
Uncle emperor taught, my nephew remembered it

The two attendants trembled, and they almost couldn't hold the tray in their hands.

"No appetite, go back." A certain prince took a sip, his eyes showing disgust.

"No way, Prince, you haven't eaten anything this day." The attendant said worriedly.

How can the body continue like this?

"I have no appetite when I said it, don't you understand, get out." Duanmu Linyuan reprimanded, the coldness overflowing all over his body.

The attendant's hands trembled while holding the bowls and chopsticks, and the prince was photographed by the prince's momentum.

"Don't eat it." He probably won't be so picky for a few days.

Poor someone still expects Mu Rufeng to cook in person, it seems that he is destined to be hopeless.

"Wait for your master to take a bath. Mix this liquid medicine with the hot water. Wait until the liquid is absorbed before you get up." Throwing the liquid, Mu Rufeng turned and left the room.

A certain pitiful, resentful man was left behind.

A certain prince who was sitting in the tub squinted his eyes and felt that the cyan liquid was absorbed by the body little by little, and the depressed spiritual power in the body showed signs of recovery.

My heart was shocked again.

He is looking forward to how many surprises this little woman has to give him.

The next day.

Mu Rufeng went to administer the needle to Duanmu Linyuan as usual.

Seeing her coming, a certain prince raised his eyes, looked at her in surprise, lying on his side feebly.

The look in his eyes changed sharply, and it made people feel pitiful.

Um, the two words grievance and pity are not used on the prince at all.

"Is it feeling better today." Mu Rufeng frowned and continued to see no attendants close by. Even His Royal Highness dared to be so negligent. Are they not afraid of losing their lives?

"This seat is hungry." Duanmu Linyuan showed weakness and looked at him pitifully, asking for help.

Mu Rufeng is one head and two big people, and the prince is dignified. He is proud, and he is domineering.

"Who told you not to eat last night, deserve it." Mu Rufeng said with a cold face on purpose.

"It's unpalatable, I want to eat what you made." A certain prince truthfully told his thoughts.

It is estimated that it is impossible for her to take the initiative to cook for herself.

In this case, she can only turn to the second best. She doesn't take the initiative, he takes the initiative.

"I'm not the cook in your house." I want to eat her own cooking, and I don't see if I have that blessing.

"I didn't treat you as a cook." He wanted her to be the mistress of the Prince's Mansion, okay.

"His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness Lin, Prince Ouyang and Princess Ouyang came to visit the Prince." The announcement sounded outside the door.

Then the door was pushed open, and Duanmuxuan and others walked in.

A certain prince who was alone with a woman was immediately unhappy when he saw someone coming in. If it was not covered by a mask, he would definitely be able to see his gloomy face.

"Uncle Emperor, are you better?" Duan Muxuan approached and asked worriedly.

How could a person who was so mighty and domineering the day before yesterday became bedridden suddenly?

"How is the emperor's body?" Duan Mulin asked Mu Rufeng directly.

"Can eat and sleep." Mu Rufeng's voice was faint, and his attitude was not very enthusiastic.

In fact, seeing these people makes her annoying.

At that time, it was considered that the man should stay in the general's mansion for treatment, but also to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Now they took the initiative to find the door.

It seems that there is a need to order, and no one will be allowed to visit in the future.

Duanmu Linyuan's status is noble, and there are a lot of people who want to take advantage of the knot. She doesn't want to have a good general's house, where people come and go, and annoying.

"Your mind, I have my heart, don't come again, and you..."

To their greetings, Duanmu Linyuan was indifferent and his tone was slightly unhappy. Then he turned his eyes and turned to Duanmulin who was aside.

"Since He Feng'er retired, keep a distance and pay attention to the influence." Prince Linyuan said almost imperative.

Teaching a nephew, and this kid was the fiance of the woman he fancyed, this identity alone is enough to provoke the biggest dissatisfaction with him.

If nothing else, just retiring from the marriage is enough to see that this kid's vision is really bad.

For such an idiot, Duanmu Linyuan would naturally not take it seriously.

It's just a warning, it's still necessary.

He didn't want this kid to do anything that upset Feng'er.

King Lin's pupils suddenly shrank, his body tensed, and an unspeakable sourness and unwillingness surged in his chest.

"Uncle emperor taught me a lesson, my nephew remembered it in my heart!" Duan Mulin said with difficulty under pressure to suppress the surging emotions, his mouth full of bitterness.

Unconsciously, he has come to a step beyond retreat.

There is really nothing to do with her, like a passerby, not even a passerby.

Thinking of this, Duan Mulin shook his body, a little unstable.

Funny, isn't this exactly what he wanted?

But at this moment, he felt unwilling and lonely.

Oh, it turns out that there is really karma in this world, he should call it self-inflicted.

Ouyang Yu patted him on the shoulder as a sign of comfort.

Alas, this brother Lin is also sad enough.

Meeting this prince was destined to be suppressed.

Mu Rufeng looked on with cold eyes and was at ease.

Wish to leave the relationship with the Lin Wang.

The disapproval of him has long since penetrated into his bones, and no matter how he changes, it will not help.

"Then, in this case, the emperor nephew will not disturb the emperor's uncle and your rest." Duan Muxuan bowed slightly to Prince Linyuan, and walked out of the room impatiently.

In that way, it looked like a tail running away.

"After the prince recovers, I will come and visit again." Prince Ouyang clasped his fists and backed out.

Duan Mulin followed closely behind.

A group of people come faster and go faster.

After a few people left the house, Mu Rufeng's order was immediately issued, and the prince was forbidden to visit anyone while he was recovering from his wounds.

This order also blocked those who came to visit with valuable gifts from behind.

The news that Jingbao Pavilion was about to start shooting the Spirit Gathering Liquid suddenly spread throughout the entire imperial city. For a while, the imperial city was a sensation.

Therefore, there are countless people who come to participate in the auction or watch the excitement.

With the large influx of population, the upper and lower inn and restaurants of the imperial city were overcrowded, with full seats everywhere.

Naturally, Mu Rufeng also received the news, but in the past two days, he didn't care about those things, but got into conflict with Duanmu Linyuan's health.

With her medical skills and experience, his body should be good.

Not only was the result not good, but the situation got worse and worse. A certain prince's mood was also at a low point for several days, and Mu Rufeng's mood was also extremely bad.

I even wondered if I had regressed?

Otherwise, how could things get worse?

On this day, Mu Rufeng gave someone a needle as usual.

Looking at the silent prince, Daimei couldn't help but frown.

For several days in a row, he didn't even say a word to her, it was not like him.