
Chapter 2

I know what to do now, but first, even with no emotions I can tell how amazing, beautiful and peaceful is this place, how you can sense the power coming from every book, you just have to look around and you'll see an order you never saw before. The only word I can use to describe this library is wow, literally an unbelievable place. I start walking around looking for my book but the way never ends, this place is huge. I don't know in what section I'm now, I don't know where I have to go, there's no one to ask for help, so what do I have to do?

I know this is a magical library so do I have to imagine my book to find it? That seems easy, but not for me. I don't know my real name, so for those who don't know me, I'm basically twenty-four now, more less maybe, and I have absolutely no idea about what happened before my twenties. I call myself Kyo, I love this name, I don't know why, it could be my real name, a nickname someone gave it to me, but it was the only thing in my head when I woke up in a random house, or that what I fought in the first time, then someone came to me and said:

"I will give you this house, I know you don't remember anything now, but soon you will, there's a basement in this house, it's locked now but when you get your memory back you'll know what's there. I left a lot of money for you, so you don't have to work, it's a nice town to live in, make friends, have good relationships, try to don't stay alone because after these few years everything will change." Then he walked away and never came back.

Even with lost memories, I knew how to live a life, a cool one, I had fun, friends, parties, and I watched a lot of fantasy series, I became addicted to them, I think that's why I didn't freak out about everything happening around me.

So that's all, that was my life for four years.

Enough talking about the past, I have to focus, I have to do the impossible to find my book. Is there an instruction manual for the library? As I said a book appeared in my hands, it was the instruction book, I opened it and I just opened it, but somehow I knew everything has been written in it.

Now, it's time to find mine, all I had to do is to say: '' come here my book, I'm waiting for you." At a speed of light, all went dark around me I didn't notice what was going on but suddenly I found myself sitting at the table, and an ancient book in front of me, I touched it and it split in two, this is really a magical place.

I opened the first part, and wow, it wasn't a regular book, there were no words in it, it's more like floating memories, making a show. It was weird watching my life and remembering in every second more details I didn't know about myself, I didn't know if that was normal or not but I think there are some gaps in it, I don't mean like when I'm sleeping or closing my eyes, I mean there were literally gaps like black wholes, or someone possessing me making me unconscious like I'm dead or far away from this world, as my consciousness left my body and when it did, that time froze and blocked my memories. So I decided to read the second part, and see if I could know what was those gaps.

As I decided to put my hand on that book, the same voice from my dream stopped me and said:

- No, body, you're not going to read it, you have to fully remember first. Hey did you miss me because I missed you a lot, even if I was always in you.

- Who are you and what do you mean  in me?

- I really missed your stupidity, how you always wanna know, it is sad that you blocked yourself.

- You didn't answer, who are you? How do you know me?

- I'm your consciousness, but I'm not you, I'm part of you in a simulation that makes me you, but not you at the same time. It's all about the definition of the word ''you''. If ''you'' is just one, one mind, one been, you're wrong. It's about two, and this second part like me doesn't be awake for a lot of people, as for me, I'm your magical part, that's why you're powerful because I'm powerful and that's how you can handle your eye, basically, you're the body and I'm what keeps you alive, and maybe before your twenties, I've been awake more than you were, so you don't really remember that much, your childhood's memories on earth don't really matter in our quest. I think the curse wanted you to remember me because I'm the one who put it into you and I'm the one who knows how to control everything so in general, it's not your first time with magic, you used it a lot when you were a little boy, and we practiced more than you think in the "Astral projection untime-line world". That place is so amazing where you get out of our body to travel to another world where time is frozen and we can stay whatever we want then go back whenever we want as nothing happened. It's a special place, we split there, we don't have to share the same body, you can see me and I can see you from an outside view and we had a lot of fun, we trained a lot, so maybe now if we try, I think we could master any power you want, I have no problem I'll help you because, in the end, I'm still you.

- OK, but there's something I didn't understand, why you were so mysterious in the dream?

- Back then when we talked I couldn't tell you directly the truth, also you always wanted something crazy to happen to you so I did it. I become a mysterious creature who talks to you in a dream. By the way, it wasn't really a dream it was some sort of consciousness dimension I need it to talk with you without you noticing, but there are a lot of parts I said were lies, so I'm sorry, still, we really need to save the realm there's no joke about that. Besides I can't make you remember when you're the one who blocked me, and I was ok with it until those last weeks, something serious is about to happen, so no more playing around, we have to meet with some people, you have to know what's all this really about, but first, you have to accept your memories. When you do it you'll know what's in the second part of the book and that's why you don't need feelings it's a lot of emotions to accept in one.

- it starts to become clear now, thanks. So how do I accept my feelings?

- You have to beat the gate.

- That's it. Let's do it.

- It's not easy like you think.

- It's ok, we will try.

- Oh! I really missed this part of you, I wish you do remember now, but first, it's time for knowledge. It's time to know the biggest secret. The truth of the eyes and who owns each one of them.