
Ignorance is not terrible, but terrible is brain damage

"Yes, but it's a bit time-consuming, and it may take a few days to complete it." Mu Rufeng nodded.

Once you know the cause, you just need to prescribe the medicine according to the symptoms.

However, the little girl Qianqian had a weak body and couldn't stand the stimulation of too much medicine, so she could only start with medicated diet.

As a result, much time and energy was wasted, and the most important thing was that no one would get those medicated meals except her.

"Heh, Miss Mu is really brash, the scales are non-toxic, but you say that the little princess is poisoned, and all of us are helpless, but you promise to make her complete in a few days. It's ridiculous."

Doctor Huang was outspoken and satirized in person.

"That's right, aren't you afraid of blowing the cowhide and getting slapped in the face?" The other doctors on the side also nodded.

At this time, they can't help but tremble again. It's about the glory of the Imperial Doctor's Palace. How can a woman step on their heads to show off their might.

Mu Rufeng glanced at them coolly, his lips pursed with irony.

"Ignorance is not terrible, but the terrible thing is brain damage." The indifferent voice floated out, lashing out mercilessly.

When the words fell, the air was silent for a second, and then the chests of the imperial physicians rose and fell, staring at her angrily, their eyes eager to burst into flames.

"What do you mean?" Doctor Huang shouted angrily, staring at her with a killer look.

"Are you people in the Imperial Doctor's Hall just this capable? You don't need to use your brains. What is it if you don't have brain damage?" Mu Rufeng sneered.

The scales are not poisonous, but it doesn't mean that mixing with other things will not be poisonous.

These people only know one thing, but they don't know the other. They are too arbitrary in judging things, and they are not careful enough, and they simply insult the profession of a doctor.

The most terrible thing is that you don't admit that you are useless.

"Like melon meets Long Xixiang is a kind of highly poisonous. This kind of poison is only hidden in the body at the beginning, and it is not easy to be found. As time accumulates, it will explode over time."

Mu Rufeng's tone was extremely weak, his expression calm and calm, he said slowly.

The confidence in the fundus and the temperament of the whole body make people can't help but look sideways.

When the words fell, he ignored the expressions of the doctors, took out the silver needle, and skillfully pierced Ouyang Qian.

"The technique of acupuncture?" Everyone, including Doctor Huang, was shocked, their eyes burst out, and their eyes widened inconceivably.

The long-lost secret technique of acupuncture and moxibustion was only recorded in major medical classics. How could she?

However, what surprised them even more was Mu Rufeng's skillfulness, and that movement was completely different from what could be done in a year or two.

The doctors were surprised, their mouths were long enough to lay an egg.

How could it be, this Miss Mu, what is going on?

How come they have never heard that Miss Mu can also practice medicine, and it is still such an ancient secret technique?

After a few stitches, Ouyang Qian's pale face improved slightly.

Grand Doctor Huang couldn't help but stepped forward, stretched out his hand, and his eyes lit up. The body standing on the spot trembled in surprise.

It's amazing, the pulse that was so weak that it was barely detectable just now has grown a bit stronger, and the pulse beat is more than a bit stronger than before.

Only a few shots were applied, and the effect was so obvious.

"How is it?" The remaining doctors stretched their heads, waiting for answers.

Seeing Doctor Huang's expression in shock, he became more curious and intolerable.

Is it possible that this woman really has a way?

"The breath has become stronger." Huang Madam murmured, his voice was trembling, and the eyes looking at Mu Rufeng became weird.


The doctors were shocked, and the collective panic.

What the hell is this Miss Mu?

Even the sickness that they couldn't cure by the collective of the imperial doctors, she unexpectedly, unexpectedly...

"It's great, I said Rufeng will definitely have a way." Ouyang Yu couldn't help himself, and frenzy broke out in his eyes.

Gratitude, joy, relaxation...

With the words of Doctor Huang, and Mu Rufeng's previous assurance, the big stone in his heart was immediately let go.

Mu Rufeng applied a few more shots, until the little princess's breath calmed down.

The doctor Huang who stood by had already turned from his previous rejection to obedience, and stared at Mu Rufeng who was giving the little princess the needle with almost awe.

The excitement was hard to conceal on the face, and the turbulent waves turned up in the depths of my heart, shaking endlessly.

"Next, I only need food tonic, just..." After closing the injection, Mu Rufeng sat on the edge of the bed, looking a little embarrassed.

"What's the matter, Miss Mu, don't hesitate to speak." Duan Mulin stared at her with deep black eyes, and his tone was unusually gentle.

As long as she can cure the little princess, she will be his benefactor of Duan Mulin.

Princess Ouyang's life is related to the relationship between Shangchuan and Cangyu, and it was something that happened in her house. One thing in case, the impact would be too great.

"Or, send the little princess to Mu's house, I will take care of it myself, and send her back when she is in good condition?" After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng gave a solution that he thought was acceptable.

"Don't have to be so troublesome. Princess Ouyang is weak and unfit to move. Miss Mu can stay in this palace."

Duan Mulin spoke and decided to say.

The doctors trembled in their hearts and liver, and Yu Guang slid over the two of them, giving them the illusion of breaking the secret.

No matter how he felt that His Royal Highness Lin did not treat Miss Mu like the legend.

Didn't the two have retired? Now that King Lin actively invites Mu Rufeng to stay, he is not afraid of everyone's misunderstanding?

Unfortunately, it is destined to disappoint everyone.

"No, I visit the mansion every day, cook a medicated meal for her, and then go back."

Seeing that she refused without hesitation, as if she was afraid of avoiding it, Duan Mulin's mood sank again, her black eyes were as deep as tides, and the palms hanging beside her couldn't help tightening.

Suddenly I wanted to question, but didn't have a stand.

Thinking of the deadlocked relationship between the two, goodbye her attitude towards his alienation, Duan Mulin felt regretful for the first time in his life.

If she hadn't divorced at the beginning, if she is still her fiancée, if...

It's a pity that there is no if, all of this is doomed as early as the second when you chose to divorce...

"In that case, there is Miss Laomu." Duan Mulin's emotional voice sounded, and the handsome and innocent face returned to the shape of an ice sculpture again, and the whole body was cold.

Mu Rufeng nodded, and ordered the people to get paper and pen, and list all the medicinal materials and food materials needed on the paper.

"Mu, Miss Mu, the old man has a ruthless request. I wonder if I can watch Miss Mu's treatment of the little princess?"

Doctor Huang sullen his face, leaned forward, and asked awkwardly.

It was really that he was too curious about the medicated food in her mouth.

Of course, it would be better if you could witness the production process of medicated diet.

All the imperial doctors cast their eyes together, shining with eagerness, and they wanted to stay too, but unfortunately they didn't have a face to speak.

Compared with Huang Taiyi's pure enthusiasm for medical skills, they are actually a little less convinced. This woman is so amazing that she can cure Princess Ouyang just by taking food?

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