
The card I created is very fierce

"Why is this [Summon Card: Goblin] wearing a black mask?" "Because he's a bandit goblin." "Then what's he good for?" "He can steal your opponent's wallet." “I@#¥%, who※※※※ taught you that?” ********* You can be creative in making cards, but you can't kill people. --Excerpt from a victim's memoir

xiao_shi · แฟนตาซี
39 Chs

Durkan decides to go to Hevenlet Academy

Theresa blinked her eyes, her mouth almost looked like a small round hole.

 "How old are you?"


Durkan replied calmly.

That surprised Theresia even more. Durkan was actually a year younger than her!

Although the fifteen-year-old second-level Magic Card Maker was very common in the Hewenlit Magic Academy, it could even be said that he was only of an average level.

But most first year students at the Hewenlit Magic Academy can only make cards of [White] average quality!

The quality of the cards largely reflects the strength and value of the card as well as the skill of the maker.

If a new maker can make [blue grade] magic cards, they often have exceptional talents.

And the ruthless bandit goblins of Durkan are all blue and of valuable quality!

It's as if blue is the lower limit of his level!

The price of [Purple Rare] quality cards has started to change in quality, and ordinary people can not afford them.

That's also the reason why Goblin Sheriff can use up Thearesia's budget with just one card.

For nobles and powerful men with strong financial resources, purple quality cards are often the core cards that form their own system.

The next quality level up [Orange Epic] is the highest card you can see.

For most people, it is more of a distant symbol and sign.

As in border towns, it can be difficult to see traces of epic card holders throughout the year round.

Even many teachers at the Hevenlit Magic Academy have never held an epic cards.

The most advanced [Red Legend] almost only exists in legends, and many people are not sure if this card really exists in the world.

A fifteen-year-old second-level producer who can produce purple rare cards and a fifteen-year-old second-level producer are completely different concepts!

Often, only those producers who have reached the fourth and fifth tiers and then go back to produce first and second tier cards can hope to produce cards of rare quality.

There is no doubt that Durkan is a true genius.

And the cards produced by Durkan are, how shall I say, very strange.

It's easy to disturb the whole environment.

He must have unique production methods and techniques to make these outrageous cards.

Theresia swallowed her saliva and asked timidly:

"By the way, do you still sell spell cards? I need you to make them for me!"

"The spell cards I have made have basically all been sold. People in town "like" the spell cards I made, but when I went looking for them, I remembered there were too many."

After saying that, Durkan rummaged through the card book and soon found a high-quality blue card and handed it to Theresia.

[Hydrogen Explosion]

[Category: Magic card]

[Grade: blue precious]

[Level: 2]

[Effect: Deals heavy explosion damage that is not affected by the caster's magic attribute. ]

[Note: Patrick Star is art! ]

"The damage of this card is probably slightly higher than that of third-tier fire spells. The downside is that the mana consumption is slightly higher than ordinary second-tier spell cards and the cast time is longer."

Durkan introduced.

"That's wrong! That's not the principle of spell cards! It's outrageous enough that a second level spell can cause third level damage, why is not it affected by the caster's magic attribute!"

In general, the damage a spell card deals is a certain percentage multiplied by the caster's magic attribute!

"It's called science."


After thinking for a long time, Theresia asked again: "Then making this card must be very complicated, right?"

"It's very simple. The second level electroshock technique, the first level waterball technique and the first level fireball technique were all created after a little more experimentation."

"That's nothing yet!"

Theresa felt like she couldn't understand Durkan's words at all.

But she bought the ticket anyway.

Just as Theresa was happily preparing to find a wilderness to experiment with the hydrogen explosion, Durkan asked:

"By the way, young lady, I am planning to take the entrance exam for the Hevenlit Mage Academy this year. How much will it cost if you accompany me to the capital?"

Durkan's teacher said that he should go to the big cities if he wanted to have a better chance.

I happened to meet a student from Hevenlet College. It would be great if I could go with her.

"Do you need a security guard?"

"...After all, I am only a sophomore and still a civilian."

The magic cards in this world are similar to encapsulating props and abilities in cards, which is a means of combat.

Playing cards is extremely dangerous.

Durkan wanted to fight or kill as little as possible. He just wanted to write and draw.

Of course, if someone has to disturb his peace, that's another matter.

After all, he has never lost to anyone.

Theresia was taken aback for a moment, then she smiled and held out her hand to Durkan: "I will not blame you! Let us be friends!"

She knew that Durkan had a great future ahead of him. Perhaps he would become a master cardmaker after his arrival in the royal capital. Then there would be a long queue to make cards with him.

If you want to find friends, you have to find them now!


Durkan also held Theresia's hand.

She is so soft.

Although Durkan knew that the free products were the most expensive, he admired Theresa's vision.

Respect me a little more and I will help you make better cards!

Durkan's three favorite pastimes are collecting money, painting and being respected by others.

After making an appointment with Theresia for tomorrow morning, they talked for a while and Theresia left the store.

Durkan leaned back in his chair, holding a cup of grapefruit tea and humming a cozy tune.

"It's never been a dull day~"

It's been fifteen years since he was reincarnated into this world. He has not encountered a crisis since he was a child, and he has not brought a system to life.

The world is pretty peaceful, except for a few natural disasters.

The kingdom he lives in has a harmonious relationship with its neighboring countries, and he spends his days quietly visiting small stores on the border.

But since money is so easy to make, why not go to the capital and work hard for a few years to make a fortune!

Durkan's goal in life is simple.

He just likes making magic cards.

My dream is to make the most beautiful card for my wife.

Ah no, a red, legendary quality card.

When I think I can live happily ever after, my girls fall into my arms.

Cozy, so cozy.

Pygmalion will not fool me.

The only thing that made Durkan a little unhappy was that the traveling merchant actually bought the gangster goblins from him for 100 coins apiece!

It is said that this card was worth more than 2 gold coins in the royal capital.

At the time, the merchant said to him: "This card is very ordinary, just a little better than the whiteboard goblin."

His teacher also often said, "What kind of garbage are the magic cards you make?

Back then, Durkan really believed that.

The more I think about it, the angrier I get!

To betray him, an innocent and kind-hearted young man!

Theresa is still sincere and upright.

In order not to let his good mood be spoiled, Durkan decided to think of happy things.

He could not help but draw a magic card. But the moment this card appeared in the store, it seemed as if the whole cabin lit up.

Faint ripples could be seen on the surface of the card, emitting orange layers like a beam of light.

"Fortunately, I did not sell this card to that cold-hearted businessman. I only made this epic card once."

Durkan smiled proudly and admired his masterpiece.