
The Burning Stone

Phoenix has illegally been a part of the royal guard for years now. After a fateful tournament, she captures the attention of the royal family, and is tasked with tracking down assassins. If she fails, the Queen dies, and Phoenix's head will roll next. Phoenix takes life and death into her own hands, leaving everyone around her crumbling to her will. Everyone, except one persistent Prince determined to crack her iron wall.

BirdofFour · แฟนตาซี
49 Chs

Chapter Nine


I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it.  I hate me.  I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate everything. 

Everything, except being with you.



The alarm screeched loudly, jolting Phoenix awake from a dream forgotten instantly. She bolted upright from her bed and reached her arm out to switch off the alarm. Once the immediate threat was taken care of, her eyes met the space. 

Where was she? 

A sense of relaxation washed over her after realizing she was safe. After a slow week, she hadn't quite adjusted to living in the castle. And despite Greyson's constant lessons- don't wear this, don't talk about that, mention these things- proper court life remained equally aloof. 

It didn't matter, Phoenix had to get down and investigate. Assassins didn't wait for people to catch them. 

White blankets splotched with large red roses snuggly tucked her into her new bed. Walls surged impossibly high, and her room was sealed with a delicate roof, supported by wooden beams painted in a floral design. 

Ugh! Phoenix was so sick of gardens. 

The room was too floral. So were the gardens, and the palace, and the hinges on doors, and the plateware and- 

"Do you ever shut up?" Phoenix whispered to herself. 

Tired of her own morning crankiness, Phoenix dragged herself over to a wooden wardrobe. Inside rested all the dresses she had to wear. And no, Phoenix realized with great annoyance after the first night, no pants allowed. 

Phoenix reached for a green piece when her bedroom doors flew open with a bam! Gliding in came two young ladies dressed in black shirts and skirts that puffed out at the waist. 

Right, her maids. 

At least her family was here. A set of doors stood on the opposite wall of the bed that connected her to Lucas's room, which connected to Daisy's room, in one long chain. Cole had insisted on getting his own unattached room across the hall, although he clarified they were always welcome to visit. 

The maids scurried over, picked up a red piece, grabbed Phoenix's arms, and dragged her behind a small panel to help her dress before she could protest about their choice.

"What was wrong with the green piece I was looking at?" Phoenix asked while changing out of her nightwear. 

"Isla is wearing green today, Miss," Maribel, the taller maid with black hair, replied. 

"So? Why can't we both wear green? If it's not the same dress, then what's the issue?" Phoenix asked, stripped and ready to put on the under slip. The maids gave her a wicked smirk and put on the dress without any chest support. 

Heaving a sigh, Meredith, the shorter maid with brown hair, answered, "If you both wear green then neither of you will stand out."

Phoenix lifted her arms for the loose dress and was pleasantly surprised to find it rather comfortable. 

"Stand out to who?" Phoenix further questioned.

"The Prince, of course!" they both exasperatedly explained. 

Who would want to stand out to that loose prick?

A red one here or there, an occasional set of sleek, black hair, but his favorite were brunettes. Didn't seem to care for blondes, which Phoenix positively loved- perhaps she had scared the Prince away from blondes after taking him hostage. Maybe, Phoenix saved an entire species of young ladies from becoming prey in the rotation. 

"He's not interested in my kind," Phoenix said. "Besides, he must be the most unrelatable guy on what's left of this planet."

"Have you ever talked to him before?" Meredith asked.

"Have you?" Phoenix countered. 

"Oh yes, I clean his private chambers and sometimes ask what he wants done." 

"Romantic," Phoenix drawled. 

"Just wait," Maribel replied with a smile. "He's a rather good charmer."

"That's something I hope to never find out for myself." 

A pause settled as they finished tying her dress. Phoenix felt the maids' hands brush up against her skin and she felt it. How rough their hands were, rough from work, from labor, from life. 

"I've noticed a doorman that runs the front entrance," Phoenix whispered. "Is he… treated alright? Are you all treated alright?"

Maribel and Meredith's flying fingers came to a pause. They leaned forward and exchanged a glance between the two of them, with Phoenix stuck in the middle.

"How you're treated here depends on who you're serving," Maribel said. 

"We try to look out for one another behind the scenes," Meredith added. 

"Which is another reason why the Prince is so amazing! He's so nice to us- but not creepy nice."

Meredith smiled in agreement, and they resumed dressing Phoenix, like nothing happened, like they didn't want to talk about it. Their bodies were right next to Phoenix, their voices far away.

"If you're ever in trouble, you can hide in my room," Phoenix offered. "I can help-"

"All done!" Meredith and Maribel chanted together. 

