
Courtier children test

On this day, the sun is shining brightly and the sky is like washing.

The entire Cangyu imperial city was immersed in an atmosphere of celebration, and the test platform had already been built in the largest square of the imperial city.

On the street, a flow of people rushed towards the West Square of the Imperial City.

Mu Rufeng followed Mu Zhonghun and brought everyone from the Mu Mansion to go together.

For the courtier children test, not all courtier children can participate, but only the direct blood of the children are eligible to participate.

Of course, there are also exceptions. For example, a courtier does not attach importance to the direct line, but prefers the partial house.

Mu Rufeng followed Mu Zhonghun's side. Behind him, a scorching gaze kept staring at her back, and he didn't need to think to know that it was from Mu Qingqing.

The woman's eyes were always full of jealousy and resentment when she looked at her, but she was just a person who dared not say anything. She was probably afraid of Mu Zhonghun, so she had never dared to do anything to herself.

By the time the people of Mu Mansion arrived, the West Square was already full of people. Seeing Mu Zhonghun's arrival, everyone in the courtier area in the front row stood up to greet them with respect and respect.

Of course, this does not include Prince Duanmu and others sitting in the royal family area.

"This woman is Mu Rufeng?" Prince Duanmu squinted, and a sharp look crossed his eyes.

No one has dared to refuse his invitation to host a banquet in the Royal Garden. She is the only one who does not give him face.

Do you think that with General Mu, you can be fearless?

"But so!" The white-clothed woman Shui Ruoyun glanced at Mu Rufeng coldly, her face was indifferent and arrogant, and she didn't take her to heart.

How could a woman who was remarried by the royal family get better?

Even if there is Mu Zhonghun's blessing, Mu Zhonghun can't always protect her.

In her opinion, it doesn't take much effort to kill a waste.

Everyone sat down, and King Lin and Prince Ouyang arrived at the last moment.

In the test of the courtiers' children, almost all the courtiers in the court have arrived, except for the absence of your majesty.

In order to curry favor with the officials of the DPRK and China, the families and merchants in Cangyu Imperial City would naturally not give up such a good opportunity. They arrived early and concentrated in the VIP area.

"Sora Frumusețe, Sora Frumusețe!" A exclamat Ouyang Qian, cu ochii strălucitori în direcția lui Mu Rufeng, cu fața mică plină de emoție.

Regele Lin și prințul Ouyang, care erau cu ea, s-au uitat spre Mu Rufeng.

"Cici va sta cu Sister Beauty?" Întrebă Ouyang Yu cu un zâmbet mic peste ochi, privind-o pe fetiță.

„Da, da, hai să găsim Sister Beauty". Micuța prințesă Cici a dat cu capul ca un pui și abia aștepta să tragă Ouyang Yu și să se îndrepte spre scaunul lui Mu Rufeng.

Duan Mulin a urmat îndeaproape. Copiii familiei regale care îi așteptau să-și ia loc, au fost atât de surprinși când au văzut această scenă.

Curtenii au fost la fel de șocați. Un prinț din Shangchuan, o mică prințesă a lui Shangchuan și prințul lor Lin, familia regală nu a luat un loc, dar s-au dus în zona lor curte pentru a se alătura distracției.

Dintr-o dată, miniștrii s-au ridicat și au salutat și au salutat. Desigur, acest lucru nu a inclus Mu Zhonghun și Mu Rufeng.

"Sora Frumusețe, Cici a fost dor de tine, îți este dor de Cici." De îndată ce venea micuța prințesă, îmbrățișă brațul lui Mu Rufeng și înainta cu afecțiune, cu ochii mari și vopsiți, cu ochii uluitori ea a fost.

"Cred, Cici este foarte bun." Mu Rufeng era drăguț de fetiță, iar degetul arătător îi zgâria ușor nasul mic, făcând-o pe fată să zâmbească din nou și din nou.