
Chapter four :My Boss Is A Jerk 1

Well at least I have a job right and I know for sure my boss will make my life a living hell Cuz I know am not forgiving. I saw devious looks in his eyes.

When Lari got home she met the eager cave Abby waiting for her. "So?"Abby asked, "I got a job alright, but not as a manager." Replied Lari "wait what? then what??" asked Abby "Well his PA" Lari replied.

Abby: "whose PA? I don't get it"

Lari: "Well Mr Henry Thompson. am Henry Thompson's PA"

ABBY:" Nor bad right? oh how I wish I was in your position. I'll follow Henry everywhere and get to see his cute face everyday"

LARI: "How do you know that he is handsome? like have you seen him before?"

Abby:"you weren't kidding when you said you don't know him? like where are you coming from the stone age?"

Lari: "hahaha funny"

Abby:" well his the famous business tycoon who at the age if 18 began to make his own money. and now His very successful. his from a wealthy family and the only child of his parents but he didn't want to live off of his parents so he started his own business. "

Lari:" that's inspiring. There's a problem though"

Abby: "what?"

Lari:"Remember the guy from yesterday?"

Abby: "Ha ha ha ah ah ya, what about him?"

Lari:"its not funny OK and that dude is my boss Henry Thompson. Uh am dead.

Abby:"Oh wow ouch I pitty you right now. That's dude is said to never let a grudge go like its hard"


Abby:" Maybe he would be different with you right, let's be positive and he gave you job. Maybe he has forgiving you"

Lari:"I hope"

Abby:" so I guess no outing today cuz your boss is hmm how should I put this🤔. Maybe or maybe not holding a grudge against you"

Lari:" maybe or maybe not ya. Am going to my room.


I can't wait for tomorrow. Miss Wills you mess with the wrong guy am going to make your life a living hell.


buzzzz buzzzz buzzzz

(grunt) "Shut up alarm 6:45 oh no oh no am late Henry is going to kill me. He warned me not to be late." Rushing into the bathroom it took Lari 10mins to get ready for work. "uhh Abby i didn't you wake me up"asked lari

"Oh i did three times. banging your door but you said i should let you be"replied Abby

"Am so late, my boss is going to kill me." grumbled Lari

"breakfast?" Abby asked

"no" replied Lari running out. She walks in to the company building slightly panting and walks straight to the elevator. ones she was in Henry's Bloch, she walk fast and running at times. she pushes Henry's door slowly and praying That he is not in.

"Your late miss Wills and I strictly told you I hate tardiness." she heard Henry say to her just ad she steps in.

Lari:"sir I didn't mean to, I was stuck in traffic am do sorry"

Henry:"no qualms get me my coffee and tell Anna to bring my schedule for the day" Lari walks out surprised that she was forgiving just like that. ........

*That's it, that's what I needed she just broke a rule and that Was coming late to work and am going to use this to my advantage.* thought Henry. Lari was looking for the canteen to make his coffee and with the help of an employee she finally got there. she went back to his office with his coffee. "your coffee sir" Said Lari, Henry just nodded. "Miss wills you didn't think I would forgive you just like that do you?? i was just pulling your legs when I said it's OK" Henry suddenly said with a mischievous smile on his face .

gulping down nothing, Lari said " But sir you said it's OK and i said I didn't mean to. traffic was bad" Henry just kept smiling and for a moment Lari thought he was crazy. after five minutes he said " well then am going to punish you so you don't repeat it. Take this files and arrange them alphabetically and clip this ones" Lari took the pile of paper work "where do I sit sir? I don't have an office" Lari said "oh yes that, ihm Anna come to my office please" shortly after Anna came in and was ordered to take Lari to her new office. settling her things down she looked at her office. It was spacious, a big table in the middle, two three office chairs and a couch. and the office was painted blued. It has a glass door and just opposite her office was Mr Henry's.

Looking at the pile of paper which look like will take the whole day. seeing as Anna will be handling his schedule for today she thought it was a good idea at least she would be focus.