

My eyes fluttered opened as I sat up from my bed rather in an ungraceful style. The royal family should always have their composure no matter what the situation is but nonetheless I couldn't care about that at the moment, I need to discuss my plan to Nathan, so I looked at him and motioned him to have a seat on the bed. He followed my order but maintained a considerable distance since I was a royalty and he was more than just a mere servant, but I never saw him that way, for me he was a friend and I have told him that, but he said that we can be friends, but he should always abide with the rule's blah blah.

"I need you to pretend to be me." His eyes immediately grew wide and he was about to disagree, but I cut him off before he could protest further.

"This is only temporary okay. I need you to be the prince of the sea until I get my powers." I said and pleadingly.

"But why?! I mean the idea is rather absurd and I don't think I can act like a prince I mean, look at me! I don't even look like a royalty besides if your father knew about this especially Lord Elevi I will surely be a dead meat and I would rather kill myself before anyone does!" He said with in a whisper, but I just rolled my eyes.

"Well wouldn't it be also absurd if they were to find out that the price of the sea has no powers? Right. So, I want, you to be me and no one will know. Not father or Elevi and that is an order from me Prince Alexander Felix Archemidius." Ugh I hate my name and my nickname has no connection with it I mean Fin?! Nate just sighed and stood up.

"Then who will you be." I smirked knowing that he already agreed with my plan, not that he can oppose with it but nonetheless I smirked and spoke.

"Well I'm your aid Nathaniel Forfaden Kumpolvic, have you forgotten Prince Alex."

I said while bowing down to him, but he smacked my head and I laughed as he was blushing really hard from embarrassment.

"Please don't do that again."

"Will do your highness." I finally said as I laughed while he was murmuring something which made me laugh even more as we left my room. I took a quick glance at it and finally followed Nate, or should I say Prince Alex.

More or so we arrived at the departing wing of the castle where I live in and there was Elevi standing all mighty and intimidating. The badge or symbol of the kingdom is proudly drawn at the back of his cape as he wore his uniform and it was oddly, fashionable. I diverted my gaze from him as I looked at the car that's going to take us to the academia which is I believe is three hours away from the kingdom.

If you are wondering why are there vehicles in the kingdom of the sea well first of all, the castle is above the sea and is on the middle of it with a long bridge that connects to the land and the reason for that is efficient travel because father once said that if the castle was under the sea then we would not be aware of the possible attacks because it would take a measurable amount of time for our guards in the land to deliver the message to the kingdom.

The car was colored in a shade of blue that matches the color of the deep sea and it was built with the most extravagant Vaxio in the kingdom and it has a flag of top of it and the symbol of the kingdom is by its door.

As soon as we got ready Elevi ordered the driver to start our journey as Nate was busy making breakfast, so I guess this isn't a car after all more like a luxurious van that we got from the world humans, they build such fascinating things, but their technology advancement is either their end or their future, such reckless and imprudent creatures but nonetheless they are not at that bad. The inside of the car was designed and colored white that matches the shade of pearls and a touch of gold on the corners.

As the car was moving, I can't keep my heart from jumping. I was beyond nervous but Nate on the other hand is more relaxed doing whatever he was doing. My hands were turning cold and is starting to sweat. There are a lot of people in the academy and I know that not all of them are nice especially our rivals. Ugh why do I even have to go there and even father wasn't there to send me off, shouldn't parents cheer their children on new paths and send them off on trips like this!? One day I'm going to confront him about this.

"Your highness, breakfast is ready." I just nodded as I was looking at the trees outside, the sky was bright, and the sun was shining, and it seems like its welcoming me to the new path but sadly I didn't choose this way, I was pushed into it. I sighed as the car was dead silent.

Elevi was sleeping and Nate was nowhere to be seen, maybe he's in one of the rooms in this van. I just ate the food in front of me as this was going to be a long ride after I finished eating, I closed my eyes as I was planning to take a nap, maybe this will help me calm down. Maybe. Just maybe.

"Wake up Fin". I sighed, my vision was a blur as my eyes hurt from the light coming from every direction I looked. I slowly sat up feeling dizzy as my vision adjusted and just by then after a few minutes of adjusting. I realized that I was not in the van anymore. I was in a room. A huge room that was somehow is comparable to mine. It had high ceiling, a huge chandelier and huge curtains that was colored in navy blue.

There was a room which I assumed that would lead to a bathroom. The bed that I was still on was in the middle and in front of it was a huge door with a terrace outside. There was another door that looked like a walk-in closet. Then there's Nate beside me who was looking at me with a slight smile.

"What is it Nate and where are we?" I asked looking back at the room. He sighed and stood up.

"We are at the academy your majesty." I had to blink a few times befor that registered in me. I looked at him with wide eyes.

We are in the academy for whatever you may think of sakes! I stood up abruptly and placed both of my hands on his shoulder.

"T-The plan? D-Did it work? We're you able to-to um, uh, y-you-"

"It failed before it even started your majesty." He said. I felt my body losing strength. Normally this is just me overreacting on things that are so little to pay in mind but now, I know that this is a big deal. I looked back at Nate and he was looking at me sadly.

"I am sorry your majesty, but it seems like your father already arranged your identity and papers beforehand."

I placed my palms on my head. Why does this have to happen to me. When I thought that this was going to play out the way I planned it but no.

"How did I get here in this... room." I flopped myself on the bed. It was soft and very comfortable. There's no point in plotting another plan. I know that it will fail miserably. Even a dull person knows that.

"Well uh er.. Lord Elevi sort of carried you here."

"What?! I- how- d-did anyone see?"

"Fortunately, no. Exept for this one person that is probably somewhere near this room which is now your room."

I sighed yet again and stood up and roamed the room. It had many details on the wall and just by then did I saw my names on it.

"This room was the room of your predecessors your majesty. The mighty kings that has resided in our kingdom stayed here. Made this room as their own when they were being trained and sharpened by the marbles of their selves and their opponents. Thus, you see the names on the wall. It is your turn now your majesty." I touched on what seemed like a family tree.

I remember and know every name embedded on the walls. They were predecessors of predecessors. They were the known names in any kingdom you would reside in. My family. They've made it through for their names to be in here. Your name will only show up if you have succeeded in your task and challenges in becoming one's mighty self which made me frown.

In my current state, I know that I am far from reaching the tiniest bit of their ability. I removed my fingers on it and went to open the door that led to the terrace. I was embraced by the cold breeze of the wind that made me shiver. It was already dark outside and there were only a handful of stars in the heavens above as the moon hid behind the clouds.

A/N: I am really sorry if it took more than a month for me to update. But here is the chapter nonetheless. This was the first ever story that I enjoyed writing. So Fin has faced his first challenge and met the others. Watching him be like a shy and conscious person when he's with Nate but a strong figure in front of his equals. Nate is such a good friend don't you think? And my, Kaval seems to get into his nerves. How do you feel about this chapter? I would love to hear your thoughts on it.

AUVINEcreators' thoughts