
Lost in despair

Arthur Robinson;the elder son of Lucas Robinson and Morgan Robinson,was only 11 when he lost them.He also lost his younger sister;Naomi Robinson in the incident 10 years back.

It was a night of celebration.Lucas got promotion in his job.So,he invited his closest friend,Thomes Evans to celebrate with them.They sat down together for dinner.Suddenly they heard a noise, the glass of their window broke.They noticed that a big piece of rock caused the breaking.Lucas looked outside the window to check what was happening.He saw that the local people gathered infront of their house with sticks,fire,trident,knife,poisinous arrows and many more weapons like that.He knew his family was in danger.He immediately told Thomes,

'Thomes,plz do this favour to me.Take Morgan and the kids and run through the back door'

Morgan refused to go without Lucas.She told Thomes to take only the kids.Thomes grabbed 11 years old Arthur and 6 years old Naomi and ran through the back door.The people attacked the front door,causing to break through.They attacked them beacuse they got the news that they were Beasts.Well,Yes,They were beasts.But they never hurt anyone.The beast resides in one corner of their heart and the beast would only come out if they experienced immense trauma or intense discomfort.And Lucas and Morgan were very much kind to people.They never intend to hurt anyone.And they almost never transformed into a beast.Like always they didn't want to hurt anybody.So,Morgan told Lucas to hide in the woods.Lucas could feel the pain in her heart.He decided to run to the woods with her.The people followed them in the woods.They ran and ran.But unfortunately got caught.One of the man attacked Morgan with a trident.Morgan's eyes open wide.....She saw blood everywhere.But it was not her.Lucas came in the way and got stabbed by the trident.And it resulted to injure his heart.He fell down as blood was coming out of his body.They had a special ability to heal their wounds.But it doesn't work if the injury is in the heart.Morgan shouted,

'LUCAS,come on yo..you can revive.Don't leave me in such a situation.We have to go back to our kids.!

She broke into tears.She felt his heart stop and his last breath come out.She was in a trauma.And a trauma that intense,due to losing her soulmate was enough to Awaken her beast deep down her heart.Her eyes turned red,she was covered in hair,her teeth became sharp as a knife,her face expressed complete despair.She was angry and hurt.She finally turned into that beast she never wanted to become.The local people became angrier and started to curse her.They became more violent.One of the people threw a poisonous arrow towards her.She was going to attack the people despite the injury caused due to the poisonous arrow in her arm.At that point a man came out and threw fire on her.She was burning and the poison was steadily devouring her soul.She fell down on the ground.Deep inside she thought to herself,

'I hope my kids are okay.I guess I will never get to see them again.'

She died along with her desire to have a happy family and live a normal life.

Some men scattered in the woods in search of the kids.They didn't want any of their inheritor to be alive.They searches all around the woods.One man suddenly shouted,

'HERE,I found the beasts'

Everyone rushed towards that man.Thomes was still running with Arthur and Naomi.They started to chase them and attack them at the same time.They started throwing poisonous arrows and knifes.Suddenly Naomi stopped running.