
Shangchuan solicits, ripples are everywhere

"Yes, what a life-saving grace? Could it be that Miss Mu saved the life of the little princess?"

"what's the situation?"


Everyone stared in surprise, the delicate and lovely little princess Sissi cautiously took a few steps forward, holding the corner of Mu Rufeng's clothes, looking at her with big eyes, full of dependence and trust.

Mu Rufeng's scalp was numb, and the corners of his clothes were pulled by such a soft doll, and his whole body was tense, fearing that he would accidentally hurt her by acting recklessly.

"Cici, come here, you'll be uncomfortable with Meiren's sister like this." Seeing Mu Rufeng's stiffness, Ouyang Yu beckoned, and the gentle and moist voice of Ruyu sounded in the hall, which seemed particularly pleasant.

"Does Sister Beauty don't like Cici?" The little girl's wide-eyed eyes filled with mist for a moment, and her small mouth was pouting, so she was so sorry.

The little girl was already exquisite and beautiful, with a well-behaved and soft-looking appearance. At this time, the expression of grievance revealed Mu Rufeng's heart.

"Hey, my sister likes Cici very much." Mu Rufeng bent over and rubbed the little girl's head, speaking too softly.

The little girl's eyes lit up, her eyes bursting with joy, she immediately hugged Mu Rufeng's legs, and her soft body was rubbing against Mu Rufeng's body.

I really like Sister Beauty. Sister Beauty is the most beautiful person she has ever seen.

"What happened last time, thanks to Miss Mu, you are our Cici's benefactor, and our Shangchuan Dynasty, forever honorable guest." Ouyang Yu did not know when he also walked to the center of the hall, and sincerely thanked Mu Rufeng. .

A simple sentence caused a lot of ripples on the hall, and Duan Muxiu on the dragon chair suddenly shrank because of this sentence.

Undoubtedly, Ouyang Yu's expression of goodness was tantamount to soliciting in the ears of the caring people, and it made Emperor Cangyu a sudden crisis.

The Shangchuan Dynasty is strong in national power, and the overall strength is no less than that of the Cangyu Dynasty.

If General Mu had retired from the marriage last time and turned to the Shangchuan Dynasty, it would definitely be a huge loss to Cangyu.

"You don't need to put your hands on it." Mu Rufeng replied lightly, saving the little girl from the bottom of his heart, not for the sake of trying something.

Nowadays, seeing such a cute and soft person, especially the pure trust and dependence in the eyes of the little girl, the kind of cleanliness and innocence is better than everything.

"You saved the little princess, you are the benefactor of the Shangchuan dynasty, and even the hero of my Cangyu. This matter deserves recognition."

Duan Mulin on the seat wore a black robe, with a cold face, and said a word without any emotion.

"Yes, it should be a commendation. In this matter, Rufeng girl is indeed a great hero." Duanmuxiu was taken aback and reacted immediately.

I knew that this girl had this good fortune, and the marriage contract between her and Lin'er should not have been cancelled at the beginning. Now that Mu Zhongxun has entered the young stage, Mu's residence is very different from before.

Facing Mu Zhonghun, he still had a guilty conscience, after all, this matter was his fault.

Of course, if the Mu Zhonghun standing here today is still before the advancement, he will not owe anything in his heart.

Mu Rufeng's gaze swept toward Duan Mulin, this man, what's going on?

In her opinion, his behavior today is very abnormal.

She wouldn't think that this man was looking at herself again, the royal was ruthless, and there was no trace of emotion in this man's eyes, cold as glaciers, cold as frost and snow.