
Mu Zhongshun

Looking at the three characters of the dragon and phoenix dancing on the plaque in the General Mansion, I felt a moment of emotion.

As the only heir in the government, of course, it is also the only hope of the Mu government. Unfortunately, she is not only a boy, but also a famous straw bag, cowardly and incompetent. It is a household name throughout the Cangyu dynasty.

Her presence made the General Mansion humiliated.

If the only guilt in the predecessor is probably the grandfather who loved her more.

"Miss, you can be considered back. The owner asked you to go to the front hall." The guard in front of the door saw Mu Rufeng and said quickly.

Because of that decree, the entire general mansion is now sensational, and all important members of the mansion are gathered in the front hall, waiting for the lady to return.

The atmosphere in Fufu was depressed. When Mu Rufeng came to Mufu Hall, he was filled with people.

Everyone had different expressions, disgust, dissatisfaction, and gloating. Only the senior man looked worried and saw her appear, and immediately stood up from the seat.

"Feng'er, do you know about the withdrawal?" Mu Zhongshun was worried and angry.

I did not expect Duan Muxiu to have this attitude. The marriage contract he had made was destroyed by his decree.

In this way, where is the general's house and where is the wind?

Mu Zhong was so angry and unbearable that his forehead was bruised, and the hand holding the imperial edict could not help tightening.

"Withdraw, then withdraw, Royal Duanmu, Miss Ben is not uncommon!" Mu Rufeng realized that she was anxious to call her to the lobby for this matter.

Looking at the bright yellow decree held in Mu Zhongshun's hands, the answer is ready.

Oh, that Duan Mulin's work efficiency is extremely high. She hasn't arrived in the government yet.

Oh, what a big tone!

Everyone in the hall was speechless and shook their heads collectively.

"Mu Rufeng, even if you die, can you pull into Mufu every time? Do you know how people from outside now think of Mumu because of you?" Mu Qingqing, a girl, couldn't help but sarcasm, her eyes resented And disgusted.

This idiot lost their face in Mufu, but the head of the family still maintained her as always. According to her, this woman should be damned, and it is not a pity to die a hundred times.

"Shut up!" Mu Zhonghun shouted loudly before Mu Rufeng fought back.

"My granddaughter of Mu Zhongshun hasn't gotten an outsider to blame. The next time, I will blame you for not being polite!" Mu Zhongshun's voice was thick, and his eyes were staring at the girl sharply.

The dragon has a counter scale, and Mu Rufeng is General Mu's biggest weakness, whoever touches and dies.

Although it is a warning at the moment, he will really not be polite next time.

The humiliation of the Duanmu royal family was enough to make Mu Zhong angry, and now even a yellow-haired girl came to follow the lesson.

If you really think that Mufu is raising them, can you think you are right?

Mu Rufeng's heart swelled with warmth.

Looking at the majestic and domineering person in front of him, he was deeply moved with emotion to the unconditionally spoiled old man.

It is precisely because of his pampering that even if the original body is a waste, it still lives wildly.

Because of his shortcomings, even if the people in Fuchu had any more dissatisfaction with her, they could only bear it.

Today, this Mu Qingqing may also be dazed, and only when she is impulsive will she teach her in the face of Mu Zhongshun.

In any case, since accepting this body, she also received the original owner's feelings and loved ones, and since then, she will live for her and live a wonderful life.

For starters we will load the first 10 chapters of the novel, and starting tomorrow I will load 2 chapters each.

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