Phoenix's eyes shifted from one to the other and frowned- Merideth and Maribel simply didn't want to talk.

So, Phoenix focused on her reflection. The red sleeves were straight and cut off neatly at her wrists. She felt her fingers curled over the seams, not frayed, no holes, but smooth, rich, in color and money. A deep V cut through the center of the dress, ending at her waist, where the top part of the thick ribbon wrapped her tightly. 

Aside from the tightly ribboned waist everything was loose, like a nightgown. When Phoenix turned to see the back, she realized that the fabric showed every curve and movement, clinging to her figure. Looking at her exposed chest, she understood why she couldn't wear anything underneath.

"Isn't this too much skin to show while walking in the castle?" Phoenix wondered. "You know, decency and everything?"

It would get a reaction out of Greyson, that was for sure. Stop thinking about him so early in the morning. 

"Oh, no," Meredith smirked. "Your back and legs are completely covered. You're fine."

"But if I so much as fall the wrong way in this thing-"

"Then don't fall," Maribel cut off. "It's time to up your style if you want to have any chance of catching the Prince's eye."

Feeling a headache blooming in her brain, Phoenix mumbled a quick "fine" and left before a stronger migraine took root. 

As she left, her maids called out, "Remember, you need to have your walk with Isla. Don't be late again."

"Of course," Phoenix grumbled. She paused, and glanced over her shoulder. "Thank you," she whispered. 

"Don't be late," Maribel smiled. 

Phoenix nodded and left the room, her heels following her toward the stairs. Phoenix marched through the Great Hall and out a side door. 

The gardens came in view for the fifth time that week, earning Phoenix a few questionable glances from the over-brooding roses sagging with their weight. Within, Isla was not hard to spot. The young girl was indeed wearing green, a dress puffing out at her waist with her signature bow on the back. 

"Isla!" Phoenix called.

Isla gave a polite wave as Phoenix caught up to her. 

"Shall we?" Isla invited. 

A few bees flew from flower to flower, the floral scent wafted into her nose, and Phoenix thought of Cole and how he might be insane enough to enjoy these gardens. Phoenix's heels barely sunk into the ground; the trail so frequently walked the dirt sat solid.

"The Prince is just so sweet!" Isla started off the conversation with the same line she used yesterday. And the day before that, except "sweet" was replaced with "charming."

"You've never had a conversation with him. You just want the title, let him go," Phoenix replied. 

It was clear Isla only hung out with Phoenix because it was unseemly to walk alone. And oh no- unseemly? In the castle? Not on Isla's watch.

"Did you hear about William, the Queen's lover?" Isla said.

Finally, maybe something useful.

"No, tell me."

"This is good," Isla smiled. "In his youth, William was fixated with the Queen, then just Amelia. The two apparently went out for quite some time before King Malik proposed and Amelia left William to become Queen, at the alter! I heard he's been bitter ever since. And who can blame him, honestly?"

Phoenix should follow up on William, he could hold resentment. 

"But back to interesting things, did you hear what the Prince said to Bella today?" Isla asked. "He said that her green outfit was beautiful, which is why I chose this piece. The shade is a bit different, but I think it suits my darker skin better."

"Isla," Phoenix nudged, "we were talking about William, remember?"

"Oh, so you do like gossip? Well, I know a couple more people who I'd love to talk about. Did I tell you about Lila?"

Phoenix shook her head no.

"All I know is that if I would not want to be her."

"Why, what happened?"

Isla played with the ends of her tightly curled hair. "I can't tell you everything, but all you need to know is that her kid might be a Prince. Bastard born.

"Speaking of Princes, Mavise was rejected when she asked the King if she could marry the Prince. She was so upset that she stayed in her room for a whole week planning her next moves in life. Only her maids could get in and out.

"Oh! And Emma and Marco's wedding was supposed to be this week, but that's been postponed because Marco may have broken his arm. Speaking of weddings, apparently Margarette heard a rumor that the Prince was going to settle down soon. Fellow women look out for each other, Phoenix, which is why she told everyone to give us all a fair shot."

"Is everyone here just trying to get married?" Phoenix asked.

"Well, let me tell you, most of them are. But! There are many who are already married. Like Leonard, who's been married to Celeste for thirty years, but they were never able to have kids. Or even better, Corton. Oh my, that one. He's been married for a while and was the Queen's official jeweler, but she took her business elsewhere. I heard he's furious, to put mildly."

Phoenix's mind turned over a few of the names- William, Lila, Mavise, and Corton stood out. All four of them have been in the court long enough to know the royal family, and each had some motive. One thing was for sure- Phoenix had to find more information, official information, about everyone.

