
The Butcher of Sargon (LoL x Arknight Fanfiction)

A story of a man with the soul of Renekton, the Butcher of the Sand, reincarnated into the world of Arknight If you want to see more chapter of this story and don't mind spending $5 monthly to see till the latest chapter, please go to my Patreon. Latest Chapter in Patreon: Volume 1 Chapter 66: Dancing with the Dragon https://www.patreon.com/Thatsnakegirl

Delizard · วิดีโอเกม
29 Chs

Chapter 6: Refusal

"Ms. Saria, Mr. Parvis, I want to ask, do Colombian universities accept foreign students like me?"

While speaking, Garde's muscles twitched a bit.

Looking at the biceps on Garde's body, which was larger than Inam's head, Saria and Parvis fell silent for a moment.

He could probably run a Kourant with that! If he greeted an ordinary Colombian student, a slap would probably kill them!

"Mr. Garde, please don't joke around," Saria said earnestly. "We have investigated. Your mother suffered from a disease called Oripathy, an incurable condition that had progressed to an advanced stage. However, the medicine you brought from the Foehn Hotlands suppressed your mother's Oripathy."

"Rhine Lab is a medical company primarily focused on curing various diseases, including Oripathy, which is within our main research area. If we can decipher the secrets of the medication, we can save more patients suffering from Oripathy!"

Initially, Saria had intended to hire Garde as their guide with Orundum. Since Orundum was universally accepted, it could be used in trade even in places without currency transactions.

Later, she noticed the reward Garde gave to Inam, a hefty chunk of gold, just for a few ordinary books. Saria realized that this rainforest might not lack Orundum at all!

So, she immediately changed her persuasion strategy.

"Of course, we understand Mr. Garde's desire to become a scholar. If you don't mind, I can write a recommendation letter for you to my alma mater. Adakrys individuals are not uncommon in my school."

When Saria spoke these words, the older Colombian scholar beside her stared at her several times in succession.

Although Saria had a successful career after graduation and even donated a building to her alma mater, this wasn't a convincing reason to write a recommendation letter for a warrior who clearly should switch to being a heavy defender or guard!

Saria waved her hand, stopping the old scholar.

"Mr. Parvis, I believe Mr. Garde is not the type to do reckless things. If we can introduce an outstanding student to my alma mater, I don't think the school would reject an international student from Sargon."

Although Garde had rejected her, Saria didn't harbor any ill feelings towards him. The main reason was their first meeting.

Upon seeing them, Garde displayed a vigilant expression but immediately shielded Inam behind him.

From his subsequent behavior, it was evident that Garde didn't have any special feelings towards Inam, just a regular friend, perhaps not even that.

Nevertheless, he still chose to protect Inam.

This alone was enough to make Saria take notice.

Of course, if Saria knew that this crocodile-man had known her measurements to two decimal places from the first moment they met, she might not have been so pleasant.

Compared to the future, the present Saria looked younger and more vibrant.

However, what she was pursuing now might not turn out as she wished.

"Ms. Saria, although I really haven't been to the Foehn Hotlands, my father warned me before he died, telling me never to enter that forbidden place."

Garde shook his head.

"But I can give you a warning."

"A warning?"

"Yes, a warning left by my father."

Garde spoke seriously.

"If you really want to enter the Foehn Hotlands, remember not to bring any electronic devices. Vehicles with them are also not allowed; otherwise, you will encounter terrifying things."

Garde understood that his appearance had already begun to change the original course of this world.

If he hadn't appeared, Saria would never have shown up in Sargon at this time, saying she wanted to enter the Foehn Hotlands.

What's the difference from seeking death?

If the team consisted of elites on Saria's level, there might be a chance for them to survive without going deep into the hotlands.

But look at the guards Saria brought with her.

Garde could only shake his head like a crocodile.

He wondered how many of the team members would survive in the end.

Perhaps only Saria had a slight chance.

Garde firmly claimed that he had never been to the Foehn Hotlands, and Saria and Parvis had to leave helplessly.

As soon as Saria and Parvis left, two figures immediately entered.

"Garde, what are they looking for you for?" Gavial asked anxiously.

"Is it something dangerous?"

"It's okay, I've already refused them."

Garde rubbed Tomimi's small head and smiled.

