
Going around the black market at night

Moonlit night in the sky.

Mu Rufeng changed into a black robe, his hair tied up, and his face changed a little. In an instant, he appeared in the room as a teenager.

With enough gold coins, Mu Rufeng left the house and headed towards the imperial city black market according to the memory in his mind.

The black market, also known as the night market, is a special category of power in Yunge Continent. It can be found in almost every imperial city or place with greater power. It sells various medicinal treasures to the outside world, and is a good place for the spirits to find treasures.

The night market at this time is the busiest time of the day.

The street was quiet and there was no one. When Mu Rufeng came to the entrance of the night market, he followed the passage and entered the underground, and it was a bustling scene in front of him.

All kinds of booths greeted the eyes, and the spirits shuttled around, bustling, so lively.

Mu Rufeng strolled around slowly, scanning the goods on the stalls, all kinds of things, all kinds of weird things.

Soon, Mu Rufeng's gaze fell on a black stone.

The stone was ordinary and unremarkable, with a smooth surface. It looked no different from the stones that can be seen everywhere outside. However, Mu Rufeng sensed a slight energy fluctuation, like a strong call, which made her reach out her hand involuntarily.

"Huh, it's weird." A female voice was inserted next to her, and several figures greeted her.

"How can I sell this?" An arrogant voice sounded. Before Mu Rufeng's hand touched the stone, he was taken away by the man behind him.

The man wore a brocade robe, his face was open and handsome, beside him stood a man and a woman.

The woman was dressed in white with a beautiful face, and the man next to her was wearing a blue robe, guarding her side, his face looked a little gloomy.

Without looking at Mu Rufeng, the man in Huapao directly picked up the stone and handed it to the woman in white.

Mu Rufeng's brows can't help but frown. He comes first and then arrives. Does this man understand the rules?

"Ahem, this, this young man was interested in this thing first, or should you two discuss it first?" The vendor was embarrassed for a while, looked at the two and suggested.

Although these people looked very expensive later, but the little boy in front of him is also very special. How many simple people can come to the night market?

Who knows if he will accidentally get into a powerful force, and to be on the safe side, he doesn't want to offend anyone.

"No matter how much he bids, this lady will double." The white-clothed woman has a cold face and full of arrogance. When she said this, she had a sense of superiority, just a pair of eyes could reach the sky.

It's a pity that such a pair of skins was in vain.

Mu Rufeng watched coldly, she had seen many women with higher eyes.

However, most of this kind of people fell miserably. After all, no one can guarantee that she will meet someone more arrogant than herself in the next second.

"Really, I'll give out one hundred thousand gold coins, do you follow?" Mu Rufeng's lips curled up, and his deliberately lowered voice was hoarse, and he looked at the woman playfully.

The white-clothed woman frowned, her expression cooling down for a moment.

One hundred thousand gold coins, this is completely the lion's big mouth, although she is generous, but one hundred thousand gold coins are not a minority after all, if double, it will be two hundred thousand gold coins.

A broken stone is not worth the price.

"It seems you can't afford it!"

"A mere two hundred thousand gold coins, this lady still doesn't take it seriously." The woman snorted coldly and said proudly.

"Unfortunately I changed my mind again, 300,000." Mu Rufeng said.