
Chapter 78 - Daughters of Darkness

As Kalinda spoke next, Kayla did as the other woman instructed. “Pick up the wand and tap the altar with its base nine times, setting the wand back on the altar when you’re finished. This now purifies the area around your altar.”

Kayla set the wand back on the altar and stood straighter, taking a deep cleansing breath. She could feel the elements around her, their magic reaching out to her, expecting something.

“Now, remember each direction coincides with an element. Each of the tools on your altar resembles one of those elements: the wooden bowl of soil signifying Earth, obviously, the chalice of water, of course Water, the wand, Air, and the athame represents Fire. Pick up one at a time, facing the proper direction and asking your spirit animal of that direction to enter through that ward of your circle, sharing with you its insight and wisdom of their element, both in the spirit world as well as the physical realm.”