
Decline the Prince's invitation

"It's about dawn, and the night market should be proven. Wait a minute, I don't think it can stay in it all the time." The man in blue and red said gloriously.

That stupid boy made them embarrassed in public. This account is not counted back and it is difficult to dispel hatred.

Too bad Mu Rufeng, who was waiting, had already left the other exit. At this moment, they were lying on the bed comfortably studying the unknown white object.

Under the candlelight, Mu Rufeng's unknown white object was clear, with a halo in the mist.

Mu Rufeng looked at him lightly, feeling something move inside, and each time he moved, the layers of energy would oscillate, conveying a sense of kindness.

With a thought, Mu Rufeng cut off his finger, bleeding, dripping on the unknown white object.

The eggshell swayed and the red blood spread in an instant, then, just like that, it disappeared and was completely absorbed.

The crushing energy inside calmed down completely and there was no reaction.

What's the matter, did you win after eating?

Mu Rufeng tried several times, but it was a pity that the unknown white object did not react at all. The blood dripping on him was still covered without change.

Shaking his head, Mu Rufeng simply threw it in the wooden box next to the bed and installed it and fell asleep.

the next day.

When the prince returned, he held a banquet in the imperial garden and invited the ministers' children to admire the flowers. Mu Rufeng was also invited.

Too bad he doesn't have good feelings for this prince Duanmu and rejects the whole Duanmu royal family from the bottom of his heart. Such a place full of stones, dark and dirty, can not walk, naturally will try not to walk.

"Push him, it means your lady is retiring and it's not convenient to participate yet." Mu Rufeng threw the invitation card on the ground and ordered it empty.

Tsing Yi's young man panicked and quickly accepted the invitation. Royal things cannot be practiced this way, and the older lady refuses to do so. Is it really good?

I heard the prince is bad temper. Although the general promoted the green rank power, in the end, he shares this supreme. What can be updated regarding the correct modification of the general general works?

But this is a lot of information about Mu Rufeng, and now they are thinking about tests on the children of Cangyu's courtiers.

With the arrival of the two-month period, tests of the children of the courtier Cangyu always pay attention

The Cangyu courtesy test for children refers to the selection of Cangyu dynasty talents. Those who pay special attention are great for concentrating and staying younger for a job in the country. The special women will be selected in the harem or will become the object of marriage between the princes and the children of the courtiers. In short, Mu Rufeng did not like the test for this courtier at the point of departure. So she would have been entrusted with Mu Zhonghun's promise and the original body to be a wood waste title landscape, she would not have participated "For the selection of courtiers and children tomorrow, Feng'er should not be able to put any pressure. my grandfather's eyes, you're the best. "Mu Zhonghun lovingly added to her for the care of the dinner table, scheduling her to be under pressure and can't be where to say. No matter who Feng'er is, she's the most important from his heart. The habit must be inferior and cowardly, but it is very full of self-confidence and grace, when done, after tomorrow's test, a Feng'er can be confident and intelligent to return to the country shell. In her, all he wants is for her to be happy and happy