
Chapter Thirty-Five

When the General moved to his perch on the driver's seat, I couldn't help but sigh in relief. He was still too close for comfort, but at least I didn't have to look at him for a few hours. I carefully placed the potion bottles back in the case and went back to my spot at the back of the wagon. It wasn't as comfortable physically, but at least I wasn't practically sitting next to that brute.

I still couldn't believe what he said. As we rode on, his words played in my head on repeat. He called me worthless, of all things! And to top it off, he dared to seek my aid immediately after insulting me. His words made me angry. But more than that, they hurt. I want to convince myself that it only hurt my pride, to have my abilities questioned, but it was more than that. He hurt my feelings. Even now, my heart ached with the sting.