
Justina Visits

Things were good for the next few days. I was talking to Diana on a daily basis and to be honest I couldn't tell if she wanted to just hook up or if she wanted more. At this point in my life, I wasn't really into getting into a relationship since my past had enough scars that humbled me. I know you must be thinking how can a billionaire have everything and still lack the love of a woman who is expected to stand by his side and make the perfect couple. The answer is simple, the same way a famous movie quote said, 'with great power comes great responsibility ' I also have a saying that goes well with my situation, 'with a lot of money comes a lot of responsibilities'. Funny, right? But that's the truth. The moment you find yourself in a position that's higher than everyone else either in terms of wealth or power, you never seem to know who are your actual friends or if their just people hoping to benefit from being associated to you. I learnt this the hard way. As I was in my house thinking about this one of the servants knocked on the door of my office. And in walked Rodriguez with Justina by his side. She had wore a fancy dress with a Gucci handbag on her shoulder. The moment I set my eyes on her I could feel day was just about to get ruined. She smiled so broadly as she approached my desk while Rodriguez stood by the door.

"What is she doing here?" I asked Rodriguez as I clearly ignored Justina's presence in room.

"She insisted that she should see you" Rodriguez answered back with fear starting to settle on his face. He could tell that I was pissed just by decision to allow Justina into my mansion.

"Hello Ryan" Justina finally spoke as she was about to take a seat. Before she could even seat down I held out my palm indicating for her to stop in her tracks. She stopped and gave me a confused look

"What are you doing here?" I asked her as I tried my best to hold back my rage.

"What do you mean? I'm here to see you" she responded as she looked clearly confused

Of all the things that I had expected, I did not expect Justina to have this kind of nerve. She was clearly testing me and I was not ready to ruin my day just because of her. My focus went back to Rodriguez who stood by the door as if he was waiting for a firing squad.

"Come on Ryan, baby--" Justina continued before I cut her off when I took a glass figurine and with all my might threw it across the room shattering it on impact when it hit the wall. My blood was now boiling as my nose flared up. I could see fear in the eyes of Justina. I couldn't believe she had the nerve to even try using that line on me again. Her eyes were wide with shock and fear. That's what I wanted to see from her. She took a step back and i knew the message had been sent.

"You fucking lost the privilege to use that word on me the day you broke my heart!!" I shouted in rage. My whole body felt like I was burning up but I knew it was just from the sight of Justina. I despised her to the point where just the sight of her or even mentioning of her name made me feel like I was about to throw up. I saw two of the cleaners rush into the door with one of the security guys and when they got there, Rodriguez was quick to tell them to wander off.

"If I were you I would be very careful about what comes out of your mouth next" I instructed her

" Ryan, we can talk things out" she started pleading as I saw tears start running down her cheeks," we can fix things. We can go back to having what we had "

" Had? Had? What we had was nothing! You proved that to me months ago! I was nothing to you apart from a stepping stone on your your way to achieving your goals! There was an us but there can never be again. " I said this as I looked straight into her eyes to make sure that that point was delivered clearly. With every passing second I was trying my best not to pick up anything and throw it directly towards her. It took a lot of effort and I knew the more I engaged in this conversation, I could loose my cool at one point. I had to put this conversation to rest before I do anything worse. I just turned and looked at Rodriguez. He could feel the intensity as I stared him down like I could see right through his soul. He just looked down in fear of what I would do. I noticed Justina was about to say something and from the looks of things this could've gone from bad to worse in a split second. Before she even spoke up, I pointed to Rodriguez and said with a straight face,

"Show miss Justina to the door and make sure that it's known, whoever let's her through those gates should do so with a resignation letter in hand

"You're kicking me out?" She asked in shock. I couldn't help but laugh at this. She looked at me in disbelief as I laughed

"Sweetheart, the only time you can walk into my mansion ever again is when you have a court order to do so. And since you can't do that, get the fuck out of my house" I said sarcastically before I because dead serious when I said the last words. Rodriguez just walked by to her side and asked her to follow him politely to which she reluctantly started following him as she looked at me in disbelief