
The broken thrown. A storm rises. book 2

BushThorn has ran away from her mothers mountain, she now has to earn the trust of the dragons that plot against her mother. Can she gain there trust or can she trust them? BushThorn is friends with QuiverWing but not all dragons believed so. BushThorn has to learn how to stand on her feet and eventually have to face her mothers furious wrath. With the first few days BushThorn finds all sort of drama and secrets that these dragons holds.

FunPup · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs

Chapter 10

BushThorn hovered in horror of what her mother had done, "BushThorn thank goodness you're alright!" Petle said once dropping Needle to the ground, he didn't move. "Come and give me a hug darling" her mothers dimand extended claws was covered in blood as she widen them.

"You killed him!" she snarled.

"Come on I see the chain marks, don't tell me you have any loyalty to him" Petle had her impatient look, "you coming or not?".

"Never!" BushThorn slammed her full body waght on her mothers side when she doved, when a hair does this to the crowned King or queen it means a challenge.

"Oh you really want to do this!?" Petle had her grin as she snarled. BushThorn barely dodged a slash to the throght and she locked her jaw on the back of Petles neck. Petle spun and BushThorn lost her grip and her blood joined the rain when her ribs were slashed. BushThorn dug her claws into Petle wings trying to get an advantage but it was too tuff for her to rip it. "You idiot now I have to kill you!" Petle screeched into her ear.

"Better then having you as a queen!" BushThorn hissed.

BushThorn got a hit on her tail as she tried to fly up, the dimand extentions are not just for show. Petle got anuther slash to BushThorns side and BushThorn dived and slammed Petle into the ground and she heard a crack. "OW YOU LITTLE GIT!" Petle snarled with her teeth barred and her tail twisted. BushThorn did a slash, aimed at Petles throat and it missed, Petle jumped back and hissed as she bit down at BushThorns throat. She managed to get free and slashed her mothers side, BushThorn felt the claws of Petle slash on the bit where her throat meets her head and everything went black.

BushThorn woke up to a foggy black viod, "welcome daughter, can you hear me?" a voice called to her.

"Yes who are you?" BushThorn felt calm now.

"Good the other one couldn't and talked to the viod directly, I'm Lakarr" Lakarrs voice echoed through the viod.

"You called me daughter?" BushThorn questioned.

"Well that takes a little explaining" Lakarr emerged and he was a very large chameleon dragon. "You see I'm the very first dragon to live, and these spikes that we have on both side of our necks mean immortality, we die then come back endlessly. It's a blessing and a curse.

I was born from magic, from a powerful mage long ago when dragon hunters didn't know what dragons were. I was from a salt water crocodile egg but changed magicly, after time I realised that this magic is not genetic and I have to share it with others directly from the viod. I have became stuck here until summoned, but no one knows the spell. I have made mistakes in the past but managed to fix them, and now I have given it to you.

You have promiss and potential. Now your friend Needle is not dead I have protected him but when you return make it clear that you will not be pushed around so easily, I will give you the strength you need". A light appeared and Lakarr gestured for her to jump in it, "I will protect you daughter" he nodded.

She nodded back and jumped in, the rain flowed down her snout and she rose feeling a new strength run through her body. Petle was fighting Wrath and they both turned to her, Petle had a look of horror and BushThorns slammed into her side. "Get away from my flock!" she snarled.

"You're supposed to dead" Petle snarled back. BushThorn grabbed Petle by the tail and flew straight up, Petle dangled from her grip. BushThorn made it pass the rain clouds and Petle clearly found it hard to fly properly.

"Die you useless lump!" Petle swung for her neck but missed and BushThorn shoot a blast of fire on her sout. Petle screeched and flew west and her gards followed when she went below the clouds. She didn't kill her so Petle remains the Queen, "BushThorn!" Wrath called, he had slashes and bits all over him.

"What now?" BushThorn was not in the mood for any lectures.

"Needle!" he dove down to him and she followed. Needle was nocked out cold, BushThorn touched his neck and she felt a faint pulls. "He's alive!" she declared.

"BushThorn I'm sorry, I treated you as an enemy but you died protecting us, I sorry" Wrath cried into her shoulder.

"It's ok, you have dragons to protect from any threats" BushThorn forgive him. She looked down at Needle, "he needs to be brought back to the healers" BushThorn said to Wrath who was nuzzling her shoulder in guilt.

"Yes, now!" he called to the dragons in the trees, manly cloud slashers. She helped bring Needle in and the looks that she saw on all the dragons that were there made her feel a sympathy for them.

'I can't imagine the kind of suffering that these dragons had been the to Petles rule, all these dragons aren't tropical dragon's they live on mountain, deserts, ice planes and filds not here'. BushThorn didn't realise that she had a worried look until Wrath spoke, "don't worry I'll tell them the truth and they won't blame you" he whispered.

"Thanks, I just don't like seeing them so upset" she sat Needle down on the moss bed that was free and both QuiverWing and Scorch got to work right away.

"What happened out there?" Chaker asked her.

"Well I saw what Petle did to her and then I challenged her and lost" she explained keeping her eye on Needle.

"But you're alive and barely have a scratch" he sniffed her.

"Well these horns the me and QuiverWing have makes us immortal" she blurded.

"Oh yeah we both have them" QuiverWing mumbled as she worked.

"He's going to survive, I can feel it" BushThorn studied him.

"How can you be sure? especially when he is in this condition" Slayer sobbed.

"I just know" BushThorn rested her chin on top of his head.

"Thank you, for defending him" Slayer cried out.

"I will fight with him every time, so no problem" BushThorn said then she heard Wrath call a meeting.

"I know what you're all thinking but no BushThorn did not do this to Needle! actually if anything BushThorn saves him" he took a deep breath. "Petle was above the entrance and BushThorn fought her, I had to but only when BushThorn got her strength is when she chased her off" he reported.

"BushThorn saved my life" BushThorn could now see that blood was dripping from his throat and side and his wings were torn.

"BushThorn saved you and Needle?" an ice thang called put hissing.

"If you have a problem with me, say it to my face" BushThorn twitched her tail and narrowed her eyes at the rather large ice thang. He just hissed and turned away, BushThorn kept thinking through put the rest of the meeting, it was just a report of what happened so she didn't really care. 'Now Petle knows that I'm against her, she also knows that I'm immortal so what is she planning?' that question ran through her head.