The ending arch neared and excitement fluttered Phoenix's chest at the thought of escape. 

"Well, I'm off!" Isla laughed.

"Until next time," Phoenix forced a smile.

Isla, hands picking up her skirts, adventured into the slightly higher trimmed grass, off to who knew where. When Phoenix looked up at the vines twining the arch, streams of sunlight slipped past, warming her face, and she dared a breath of calm.

  Finally, Phoenix was free. 

She raced over the bridge until a side entrance of the castle greeted her. The rose handle mocked Phoenix, and she yanked open the door to storm inside.

The door had other plans, and it tripped Phoenix in an act of vengeance.

"You're a piece of shit," Phoenix cursed the door after nearly falling flat on her face. 

Beige walls and carpeted floors flew past as she stormed to a small kitchen area, where Phoenix and her family ate. As she entered, the doorframe reached out and slammed into her shoulder.

Another curse slipped past her lips. 

"Really?" Cole voiced, glancing up at Phoenix. "In front of the kids?"

Cole, Daisy, and Lucas all sat at the table in the center of the room, flowered plates in front of them and forks in hands. Most importantly, a mountain of food needed eating, a small trail of steam rising from the top. 

Daisy met Phoenix's eyes with a smile and mockingly echoed, "Yeah damn, in front of the kids?"

Phoenix laughed but Cole just glared at Daisy, and then at her. 

"I think Daisy wants you to stop calling her a 'kid,'" Phoenix told Cole with an easy smile.

Cole didn't smile back, but his shoulders loosened into a slightly more relaxed posture. 

"Well, she sure has been dressing and acting like a fine lady lately," Cole complimented, earning him a wink from Daisy. 

"Thank you very much," she announced. "Today I am sporting a lavender ball gown with pearl accents. It's my new favorite dress. But you, Bird!" Daisy added a low whistle, gesturing to Phoenix's garments. 

"Don't mention it. It is you who looks beautiful, my lady," Phoenix said with a small curtsy.

  And Daisy did. In fact, the whole family looked good with the new clothes, regular baths, and meals. Cole had been wearing black and scowled at any suggestion of color Phoenix made. Daisy wore anything that was fit for a princess. And Lucas wore whatever the maids gave him, today being dark blue pants with a matching vest, making his light eyes pop.

Lucas stood on his chair, facing Phoenix, and asked, "What about me?"

She turned to him, settled into her seat, and asked with the most ridiculously serious face she could muster, "What about the most handsome young boy I see?" 

A little giggle slipped past his lips.

"Today we played a lot of games until Cole fell asleep. Then," Lucas inhaled a gulp of air, "then I covered him in sticks so when he woke up, he had no idea what was happening."

Cole bit into a piece of fruit. "You're lucky I didn't tickle you for pranking me."

"Sounds like you need to prank Cole again," Daisy quipped.

Lucas' face lit up. "Yeah!"

"That was not an invitation," Cole chuckled. 

"Cole, is my dress showy enough?" Daisy asked. "No one in court talks to me."

"It's so showy someone looking at you in the sun would go blind," Cole remarked.

"Then why can't I make some friends?" Daisy asked in frustration.

"Because you're too good for them," he responded, devouring another piece of fruit.

"Not helpful."

Cole sighed, put down his food, and looked at Daisy seriously. "You're a newcomer with no social standing. You're younger and have only been here a short while; you just don't fit the demographic." 

Daisy let out a small pout.

"If you want," Cole offered, "you can hang out with Lucas and me."

Phoenix smiled, appreciating how Cole changed his vocabulary to sound more mature for her, giving her the option of hanging out with them, letting her make her own choices. 

"And we'll do anything you want," Cole added. 

"Even trying on clothes and makeup?" Daisy asked with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Even clothes and makeup…" Cole trailed off, looking at Lucas with sorrow. 

Lucas patted Cole on the head and whispered, "This is your fault." 

Cole chuckled and leaned into Lucas's touch. "I suppose if she makes us suffer together, it won't be so bad."

"No, I have a prank to plan," Lucas smiled at Daisy who nodded in approval. 

Phoenix smiled into her drink. While the hot water was pleasant as it went down her throat, she found daily conversations like these warmed her soul. 

Except, as she looked up and past Cole's shoulder, she saw the clouds gathering. The windows reminded her of the Throne Room, and how she escaped through them. Except these windows were on the ground floor. They could be used to enter the castle, as well. 

No, she was thinking too much into things, this castle had guards. They were safe. The family was happy. 

Except for the fact that there was a potential killer on the loose.