
The Burning Heart (baby, please let go)

Early in the morning at the airport, a young man slowly stepped out of his private jet. He wore a blue shirt with a black jacket and silver trousers that complimented his physique. He slowly removed his sunglasses revealing his beautiful eyes. His handsome face where that which could bring down a nation. He could be called the gods of beauty. His presence attracted the people in the airport. Some girls started taking pictures of him. He raised his head and looked towards the sky. He smiled revealing his dimples. A sudden evil glint displayed in his eyes and disappeared as if it was an illusion. He looked towards the sky and murmured under his breath " am back my Rosy it is time for beautiful revenge." He entered into the car that came to pick him up ........................... Many called him heartless, ruthless yet below those layers were heartbroken man. Danvers was devastated watching his loved ones leave him. His once happy family was left broken and empty. The joy he felt was gone and even the remnants of it seem as if it never existed. Danvers swore to revenge against those and their families who destroyed his family yet life went to another dimension when he fell in love with one of the daughter of his adversaries. ................ Sabel was a beautiful young independent lady that was given into adoption by her father at the age of three. Despite all odds, as a D list actress sabel believed she could make it and stand proudly beside her celebrity boyfriend but her hopes were shattered when she found out an affair between her boyfriend and best friend. She crawled into a cornea with her luggage A blue porch car stops beside her "Get into the car." Danvers said Hearing a familiar voice. She lifted her eyebrows 'Where did these handsome god's crawl out from.' she was flabbergasted of what she saw. "Are you getting in or going to stay here and stare all day." he said with a tiny smile on his lips. What will happen when Danvers found her identi W

Johnson Victoria · สมัยใหม่
64 Chs


Chapter sixteen

It has been two hours since everyone was ready and waiting but Spriya had been absence . The maids and house keepers held their breath thinking that their boss was angry but what surprised them was his patience and reluctance. He sat down on a cushion reading his magazine.

He was known as someone who keeps time. He hates being a minute late to any where he was going but these one was two hours and yet, he was so relaxed. The calls had been coming from the main mansion but he had always brush it away with three words "We are coming."

After , some mins Spriya descended from the stairs. When the house keepers, maids, chefs, butlers and the guards at the entrance saw her they held their breath. They already knew she was very beautiful and breathtaking but right now, she looked like a celestial goddess. Her beautiful hazel eyes was clear as the water.

She wore a gorgeous sexy blue gown with a butterfly decoration. Her hair was styled like a tied ponytail. She wore a simple but enticing make-up which elevated her beauty. When Danvers and his younger brother Junya saw there mother coming down from the stairs. Both of them were flabbergasted. They opened there mouth in awe.

She held the tips of her cloth with both hands lifting it a little. Tara who was carried by aunty uyseu run out of her arms . She run towards her mother and held her hands before motioning her to bend down. Spriya looked at her and smiled before bending down . She whispered softly in her ear " You look beautiful." before she could exact. Tara gave her a kiss her on the chin. Spriya ramped her head before kissing her forehead softly. Tara held her mother's hand softly. Spriya stood up and looked at her daughter who was holding hands. She was about to turn, when she had her daughter's tiny voice "Let's me introduce you all to my beautiful mum."

On hearing her daughter's tiny voice. Vomaah looked up from his magazine. He was stunned for some time that he forgot to blink. He drop his laptop on the couch and stood up. He scrool towards her , held her hand softly and whispered into her ear "You look beautiful my love. No beautiful is an understatement . You look like a goddess."

"You beautiful in these cloth but you look more beautiful without clothe. If not because we are already late. I would have taken you upstairs and remove these cloth from you.

Spirya looked at him and blushed. She gently punched his chest and said " You and your preverted mind ."

She changed the topic immediately. She looked at her husband and said "You are not looking bad yourself."

Tara who was beside her mother looked at her blushing face and asked "Mom are you sick? Why is your face red ?"

Spriya akwardly and answered immediately "No am not sick."

Tara shrugged her shoulder . When the maids heard that . They looked at the couple smiled, and slowly retreated.

He looked at his wife's blushing face smiled, and gave her his hand. spriya put her hand in his.

Tara left her mum's hand and went to her brothers and said to them"You two are ugly compared to me and mum. Girls are the most beautiful . I my lying ? " She put her hands on her tiny waist posing.

When his brothers heard it they bursted into laughter. Danvers and Junya looked at their little talkative sister and shaked their heads and continued to laugh. The guard that entered to tell them that the cars were ready couldn't hold himself and bursted into laughter.

His laughter attracted the attention of the lovely duo. They looked at him with the eyes that says ' why are laughing ' but on seeing their daughter's behavior. Both of them smiled.

The guard composed himself when he was given that look. " Your excellence the cars are ready." he straighten himself and switched back to his professional tone.

Vomaah looked at him and nodded. He turned to his wife and said " Let's go." holding his wife's hands tightly. Both of them started exiting the big mansion but before they could reach the entrance. Tara came in between them, looked at her dad and said lifting her hands "Dad carry me." Vomaah used one hand and carried her. Spriya looked at her and smiled.

The two boys followed their parents behind. Both of them were on uniform.

On reaching the cars. The both doors were opened for them by his private guards. Vomaah , spriya and Tara entered into the same car while Danvers and Junya entered into a different car together. The cars slowly drove away from the great presidential Villa .


At the Smittian Villa.

Ma Smittian was pacing around the house. She wore an expensive yellow dress. Her grey hair was left hanging at her back. The whole place where filled with guests. Many prominent men in government where presence. Smittian family were known as a powerful military family in the Eastern state and country as a whole. Their fame became in measureable when Vomaah made a great name in military.

She went to his son who were attending to their guests and asked " Broher where is your son?"

Broher turned towards his mother and replied "Mum they are on their way."

Ma Smittian sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose and said "I have been hearing the same words for over one hour now. Whenever you call him he will brush it away with 'we are coming' .Mr man if you don't call him now . You give me your phone. "

Major general Broher put his hands up in surrender and said "Okay mum, relax and stop pacing around. I will call him. Go and attend to your guests. Stop pacing around."

Ma Smittian looked at him , sighed and left without giving his son another glance.


When the mobile cars arrived at the hanger . Vomaah and his family stepped out of the car .

The family of five entered into the private jet . Shortly the jet took off.

Tara was already asleep when they stepped out of the jet.

After, they stepped out of the private jet. They entered the awaiting mobile cars.

Vomaah, spriya and Tara who was carried by his father entered into the same car while Danvers and Junya entered on a different vehicle.


It was already 8:30 pm when they arrived at the venue.

Immediately, they stepped out of the car. Tara woke up. She looked at her father and whispered into his ears " Dad carry me down. I want to join my brothers." Hearing that he slowly put her down. She left his father and went to her brothers.

Spriya and Vomaah were astonished when they stepped out of the car. The whole place were bustling. Spriya wondered what ceremony were going on. Even funeral were not meant to be these lively. The reason why she dressed well whenever she was coming to the Smittian Villa was because her grand father in law always gets angry whenever she dressed in simple or casual dress . He always queries her husband saying 'he doesn't know how to take good care of his wife. '

Spriya looked at her husband and held her husband's hand before calling him by the pet name given to him by his family "Briggs what's going on. I thought you said your grandfather was on sick bed. What is these celebration for."

Vomaah smiled on hearing her call him by his pet name. It was a name given to him by his grandfather after he came back from Mongolian war. Many of his colleagues died there.

"I myself is confused. I was astonished when I saw these lively atmosphere."

"let's go inside."


On hearing the sound of Amber . People already knew that the president have arrived. Vomaah held spriya's hand tightly as the couple stepped into the venue.