
I will not force you in the future

As long as this girl can cure Yuan'er, she decided not to investigate her previous rude behavior.

But then the stay of His Royal Highness became a problem.

According to Mu Rufeng's temper, he is absolutely unwilling to leave this person in the house.

But if she is allowed to run into the palace all day, or simply live in the palace until the prince recovers, it will be even more unbearable for her.

Comparing the two sides, finally had to agree to keep Duanmu Linyuan in the house.

"Or, let the Aijia stay with me, so I can take care of it nearby." The Queen Mother hesitated for a second and said.

The corner of Mu Rufeng's mouth twitched, and the soul of Mu Zhong on the side was in a cold sweat.

This ancestor must never stay, no matter a prince, and a Lafayette, do their generals still need peace.

"If the empress dowager is not at ease, you can send them to take care of them personally. The courtier promises that you will return a healthy prince after half a month."

"Come here, go and clean up the house for the prince. You guys, go back and bring in the soft things that the prince likes. In addition, let the dinning room transfer some cooks over, and send some food and clothing, and then..."

Thinking of not seeing her precious son for nearly half a month, the empress dowager's commanding orders were so strong that she almost moved the entire palace to the general's mansion.

The people in the Mu Mansion on the side were in chaos, and Mu Zhonghun's expression was not good. Isn't it true that the Queen Mother is afraid that their General Mansion will treat the Prince wrongly?

Mu Rufeng stood there indifferently, and it didn't matter how she tossed the Queen Mother.

All she needs to do is to cure the man.

Everything was arranged properly, and the empress dowager left reluctantly.

The crowd onlookers feasted their eyes, and when the queen mother left, they immediately started making a noise.

Surprisingly, Miss Mu from the General's Mansion seems to be more and more capable.

Now even the Queen Mother is visiting the door herself, but is her medical skills really better than those of the imperial physicians?

Thinking about the former Miss Mu again, everyone couldn't help shaking their heads.

For the past three days, Mrs. Mu is not a typical example.

This general mansion seemed to be about to rise. Not only did a young-ranked powerhouse emerge, but even the old waste also changed and became a genius doctor.

The future of the General Mansion is boundless.

Everything was set up properly, Mu Rufeng came to the newly renewed room, looked at the unconscious man lying on the bed, swallowed hard in his heart.

This man is definitely her nemesis, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Sit down on the bed, take out the silver needles, and after disinfection, tie them down one by one.

Less than a quarter of an hour, close the needle.

A certain prince lying on the bed almost couldn't hold back the break, and couldn't help being surprised.

His little woman surprised him too much.

After a few stitches, the meridians that he deliberately blocked showed signs of dredging.

It seems that she is not only capable, but also capable.

I don't know how many times stronger than those quack doctors in the Imperial Medical Hall.

Such a little woman made him feel new and interesting, and the woman he saw in Duanmu Linyuan was really extraordinary.

After the needle was closed, Mu Rufeng pulsed again, and his breath became stronger.

As long as she administers the injections to him on time every day, and then mixes them with medicinal solution to dredge, I believe he will be cured in a few days.

There was no one around, and the man lying on the bed was quiet, with a silver mask covering his face, blocking all expressions.

Mu Rufeng suddenly took off the mask to see what kind of respect this man looks like.

It should be ugly to wear a mask without showing one's true colors.

Thinking about it, that mind became stronger.

Confirming that there is no one around, Mu Rufeng stretched out his hand and just touched the edge of the cold mask, the man lying on the bed brushed the floor and opened his eyes.

The sharp eyes full of wildness and peeping power shot, Mu Rufeng shook his hand, and quickly withdrew back.

The faint Mo Tong fell on her for a moment, and her eyes were full of deep ripples, making her flustered inexplicably.

"Ahem, I just want to see if you feel better." Mu Rufeng explained embarrassingly.

Ma Dan, she is still his savior, so what a guilty conscience.

Thinking about it, Mu Rufeng couldn't help but raise his head straight, looking straight at the man.

"What happened in the morning is that I was reckless." Duanmu Linyuan said weakly, looking at the little woman apologetically.

If he did it again, he would definitely have a kind of almost blind trust in his granddaughter.

After all, there is such a magical liquid medicine as Guyuanye, and it is not surprising that a small liquid medicine can improve physical fitness.

"Miss Mu, go and take a look, all the things that your Royal Highness ate has been vomited." The attendant who was waiting for Duanmu Linyuan hurried over and said anxiously to Mu Rufeng.