
Chapter 4

"I hate Sports", I thought while I was walking towards the gym, but thank God this is the last class I have today.

-Alessia, wait! I heard from behind.

-Maddie! Hi again!

-Are you excited about the first gym class?

-I wouldn't say that, I laughed. It was a long day. I'm glad that it's almost over!

Maddie and I went to the dressing room to change into sportswear. It consisted in a pair of black tights, a red T-shirt and a pair of white sneakers.

I went to the bathroom, then I returned to the dressing room to pick up my sweatshirt that I tied around my hips. It is never known if the teacher decides to do sports outside.

I left the dressing room and hurried to the gym.

-Hello, beautiful! I heard and stopped, a little unsure whether to turn around or not.

I decided to continue walking. Suddenly someone grabbed my wrist and the next moment I was glued to the wall.

"Ugh! Not again!"

-Why don't you talk to me, beauty?

-I don't talk to rude people! I said.

-Hmm ... rude? I didn't think of that, I'd rather say ... bold.

-A daring fool ... I muttered.

He didn't say anything. He just grinned, then became serious and stared into my eyes.

"God! This boy scares me!"

-Let me go, Jansen! Do you really have no other way to talk to a girl?

-Hmm ... I see you remembered my name ... Very well ... Alessia... right? And ... yes ... I have other ways to talk to girls. But with those who don't ignore me!

-How can I not remember your name when I've known you for two days and you're already pissing me off?

-Am I the one who got on your nerves? You're the one ignoring me!

-Well ... if you realize that I don't want to give you attention, why do you insist?

-Because no one has ignored me so far.

-Look, I can ignore you! So leave me the hell alone! There are so many girls in this school. Why me?

-I want you! And I will have you!

-Yeah ... dream brother! Now let me go! I'm late for sports, I said, withdrawing my hand.

-I have sports too. We're going together!


-It wasn't a question! he said grinning and grabbed my arm, this time more gently, pulling me after him.

-Let me go! I know how to get there too! I told him, pulling my arm out of his grip and pushed him away.

The next moment, I was lifted up from the ground.

-Let me go, rascal!

-Nope! I said we'll go together so let's go together! Whether you want it or not!

-Put me down! I shouted nervously.

-I don't even think about it! By the way, what a pretty behind you have!

-Reckless fool! Put me down right away!

-Jan! You heard her! Put her down! I heard another voice and struggled to see who it was coming from but I was on Jansen's shoulder and the voice had come from somewhere behind me, so I couldn't see who it was.

-What do you want, Jae?

-Leave her alone! Don't you see that you're bothering her?

-Am I? I think she likes it. And anyway... what's your problem? Mind your own business! Jansen said, putting me down. I looked at him for a while, then I slapped him so hard that my hand hurt, but I didn't care, because so did that moron's face.

Jansen's point of view:

Since Alessia didn't want us to go to sports together, I had to pick her up. She started to insult me ​​and it's weird that she didn't bother me, she even amused me. I don't know why, but this girl is driving me crazy! She's the only one who doesn't seem interested in me. Although she seemed hypnotized when she looked at me a few times, she keeps rejecting me and that makes her even more attractive.

Although she doesn't bother too much, she looks bestial at all times. Her simplicity makes her appear beautiful beyond measure. So ... let's go back. I lifted her to my shoulder and couldn't help but complimented her behind. That annoyed her even more. And everything was fine until Jae came and intervened.

"Who does he think he is? Superman?" I thought at that moment.

He's one of the guys in my gang. We've been friends for a long time, but for this girl I feel like I could argue with everyone. After he came, I let Alessia down even though I didn't want to and she left, but not before slapping me on the face. It didn't hurt, it probably hurt her harder, but I got annoyed and wanted to go after her, but not to hit her but to kiss her to relieve my nerves ...Ah! But no! I have to bring her closer to me. I have to make her want me too.

-Why are you ruining everything, Jae?

-What's wrong? Don't you see that she doesn't want you around?

-And what? I'll make her want me! So don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong! I said nervously and walked away.

Jae's point of view:

This is the second time Jan has abused Alessia. Does he really not know how to behave with a girl? I thought he was better than that. How can he behave so brutally with a girl as delicate and fragile as Alessia? I don't know why, but what he does makes me really mad. And I would like to be around her all the time to defend her. I have to find a way to get closer to her without being thought of as strange or freak. I'll have to make Alessia realize that I want her to be safe!

Alessia's point of view:

When I got to the gym all the students were there but the teacher was not. I went and sat down on the bench next to Maddie.

-What took so long? she asks me bored.

-I encountered difficulties on the way ...

-What do you want to say? she asks confused.

-That annoying boy... Jansen, I told her with

-What did he do to you?

-Well ... when I came out of the locker room I met him. He said, "Hey, doll!" but I didn't pay attention to him and continued on my way, but at that moment he grabbed my hand and sticked me to the wall.

-Oh gosh! she exhaled in shock.

-He told me he wants me and he will have me. I told him he was dreaming. He let me go and when I wanted to leave, he told me to go together, I of course did not want to and he lifted me on his shoulder. One of his friends ... Jae I think ... came and told him to leave me alone.

-And did he let you?

-At first he didn't want to but then, when he put me down, I slapped him on the face and left.

-That's my girl! she said and I smiled. But still ... what's your business with Jae?

-None, I replied a bit confused.

-Well, why did he tell him to leave you alone?

-I don't know, but I'm glad that he helped me. He seems to be a nice guy.