
Hardest Decision Of Your Life

My heart is shattered.

I nearly lost Isabella today. It was so damn close; I could always feel her slip from my reach. It fucking kills me; it is eating me up alive; I cannot protect my wife!

I felt so goddamn helpless; it felt that there was nothing that I could do; it was all out of my hands.

Now I am standing outside with Galland, and I can hardly even catch my breath. The only desire I have now is to burst into a flood of tears and cry. I am supposed to be strong, but I feel weak to the bone.

I don't, and I cannot fucking do this.

I cannot lose Isabella.

I have no idea who can be behind this; god knows that I have made my fair share of enemies between some of the boys in the Corps. But who would stoop to such a level to try and kill me and even with Isabella with me in the car? Most of the guys in our platoon know that she is pregnant.

What sick fuck would do such a thing?