
The broken and fallen

ever heard the phrase guardian angel? samuel greene is a guardian angel but something is wrong. he starting to remenber things he shouldn't be and a demon spawn has made it's presence known on earth.

AutumnNolan · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Crash and fall

The shattered glass scattered across the road. One minute everything was going well. And the next it wasn't. It is same old thing each time I arrive at drunk driver crash.

A happy family heading home one moment and the next half of them are pronounced dead on the scene. Red and blue now floods the scene.

As I watch as they try to open the mini van's crushed door. Now it was my turn. But this wasn't what I expected. As they peeled open the vans door like a can of sardines. A little cry filled the cold dark night.

As I watched as the rescuers pulled a little girl out of the van. She looked like she could be about six. She had blue eyes with light brown hair in braided pigtails. She had scratches on her face and hands. Her little hands were in fists. She was crying now it was my turn.

I walked over it to her. Placing a hand on her cheek. It is alright little one. The worst of it is now over. It may seem dark right now and may it seem that may be alone But you will never truly be alone.

She looked up at me. I let out a gasp. Memories of another life as a brother flooded through my mind like wildfire. The last kiss. The last hug. The last words that were shouted to a crowd that never truly listened to me.

"big brother?" She cried out.

She throws her hands up trying to touch my cheek. Tears flowed down her cheeks as she noticed I was not here. The medics patch her up.

Poor girl orphaned not even old enough to understand what it means to be one. A car door slams. As a grey hoodie female storms up towards one of police officers. Who is she I wonder? The police nods as he leads the female towards the little girl.

The female pulls down her hood. As she brushes hair out of the little girl's face. the young girl lunges towards her. The female lifts her up. " it's alright now izze the mizze. Don't you worry now. All may seem lost, but it is not I assure you.

That even in this darkest night you are alright."

A single tear rolls down izzie face. "jasmine I saw him. I saw Samuel. "

Telling almost exactly what you were saying" Izzie exclaimed

I cry.

jasmine…. Oh, mine… beautiful angel.

Jasmine smiles at izzie

"I knew it. " Jasmine Mutters out with a smile

"Knew what?" Izzie asks.

she lifts Izzie up into her arms.

" I knew that your brother would be, guardian angel it was obvious his whole life that it was what he was Destined to do. one day we will know what drove him to do what he did. until that day the world will see him as a monster. but I assure you I know with all my heart that it wasn't him."

one of the medics from the ambulance walks up to both of the girls.

" Jasmine is it?" they asked her impatiently.

" yes. it is. I have been declared this young girl's guardian. her parents put me in place as her guardian if anything was to ever happened to them and it appears that something has and if you excuse me I must go and get her away from this scene she is much too young to remember something like this."

Jasmine opens her car door placing little Lizzie in the backseat buckling her in.

and she wasted no time taking off.

" yet again I allow you to slide through my fingers as if you don't matter. " Samuel shakes his head confused as what he was talking about.

what was he even thinking he doesn't even know these people he was just supposed to make sure that no one survived the crash.

although he was told that they be dead and the young girl was alive and it is his not his place to kill someone.

but something felt off about the situation.

he knew better than to question the authority of above. but there was something off about it he could feel it in his chest as he walked away fading Into the background once more as if he had never been there.

with a blinding light Samuel once again arrives at heaven's Gates.

walking up to the gate he drops his sole collector in the sorter and waves his hands at the guard to allow him inside.

he had no time to react to the warm embrace of another person's arms. or time to brace himself for the smack that came across his face.

" you had me worried sick you know you were late!" a woman in white says to him.

he blinks madly. suddenly a blush comes across his face as he remembers who was in front of him.

" I'm sorry Emily. I missed our date because I was working I got called to a drunk driver accident again I don't understand why they believe that I found the perfect person for collecting those people's souls. " he mumbles out.

Emily glares at him. " here we go again are you questioning your job? are you not grateful? you have any idea how many people in heaven would love to have your job all I have to say is one words of my father in you'll be gone. that's all I need to do. the next time you missed our date that's what I will do. don't underestimate my power.

come on you're lucky that I didn't eat all the food I spent all my rations on it."

Emily grab Samuels hand leading him towards the house that they share together.

as the door closes a small fire Sparks inside of Samuel soul setting ablaze towards the memories that were long lost.

Samuel did not know it now.

but this was the last time him and Emily would ever be in the same house again and share the love that they did now.

for in the world below a dark and sinister creature awakens roaring its presence towards the underworld and alerting it's ruler.

that it was now time for the moment that he dreaded for centuries.