
The Burning Heart (baby, please let go)

Early in the morning at the airport, a young man slowly stepped out of his private jet. He wore a blue shirt with a black jacket and silver trousers that complimented his physique. He slowly removed his sunglasses revealing his beautiful eyes. His handsome face where that which could bring down a nation. He could be called the gods of beauty. His presence attracted the people in the airport. Some girls started taking pictures of him. He raised his head and looked towards the sky. He smiled revealing his dimples. A sudden evil glint displayed in his eyes and disappeared as if it was an illusion. He looked towards the sky and murmured under his breath " am back my Rosy it is time for beautiful revenge." He entered into the car that came to pick him up ........................... Many called him heartless, ruthless yet below those layers were heartbroken man. Danvers was devastated watching his loved ones leave him. His once happy family was left broken and empty. The joy he felt was gone and even the remnants of it seem as if it never existed. Danvers swore to revenge against those and their families who destroyed his family yet life went to another dimension when he fell in love with one of the daughter of his adversaries. ................ Sabel was a beautiful young independent lady that was given into adoption by her father at the age of three. Despite all odds, as a D list actress sabel believed she could make it and stand proudly beside her celebrity boyfriend but her hopes were shattered when she found out an affair between her boyfriend and best friend. She crawled into a cornea with her luggage A blue porch car stops beside her "Get into the car." Danvers said Hearing a familiar voice. She lifted her eyebrows 'Where did these handsome god's crawl out from.' she was flabbergasted of what she saw. "Are you getting in or going to stay here and stare all day." he said with a tiny smile on his lips. What will happen when Danvers found her identi W

Johnson Victoria · สมัยใหม่
64 Chs


Chapter twenty eight.

The sun was glowing and shinny, the rays of sunshine enlighten the weather, making the whole city warm.

In accordance to the beautiful season of summer. The whole city seems to be filled with people.

In the early hours of morning, the whole Tunisiany country where buzzling with different citizens.

Many from different countries had arrived prior, before the day of his burial.

Prominent visitors from different countries, prominent and non prominent citizens filled the burial celebration venue.

Smittian family were a very wealthy and strong family in the country but Vomaah as a person was 88 percent richer and stronger than his family. His connection was beyond the reach of the country.

Many presidents that couldn't attend sent their representatives.

Representatives from different nations filled the Venue. The intercom was about to start.

Singers were on the stage singing and entertaining the guest


Many citizens that wasn't able to come sat across the street to watch the whole burial procession and burial.

The whole business places were closed.

The emergency news broadcast television in the streets were once allow to view his burial apart advertisements and emergency news.


Inside the Smittian mansion,

Spriya was inside the room. She held vomaah's picture and cried silently.

It was a picture they took, on the last day before his inauguration as a military president. He said he wanted to share a beautiful and memorable day with her before his inauguration. " After, my inauguration we won't be able to leave our normal life. " he said.

She caressed the picture and smiled bitterly. She could still remember that very night.

Despite his busy schedule , he took out time on that day before his inauguration.

They played beside the beach.

She suddenly started laughing softly as she recalled how they fought for ice cream beside the valour. Many people glanced at them as they passed . Their childish behavior, their voices and smile were still like a yesterday memory to her.

pak pak pak.

A knock brought her out of the beautiful yet, sorrowful memory .

" Ma, it's me. It time for your entrance."

" Oh I am coming."

Spriya used her thumb to wipe her tears. She put away the photo, closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

She was about to stand up, when the door burst open.

She glanced at the door, to take a look at the person who suddenly entered into her room.

A hint of astonishment flick through her eyes. Her expression changed into sorrow.

Aunty Usuey who stepped into the room , rushed towards her seeing her sudden change of expression. She hasn't seen her, since the day after her boss's disappearance.

After, she left the presidential villa. They worked there, before the taking over of another government.

Her, together with the butler led their original house maids back to the mansion, they lived together before his inauguration.

After his inauguration, many trusted servant were enlisted to join them in the presidential villa to work while some were left behind to take charge of the house.

Many may not be aware but her madam came from a powerful family. She owns the biggest entertainment company in the country. Recently, before his boss demise . They signed a collaboration contract with the Hollywood industry.

Many international stars came from the company. The company deals with all different types of entertainment sector. Movies, Modelling (both clothing models and all different sectors of modelling.) and so on.

