
Old man, lifelong event

It's a treasure that can't be exchanged for much money.

If you let the strong outsiders know, I'm afraid it will be difficult to keep this treasure.

Except for those Wen Cheng, almost half of the people on the field are spirits.

At this moment, their eyes stuck to the vermilion spirit fruit and couldn't move away, their minds were ups and downs, and all kinds of envy were unbearable.

Slender Fruit, Slender Fruit, Prince Linyuan actually got Slender Fruit.

Including Duan Muxiu who was sitting in the upper position, the enthusiasm in his eyes was no less than that of the others in the temple.

Even secretly it was a pity that the slender fruit was given to the queen as a birthday gift, otherwise, he really wanted to take it for himself at all costs.

In a high position and immersed in power for many years, his desire for power and strength is almost greedy and he cannot stop.

The higher you stand, the more you want to control, and the more you desire that supreme power.

"This, is this Yuan'er given to the empress?" The empress dowager held the slender fruit in her hand, tears filled her eyes with excitement.

Her Yuan'er, although she left without saying goodbye back then, she still remembered her as a queen in her heart.

Even taking advantage of this birthday, he rushed back to give her such a gift.

"Just come back, just come back!" No matter how precious the slender fruit is, it is not as precious as the little son who is always with him.

In her eyes, Yuan'er is better than all spirit fruits.

"The emperor's nephew Duanmuxuan, the emperor's nephew Duanmulin, have seen the emperor!" Prince Duanmu and King Lin both stepped forward and saluted Duanmu Linyuan.

"The officials have seen Prince Linyuan, Prince Wanfu!" All the officials shouted together, saluting greetings collectively.

Mu Rufeng was standing in the middle of the hall, and he was very eye-catching with the salute.

Everyone whispered in their hearts, scolding her for being ignorant.

Everyone was saluting to Prince Linyuan, but she just didn't move.

Isn't it afraid that the prince will put her to death in a rage?

Prince Linyuan has accumulated prestige for a long time, and its weight is far greater than that of his Majesty today.

It is said that even today's Majesty will give him three points, but this woman does not kneel!

"Presumptuous, in front of the prince, why not salute?" However, it was not the other person who got angry first, it was the empress dowager who loved Duanmu Linyuan.

The empress mother was unhappy, frowning and staring at Mu Rufeng.

Although this girl's performance is extremely pleasing to her, she shouldn't be rude to Yuan'er.

"No, the cat is cute with sharp claws." Duanmu Linyuan waved his hand and said meaningfully.

What, what do you mean?

Does Prince Linyuan think this Miss Mu is cute instead of polite?

The ministers sweated and were speechless.

Prince Linyuan's hobby is really unique.

"Welcome the return of the imperial brother, come, and give the prince a seat!" Duan Muxiu who was sitting above said, waved his hand and ordered to give a seat.

Prince Linyuan immediately took his seat, and the sound of silk and bamboo sounded again.

"Sister Beauty, that guy is still looking at you!" The little princess leaned into Mu Rufeng's ear and said quietly.

Hey, that guy is terrible.

Panicked when looking at people.

Sister Beauty is so pitiful, she has been stared at by that guy.

I heard from the emperor that early droughts, disasters in the world, and the most terrible time there were many people cannibalism.

That guy stared at Sister Beauty, could it be that she was eating Sister Beauty?

Thinking of this, the little princess trembled with a small body, holding the arm of the beauty sister, while rubbing her pitifully.

Uuuu, the blame is so terrible, she wants to go home.

"Hey, don't be afraid, he won't do anything to us." Seeing the little girl trembling, Mu Rufeng helplessly stroked her back.

No wonder the little girl is afraid of that man.

The whole body is strong, oppressive and aggressive, plus that silver mask, sitting there, like a ghost face Rakshasa.

Thinking about it, Mu Rufeng couldn't help but glared at the man.

As a result, it happened to crash into the deep and gloomy cold pool.

Mu Rufeng was agitated, and his heart was chilled by the temperature of his eyes.

Terrible, she should be a transparent person.

Seeing the little woman withdraw her gaze and pretend to die, Duanmu Linyuan's lips widened, her eyes bursting out like a dabbling light.

This time I came back for her, and getting along twice really surprised him.

I believe the future life will be very interesting.

"Yuan'er, come back this time, can the president stay?" The queen mother asked, looking at the youngest son who had missed countless times.

Knowing that he is loose by nature, free and unrestrained, and most unconstrained.

I'm afraid that it's the same as before, another one without saying goodbye.

If possible, I just want her Yuan'er never to go out again, just stay by her side forever and ever.

"It should be a while." Duanmu Linyuan nodded, but his eyes were on Mu Rufeng.

Seeing the little woman's delicate red lips biting a crystal clear lychee, her expression darkened suddenly, her eyes darkened.

I still remember the touch of my fingers across that incredibly delicate lips.

The electric shock was so fresh in his memory.

Just don't know what kind of ecstasy delicious kisses are?

Thinking about it, a certain prince suddenly felt that his body was getting hot, and the blood in his body was about to move, really wanting to put someone in his arms again.

"Very good, very good. When I come back this time, I should also solve the life-long event. Your two emperor nephews are almost as tall as you."

People are refreshed in happy events.

When I heard that Duanmu Linyuan would stay for a while, the empress dowager was overjoyed and smiled.

This year's birthday is definitely the happiest she has had in so many years.

With Yuan'er by his side, the whole person has a lot of energy.

Talking about the marriage of Duanmu Linyuan, the empress dowager is more energetic, and she can't wait to pick out an outstanding concubine for him immediately.

The life-long event of Prince Linyuan!

The ministers in the hall were agitated, their eyes lit up.

Especially those who have girls of school age in their homes are flushed with excitement.

Haha, great.

If luck is good, His Royal Highness can select their daughter, that is, once they have gained power, their status will rise instantly.

Being able to indulge in the royal family and become a relative of the emperor, especially to be able to marry Prince Linyuan, is a blessing that cannot be sought.

Not only the ministers were excited, but the female families who accompanied them were also excited.

Many girls even stepped into the hall from Duanmu Linyuan, they were involuntarily confused by his aura, and couldn't help but love such a domineering prince.

Love at first sight has always been a lot, let alone such a noble and domineering prince.

With the status of Prince Linyuan, it was destined that many people would fight the fire for him.

Lifetime event?

Mu Rufeng's gaze swept towards the man, and then towards Duan Muxiu on the dragon chair, comparing the two and drawing a conclusion.

Well, I don't know who will end up being harmed by this old man.

They are all a lot of age, uh, although I don't know the specific age, since he is Duanmuxiu's younger brother, at least he can be the father of those girls in boudoir.