountered in her previous life, in order to both learn from them and enlist their aid in her future endeavors. Throughout her journey, Li Xuehua forms a close-knit group of male followers, each a prodigy in their own right. Unbeknownst to her, these followers fall deeply in love with her, creating a captivating reverse harem dynamic. However, the oblivious Li Xuehua remains focused on her ultimate goal of exacting vengeance upon the Shadow Dragon, oblivious to the romantic affections that surround her. As the story progresses, Li Xuehua and her loyal followers face numerous trials and challenges, battling monstrous creatures and formidable adversaries. Together, they grow stronger, forming an unbreakable bond as they train, learn, and evolve. Amidst the battles and dangers, a main love interest emerges, captivating the readers' hearts and leaving them torn as to who among her devoted followers will eventually win her affections.

emjhie · แฟนตาซี
46 Chs

The Day of Selection

Excitement buzzed through the village as the much-awaited day of the selection arrived. Children from all corners of the village gathered at the central square, their hearts pounding with anticipation. The atmosphere crackled with energy as whispers of dreams and aspirations filled the air.

Li Xuehua and Xin Tiu stood among the crowd, their eyes scanning the gathering of participants. Other children, fueled by their own ambitions, prepared themselves for the challenges ahead. Even the three bullies who had once tormented Li Xuehua found themselves caught in the fervor of the occasion, but upon seeing Li Xuehua, their fear overshadowed their desire to prove themselves and decided not to participate anymore.

Li Xuehua's parents, Tian Wei and Li Hua, stood among the spectators, their eyes beaming with pride as they watched their daughter. Tian Wei, a strong and sturdy man with a kind smile, patted Li Hua's hand reassuringly. "Our little Li Xuehua has grown into such a remarkable child," he said, his voice filled with a mix of pride and affection.

Xin Tiu's parents, Xin Tang and Xiao Mei, were also present, their eyes filled with anticipation as they watched their son. Xin Tang, a humble and hardworking man, clasped his wife's hand tightly. Xiao Mei smiled warmly, her gaze fixed on Xin Tiu's eager face. "He has grown so much under Li Xuehua's guidance. I can't help but feel grateful for her presence in his life."

As the crowd mingled, Li Xuehua overheard snippets of conversation circulating among the bystanders, discussing the village chief, Master Zhi, a revered martial artist known for his formidable skills. Curiosity piqued, she eavesdropped on a conversation nearby:

Bystander 1: "Have you heard about Master Zhi? They say he possesses the strength of ten men and can defeat any opponent with a single strike."

Bystander 2: "Yes, I heard he once challenged a group of bandits single-handedly and emerged victorious without a scratch. His martial arts prowess is legendary."

Bystander 3: "I've seen him in action before. It's like he's one with the wind, swift and powerful. They say he can break stones with a single blow."

Bystander 4: "Master Zhi's discipline is unparalleled. They say he has trained for decades, dedicating his life to the pursuit of martial arts perfection. He is the epitome of what a true warrior should be."

The whispers of awe and admiration for Master Zhi filled the air, reaching Li Xuehua's ears and fueling her curiosity. However, a tinge of sadness also touched her heart as she remembered her previous life and the tragic fate that befell Master Zhi.

In a quiet moment of reflection, she thought to herself, "It's a pity that in my past life, Master Zhi was unable to defend our village against the onslaught of the thousand trolls. He fought valiantly, but their numbers overwhelmed him."

Suddenly, a hush fell over the square as Master Zhi, a figure of great stature and presence, made his way to the raised platform. His commanding presence silenced the crowd, and all eyes turned to him, eager to catch a glimpse of the legendary martial artist.

Master Zhi stood tall, his physique exuding strength and wisdom. His hair, streaked with strands of silver, framed a face etched with the marks of countless battles. His eyes, sharp and penetrating, seemed to hold the weight of a lifetime's worth of experience.

As Master Zhi's commanding presence took center stage, his voice reverberated through the square, commanding the attention of all. Every word he uttered carried the weight of authority, resonating with a sense of purpose and tradition.

"Welcome, esteemed participants," his voice boomed, filling the air with power and resonance. "Today, we gather not only to select a worthy representative for our village but to pave the path for greatness. The chosen child will have the honor of training at the prestigious Wulong martial arts school."

A hush fell over the crowd as Master Zhi's words sank in. Whispers of excitement and anticipation spread like wildfire, fueled by the prospect of what awaited the chosen one at the martial arts school. The school was renowned for its rigorous training, honing the skills of young warriors to perfection. It was a place where discipline and dedication forged legends, where potential blossomed into true mastery.

Within the walls of the martial arts school, the selected child would undergo a transformative journey. They would learn from esteemed masters, immerse themselves in the ancient arts, and face formidable challenges that would test their limits. The school's rich history and revered reputation were known far and wide, attracting martial artists from all corners of the realm.

Master Zhi's gaze swept across the eager faces, his voice infused with pride and purpose. "Remember, young warriors, the path that lies ahead is not an easy one. It demands unwavering commitment, unyielding discipline, and the relentless pursuit of self-improvement. Only those who embody the true spirit of martial arts shall prevail."

Master Zhi's gaze swept across the crowd, his eyes settling on each participant. "Form a line," he commanded, his voice firm and unwavering. With a mixture of excitement and trepidation, the children obeyed, aligning themselves in a straight row. Li Xuehua stood tall, her gaze fixed on Master Zhi.

Upon hearing this, the crowd stirred with excitement. Li Xuehua couldn't help but notice the snickers and sneers directed her way. Among the participants, she was the only female, and some viewed her presence as an oddity, a source of amusement.

However, Xin Tiu's protective instincts kicked in. Anger flashed in his eyes as he stepped forward, shielding Li Xuehua from the mocking glances and laughter. His stance conveyed his unwavering support and loyalty to his friend, and his determination to prove their doubters wrong.

"Don't mind them," Li Xuehua reassured Xin Tiu, her voice calm and serene. Her beautiful, childish face radiated a sense of inner peace and unwavering confidence.

As Master Zhi's perceptive eyes scanned the line, they widened in surprise and intrigue. Among the aspiring martial artists, he saw a young girl—Li Xuehua. It was a rare sight indeed, for never before had a girl participated in the selection process in their village.