

How time flies, Costly has grown into a beautiful young girl that lives with her parents in the beautiful city of Chicago. She was the only child of her parents mr&mrs Johnson wash, Costly been an only child was given all the attention of her parents and was pampered but not spoilt, she was quite calm and obedient to her parents and other people she come across. The long summer break was getting over and it time for her to move into a new academy grade, finally she was going to a high school, Costly was so scared yet happy to be in high school just to experience it herself not reading to stories of high school love, she was so anxious and can't tell how her first day in school will look like, if she was going to be loved or been bullied by some nothing kids with nonchalant behavior. Hey Costly rise and shine it a new day for you to shine and don't be late, because punctuality is key to success both in academics and business, I woke up from the bed with a glowing smile on my face, prayed to God to help me find good and calm friends today and not some sorts of bad friends Amen! Good morning mum, good morning my sweetheart how are you doing today, doing great mum. Was use to Just me and my mother at home because that was a successful business owner and travels out of Chicago for business meetings and proposals, I prepared myself and took everything I needed for my new school and how I'm going to mingle with new people and prayed if I can meet my old friends lol mum horn from outside brought me back to reality and from my imagination.

Mum drove into a large compound with beautiful buildings and flowers, very neat and clean environment that I never imagine, and all I could say was wow! This is so much beauty mum and she laughed and said this is just a bit of it, mum drop off and left now it time to face my fears and walk in and make my parents proud with perfect grades and win awards like my dad does in business smiles. Climbing the stairs case up was really easy to find my class and it was just too beautiful for my eyes to behold, I made myself comfortable in the front role and sat quietly without speaking to anyone, then the teacher came in. Good morning everyone I'm miss Tessa Hunter and I'm going to be your class teacher and will be taking you on English but before we proceed can you all start by introducing yourselves and be very fast and quick, each student started speaking, they is this calm handsome boy sitting next to me and it was his turn then he said his name was John Parker.