She really salutes the strength of her lady boss. Everyone within them , knows the Kind of love existing between the two of them.....

She pulled her into her embrace and patted her back. Spriya's mother was her best friend even due her mother was far older than her.

She knew when she was born. She looked at her pale face and sighed. She is twenty eight these year and she is already a widow.

She lost her parents at a young age, now her husband.

"It okay, I am here. Your mother in law, family members are also at your back. We will support you." She used her right thumb to wipe her tears.

" Remember , you have to be strong for your children."

Spriya closed her eyes as beads of tears flowed down her cheeks.

"Aunty , you know he don't deserve these kind of death. What have he done to be murdered by the same people he protects. Aunty .... sob ..... you know the different sacrifices, he has done for these country. They accused him of the coup de ete and ended his life...."

Aunty Usuey patted her back and wiped all her tears with the hems of her clothes.

"Shh, It is okay. I know how painful it is but you have to strong."

Spriya raised her head that was buried on anuty usuey's chest, looked at her face and said "Aunty, you and I knows , he can't be easily killed. How was it possible that , he was easily assassinated. It wasn't an overnight assassination. Aunty , do you know the worse about it is that, some of the evil assassination plotters are out there.."

she pointed outside " Pretending , to be mourning him. I have lost, my only strength. Aunty, do you know..." she withdrawn away from her embrace and laughed softly and then continued

" Do you know, he was my only strength in my weakness. He was there for me, when I needed help the most. Aunty can't you see am alone now?"

She sat down on the bed and broke down.

Aunty Usuey sat beside her and held her hands. "I understand your pain.I know anywhere, he is right now he will want you to be strong and not cry over him. You have to be at least strong for your children."

She looked at Aunty usuey and said " Do you think , I am not strong enough? If not for my children. I would have disappeared from these place that reminds me of him so much. Aunty , it is not easy...."

pak pak

" Ma, everyone is waiting for you."

She wiped the tears on her face and replied . "I am coming ."

" Go and wash your face and come back . Let me look for back glass for you to cover your eyes. "


On the other side

Danvers sat beside Pa Smittian bed holding his hands.

He is wearing all white . Bright white tailored suit. His hair was combed backwards. A few strains of hair was hanging at the face, making him more attractive and charming.

He gently held Pa Smittian pale hands. He looked at the old face that was once filled with energy .

" Grandpa, do you know that today , is the laying of rest of your favourite grandson. "

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath " Grandpa it hurts so much that , l have lost my hero. Just like you taught me that a man has to strong. I am being strong for mum and my younger siblings.

I promise you that , I will find out the people responsible for my hero's death. Grandpa, I will find those who are responsible for your condition and put them into punishment but you have to promise me that, you will wake up soon."

After he finished his last statement, he gentle kissed his forehead. He sigh looking at all the machines that was connected to him.

He stood up and existed the place.


Inside the hall where the burial was taking place.

Slow dull songs which made the place and people feel a strange sense of gloominess and emptiness filled the place.

The hall was decorated with sparkling white, purple and dark silver color. Each corners has the big frame of vomaah's picture.

Today being the final day of the burial procession.

The main Smittian family wore white all through.

After the entrance of main Pa Smittian family. The subsidiary family who were already sitted behind them stood up as the hymns were sang.

After the whole process that took six hours .

Spriya came to offer her short yet deviastating tribute which broke the heart of people and made them wept.

Danvers sat beside his mother and held her hands after her speech. He looked at his beautiful mum's face and noticed how pale, she looked and her slim. She had become after his father's death.

Spriya was held in both hands as they entered into the Smittian burial ground. Her eyes were covered with black glasses. She held her breath as she followed the funeral carriers.

After the whole ceremony. The whole Smittian family members , together with his priest and his mentor and few trust worthy friends including Sungal the new leader and his fellow culprit all entered into the Smittian burial ground to send him off and say their final good bye.

People held their breath and cried as, Vomaah's coffin was carried away to be led to rest. Many broke into tears as Vomaah's coffin were lowered into the built burial ground.

After the whole burial, people left one by one.

Many noticed the absence of Pa Smittian but pretended.

The whole Tunisiany country were silence. The gloominess of the place makes people feel uncomfortable.