
The Card Master System

What happens when you wake up in another world completely different from your own? After committing suicide from being so weak in his past life, Leo woke up in where he thought was the afterlife, except he finds out that he was instead transferred to a new world with a system! ------------------------------------------------------------------- https://discord.gg/s322Qvp This server is a platform that is free to publish your work on and they pay you via website traffic so authors interested in posting on yet another free to use platform should check it out!

OmniFrog · ตะวันออก
75 Chs

Chapter 27

"So….. many….. cards…!" Leo thought as he looted hundreds of corpses. Although there were hundreds of monster corpses, he only received a total of twelve cards.

Leo felt that this was not very much considering the total amount of corpses, however, to not lift a finger while still receiving so much made him feel amazing. With a gleam in his eyes which looked like he just won the lottery, Leo decided to skip back to the village.

"Oh Leo, you are done already?" one of the executives asked with a concerned look on his face. "From what could be seen from here, you barely touched any of those corpses. That is coming across as a little strange."

"Yeah, I was able to loot something I needed from multiple corpses. It is too bad that you couldn't see properly from these walls." Leo responded to the executive level expert.

Once it was confirmed that Leo was done with the corpses and with both Jack and Natalia not interested, the executives told the villagers that they could now start bringing the corpses back to the village. With so many corpses, these villagers would not need to worry about food for quite some time. Plus, with so much skin and other usable body parts, these villagers could create more weapons and armor for themselves!

"You heard them, make sure you all bring back as much as you can. Once all those corpses are completely taken apart, we shall thank these strong experts from the city by throwing a huge feast for our lunch!" Lannister took this opportunity to flex his new leadership role within this village. Though it would still take time for the villagers to warm up to Lannister, they still followed his orders and started to work together by bringing back the corpses.

The villagers were used to doing this every so often, so their teamwork was top notch. At first, each villager teamed up in groups of five in order to carry a corpse back. They would then split themselves up again, leaving two of the villagers to take apart the corpse and to separate its body parts into different piles, while the other three continued to bring more corpses back.

Within only three hours, the villagers were able to bring every corpse into the village. Once this occurred, each villager started to move the piles of newly acquired resources into their respective buildings. However, several dozen villagers started to break off to start preparing for the feast.

"They sure work fast!" Jack said which snickering. As far as the experts and Leo's squad was concerned, they did not need to lift a finger and just spoke to one another casually as they waited for the feast to begin.

During this time, Jack and Natalia were told that they received their promotions, and both officially became core members of their households. This did not shock Leo, but it threw the Crimson and Moon household experts into a rollercoaster of thoughts.

When it came to core members of a household, it was very rare for two warriors in a single squad to receive that rank at the same time. In this case, it was even more surprising, because this meant that the Mist and Sacred Flames households would back both Jack and Natalia upon their return to the city!

"Hmph, do not think that just because you both became core members of your household, that will automatically excuse you from any punishment which will be given to you by the alliance." The Moon household expert said as he got up to walk towards Lannister.

In truth, the executive from the Moon household cared more about making sure that Lannister had full control over this village. It would be an even bigger win if Leo's squad would be sentenced to death or even jailed. To this expert though, he wanted to make sure that his household's foundation was not shaken by both Martin and Nathan's deaths.

"Do not worry about him, the death of two household members who were held in high regards can negatively impact anyone. What is most important now is that we take our time by enjoying this feast, but to leave for the city immediately afterwards." The Crimson household expert told the group as he also got up and headed in a different direction as well.

"It seems that he thinks that he will be one step ahead of us. Little does he know, I already sent a small golem back to the city to report to our Sacred Flames household about your progress. He is right though, once this feast ends, we need to make our way back immediately." The witch told the group as everyone headed back towards their guest rooms.

Two hours later the feast had begun, and all the villagers took their turns thanking the executive level experts for their generosity towards the village. If they had not intervened, the wave of monsters was something that the village was unable to handle by themselves. This time, the executives not only defeated the wave by themselves, but they also gave the villagers enough resources to build new weapons and armor!

"Attention everyone, I have an announcement to make here today!" standing up on a platform that was in the center of the city, the Moon household expert stood with Lannister.

"The loss of both Martin and Nathan was something that none of us was ready for. Do understand that those three will be facing trial for these events and justice will be served. I hope that you can all accept Lannister in Nathan's place. With our Moon household as his backing, he has the strength to continue helping this village prosper."

"To prove how much our Moon household values this village, we have also decided to give Lannister a very special sword. This sword is of very high quality and will allow Lannister to one day become even a match for me in battle. With this weapon, he will be able to cut down as many monsters as it takes until this village no longer sees any more waves!"

Hearing this speech and seeing such a shiny looking sword being given to their new leader, the villagers quickly cheered in awe of not just Lannister, but also the Moon household's resources. To casually gift such a strong weapon to a new leader of a village showed just how deep their pockets were!

Only thirty minutes later, the group of executives along with Leo and his squad finally headed out to make their way back to the city. Due to there being such a big group of people traveling together, it would take at least two days for them to reach the city.

Looking at his inventory screen, Leo understood that for now, he should save his cards and not use them right away. It was completely unknown what type of dangers he would be facing, but with the power that the four executives had shown, Leo felt that he was in safe hands.

Due to them both becoming core members of their households, Leo and his squad were not tied up. They were completely free to travel without the worry of any danger, and just kept a very casual running pace.

Once night set in, the group decided to stop and set up a small camp inside a cave. The executives would take turns guarding the entrance while the rest of the group slept.