
The Burning Obsession Of A flame mate & Ash Prince : SHE

A Tale about Lady Minath , being the Soul Devourer reborn in a fragile human body has left her weak with no memories of the creature of the old soul she is. Minath is now haunted by a mysterious man in her dreams and visions ; His presence leaves undeniabale, irresistible mixed scents , she can't help but feel a strong connection with him . " The Fire Sign Is What Bond Us Together , My Mate " , his words echoed in her mind as he dissappeared into thin air , leaving her alone again . Their Bond takes her on a journey between life and death , Hell and Heaven , but is unbreakable as nothing can shake it . However, they are pursued by the Ash Prince , a powerful creature known to be the nature controller , who seeks to prevent them from being together in every lifetime and every changing scenario he creates for them . They call him the villain in their story , and looking for ways to overcome his strengths and be together for once and for all !! they unlock the dusty broken bare truths ....

Ranias_Heaven · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

His Ex_girlfriend .

he went off the motorcycle and looked at me with his mad all flames eyes .

we were face to face now and I felt like he would break me in any second with only one more crazy look from his flames eyes .

then he spoke in a crazy tone questioning me like a mad guy :

_ who's this friend if yours ? was she ginger ? didn't she ask you for something ?? and since when do you have friends ?

by now his hands were around my shoulders pressing on me so tight that it hurts .

I pushed his hands away from me gently until he realized and then said :

_ first , she's a friend I met in college , and yes she is ginger , second , No she didn't ask me for anything but... to join her birthday party ...the first day we met which I....thought was a little bit ...weird , but after we went along very well until today when she and uncle Gee started acting all weird .

_ And who's that Uncle Gee ? and why didn't you tell me about them earlier and waited until now ?

I didn't understand how he wanted me to tell him about a restaurant owner that we had literally no topic to mention him in and my new friend that I just met few days ago .

_ Well why would I tell you that ?

he looked at me confused but still mad and said :

_ well , maybe because I'm your boyfriend and your flame mate !!

I didn't know what to say more than that so I just sighed and said :

_ it's not time to fight now , but just so you know , it's you who have been hiding secrets from me still . and now that I thought you told me everything there's those earth protectors and the mysterious uncle Gee all at once slapping me in the face , and making me more confused . and you Kenneth , my mate who's supposedly the one to tell me everything is still hiding and hiding more .

at this moment I felt like a bomb who's about to explode .

I saw the madness disappear from his eyes and his eyes softened a bit and then he stepped forward cutting the left distance between us and hugged me saying in a gentle tone :

_ I'm sorry ....for still hiding , but I didn't expect them to come or interrupt now .

_ but you should have told me so I could know more about MYSELF and YOU and....US . you don't how confusing it is for me not to know . I wake up to doubt myself everyday and my surroundings too because I still have a lot that I don't understand especially about my powers and the panic attacks I get of electricity inside me .

he tightened his hold around me and said :

_ I promise you I'll tell you everything you wanna know from now on , but in return you have to tell me everything too . who you meet and who you go out with and where you go so I know you are safe , okay ?!

I nodded with my head still between his arms and then pushed him away gently cutting the hug and said :

_ okay I promise you . and now answer me how do you and Jenny know each other ?? and what did she mean about the earth protectors are back .

he lowered his head down and moved his hand all over his back then looked at me in the eyes and said :

_ well she was my ex before I met you , but we had nothing more than a passing relationship built on desires and spending time . and that was centuries ago , like even before you and I were mates .

I let out a short laugh expressing my disbelief of what he just said and then spoke :

_ you are kidding right ?! you and Jenny were together ?!