He wanted to wait for Laurentina to come back and see her reaction when she saw him next time. He had no intention of getting involved in such dangerous activities as entering the Foehn Hotlands.

"If they dare to threaten you, we'll drive them away together. Hmph, don't think we're afraid of them just because they have more people."

Gavial waved her fist, recalling the woman who entered Garde's room earlier. She didn't seem like an ordinary person.

"Don't bother about them. If they really cause trouble, we'll shout for the people in the tribe to join us. We've never been afraid of anyone when it comes to the tactic of overwhelming numbers."

In the end, this exploration team came from another country, and the forces they could mobilize were not many.

The Tiacauh Tribe in the Acahualla region might look chaotic, but when facing external threats, they could unite under the leadership of the Great Chief.

In the rainforest, the Tiacauh people numbered not less than eight thousand, essentially an armed populace. So, Garde wasn't afraid that Saria's exploration team would pose any threat to them.

Moreover, under Saria's leadership, Garde believed she wouldn't take any radical actions.

In the corner, Inam sneaked out quietly.

Garde immediately called her, "Inam, next time you go to the city, buy some needles and thread for me."


Inam shivered in place, then hurriedly ran out.

Garde touched his face, somewhat puzzled. "Do I look that scary?"

Gavial, however, was more concerned about something else.

"Garde, why are you buying needles and thread? Are you planning to make clothes?"

Gavial slapped Garde's arm discontentedly. "Household stuff is a woman's job! Why not let the women handle these things?"

Then she saw Garde looking at her helplessly. After a while, Gavial realized.

"Oh, I seem to be a woman too."

Gavial pondered, but how do you make clothes?

Perhaps she could ask some elderly woman to teach her?

Trade it with some prey?

And if she learned how to sew, what would she do?

Should she made some clothes for Garde?

That's absolutely impossible!

Although she thought so, Gavial couldn't help but glance in the direction where Inam had just left.

'What if, later, when Inam goes to the city, I ask her to bring back some things for me?'

Outside Garde's house, a group of members from the exploration team saw Saria and Parvis coming out and quickly went to greet them.

"Saria, did he agree?"

"He should agree; our reward is not low."

"But it's that kind of place..."

Not to mention Garde, even in the Defense Department, most security personnel still harbor doubts about entering the Hotlands. If it weren't for hearing that a Sargon native not only entered the Hotlands but also came out alive, most of them would never willingly enter that ten-dead-zero-alive forbidden land.

The notorious reputation of the Hotlands is a terrifying legend that can stop a child's night cries in Colombia.

"He refused."

Shaking her head, Saria felt helpless. If she were in his shoes, she wouldn't easily stake her own life as a bet.

Although she was convinced that Garde was the one who came out of the Hotlands in the photo, since Garde denied it, continuing to pester him would be meaningless.

For now, they needed to think about what to do next. In the first step of the exploration, if they couldn't find a guide, who would dare to enter that deadly place?

Only if Garde was willing to enter, there would be a slim hope.

Since the founding of Rhine Lab, they had finally encountered a bottleneck. If they couldn't find a way to break through, all their previous efforts would be in vain.

"Miss Inam, I hope you can help me negotiate with the people in this tribe. I hope we can stay here for a while."

Suddenly hearing her name being called, Inam was startled. She advised, "Miss Saria, as far as I know, once Garde makes a decision, he won't easily change it. Convincing Garde won't be an easy task."

"I'm well aware of that, but I heard, Miss Inam, that you seem to have the idea of establishing a guild..."

As the founder of a highly influential company with significant influence within the company, Saria, besides her own strong abilities, didn't lack flexible thinking.

Since they couldn't persuade Garde, she decided to collect as much information as possible about Garde. Saria believed that the reason Garde rejected them was simply that they couldn't offer a reward that satisfied him.

If she could present a reward that pleased Garde, maybe there would be a way to convince him.

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If you want to see more chapter of this story and don't mind spending $5 monthly to see till the latest chapter, please go to my Patreon.

Latest Chapter in Patreon: Volume 1 Chapter 66: Dancing with the Dragon


If you want to see more chapter of this story and don't mind spending $5 monthly to see till the latest chapter, please go to my Patreon.

Latest Chapter in Patreon: Volume 1 Chapter 66: Dancing with the Dragon


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