
Welcomed Distraction

Fate is what takes you down that road you ever so often avoid taking. Take, for instance, just sitting on a rock and minding your own business before a complete stranger appears out of nowhere. At the time, I had no idea that it was where I was supposed to be with whom I am meant to be, doing what I should be doing...falling in love.

I wish I could have blamed gravity, but the truth was I fell in love. I fell deeper and deeper until I reached the deepest point. In the middle of all my chaos, there she was. You can call it destiny, or you can call it fate; the point is you will fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time.

Now that unexpected love has brought us to this point where both our lives, our love, and our future depend on what will happen in the next minute. 

But I am frightened.

"Boo, is this what you really want? I thought that you wanted it to be a surprise?"