
Wash the tendons and burn the bones

After repeatedly confirming that no one was nearby, Mu Rufeng took off his clothes and paced into the hot spring.

The milky white spring was tumbling, and the comfortable water temperature made her sigh comfortably, and the cells above and below the whole body were opened, breathing heartily.

About a quarter of an hour, Mu Rufeng took out the purple spirit liquid that had been prepared, swallowed it with his head tilted up.

As Ziling Liquid entered the throat, a scorching heat spread all over the body, and then came a strong tearing pain.

The delicate and tender little face instantly became distorted, frowning frowning, and his face showing pain.

Zi Lingye, the secret medicine of Guigu Shenyao's secret medicine, is used to wash the tendons and forge the pith. Unfortunately, the process is extremely painful. If you die once, if you survive it, you will be reborn.

Although the poison of Linglong drunk has been resolved, a lot of toxins have remained in the body for many years. Even if the body recovers, it still stagnate in cultivation.

Only by washing the tendons can we break through the limits of the body and achieve a qualitative leap in the body's physique, and only then can we make the road of cultivation more smooth in the future.

Mu Rufeng strongly endured that this body was so fragile and sensitive that the pain was magnified countless times.

The teeth were bitten, the nails were caught in the flesh, the body was ups and downs, and the scorching force was rushing through the body.

The meridians were broken, the bones rattled, and Murufeng Qiqiao bleeds. The pair of ink pupils widened, the bloodshot eyes covered with pain, and the pain was so extreme that a small animal-like growl came from the mouth.

But in a moment of effort, Mu Rufeng's face was full of blood, sitting in a hot spring pool, like a blood man, with the smelly blood stained with red and white spring water, gradually spreading out to the surroundings.

On this late autumn night, when viewed from afar, it was extremely strangely cold, only showing a head of Mu Rufeng above the spring, more like a fierce ghost in the late night.

Gong Qianye watched from afar, the purple phoenix eye crossed the color of pity, how cruel it was to be so cruel to himself.

The process of washing the tendons and cutting the bones, the pain of cutting the bones, this body is torn, the meridian bones are broken, and then reassembled, it is like the torment of purgatory, the world is painful, even the ordinary strong can't stand it, let alone Such a delicate sister like wind.

Pain, it hurts, it hurts, only screaming, only self-mutilation, over and over again and again...

When the last trace of impurities in the body was exhausted, the meridians were connected, and the bones were reorganized. After the pain again, Mu Rufeng could no longer bear it and planted it into the spring water.

The teenager shook her body, picked her up and hugged her arms.

The girl's delicate body, white and crystal clear, transparent and slippery, extremely holy in the moonlight, her small face washed away with blood, pale and fragile, as if broken with a poke, it can't help but hurt.

Mu Rufeng's heavy eyelids lifted slightly, and his pupil reflected the beautiful face of the demon, who could no longer support it, and fell asleep.

The young man's anxious call echoed in his ears, and Mu Rufeng in his sleep frowned slightly, and wanted to speak, but he couldn't make any sound and was too tired to move.

She could feel the young man shaking his hands slightly, and even without looking at it, she could guess his tension and worry at the moment.

"Sister Rufeng!" Gong Qianye frowned, her crystal clear and handsome face full of anxiety, holding Mu Rufeng's arms unlike the imaginary effort, his body flickered and disappeared into the night.