
I'm a Human?

the world was still at war the war between Dragons and humans but it was clear which side was winning the remaining Dragons went into hiding.

In a small house cry of a child was to be heard but his parents were nowhere to be found they were killed, killed by the Demons. a mercenary was passing by he heard the cry of the child he took the child and sold him to a slave owner .he was raised by slaves, the only love that he got was from a Slave named Aana.she loved him like a son, she was the one who named him Lin. years passed by .one day she was taken away from him, she was sold to someone else, when he was left alone he runs to see her everyday .one day going to see Aana her master saw him coming to his house he caught him and accused him of being a thief owner told him that he came to see her but the master didn't listen to her and beat her saying you have no business here. Lin was punished and he was starved for two days they only gave him water to drink nothing else he had a fever but he never lost courage he never lost the will the will to live on something inside of him keep telling him that you have to live have to live for your loved ones, you have to live to free them of their misery, he don't remember the past life, he don't know what he was who he was nothing of his past life everything was forgotten.

(two years later)

Lin was working in the fields suddenly he felt something in his heart , he sat under a tree he always gets bullied because he was weak compared to others in his age .some kids came to him and asked him if he wants to play with them, Lin refused them because they always hurt him they just want a punching bag every time they learn something new in the Martial Arts class they come and try it on Lin. he felt the same thing again in his heart, he did not know what that feeling was, the kids forcefully took him away to practice on him. one of the boys kicked him and he fell on a Rock and his head was bleeding ,when they saw the blood they all ran away. but something happened to Lin ,he started to remember everything who he was ,everything he learnt, how he died, then he looked that himself and freaked out because he was a human a creature that killed many of his kind and tried to kill his girlfriend and killed him, he couldn't believe his luck from all the creatures that he could have reincarnated as he was reincarnated as a human, the only creatures that he hated the most. he screamed at the top of his lungs ,why God why ,why did you do this to me.

he was angry did not know what to do, then he sat down on the ground and started to meditate, he felt something is flowing on his face it was itching and was irritating, he opened his eyes and wiped some with his hand ,it was his blood, he freaked out ,then he remembered what has happened he remembered all of this life and the other.

Lin took some river Grass and some leafs of a marn tree, then he rubbed it on his forehead, the wound disappeared like it was never there. He went back to the fields ,the others were surprised because this time he walked back. one of them asked Lin that if he got saved by Master Yu Hia aging! Lin smiled and said yes .they were whispering that the poor kid always gets beat up for no reason whatsoever! but that was all going to change he had so many knowledge of so many things that even the great Monk didn't have ,he has acquired the knowledge from reading the books all day long in the Dragon libraries, the knowledge that was passed out from Millennium, fighting style the only he knew ,different types of healing methods that was only in the hands of dragons ,different types of methods to cultivate the inner strength and the outer strength to improve the physical capabilities to a level that not even celestial beings could acquire, he knew how to do it .his brothers teased him for being a bookworm but that helped him today that vast knowledge that was acquired from the books, he will use it to become strongest, so he could protect everyone close to him.

Lin started to practice martial arts on his own and started to cultivate his inner strength as well ,he was getting Stronger by the day, the kids who bullied him came again ,they asked him if he wanted to come and play with them, Lin said yes, they were a bit surprised but when they reached the place where they were gana beat up Lin they tried to punch him but Lin always avoided their punches, they got angry and said to him stand still ,Lin laughed and give them a taste of their own medicine, they got pretty scared because the boy who they used beat up now doing the same thing to them ,Master Yu Hai was watching all this .the kids ran away and threatened that they will get him for this .Lin looked at the trees and said I know you are there come out , master Yu couldn't believe what he heard ,a kid that was so weak ,now he can even sense a A level beings presence amazing . master Yu came out of the woods and asked Lin that if he wanted to join the martial art School ,Lin asked the Master but how, I don't have any money I'm just a Slave! I am just an orphan ,master replied with a bold voice that from now on you are not an Orphan you will be my son, you will live in my house from now on if you need anything you just ask me, I lost my son and my wife to that evil demons!

please wait for the next chapter 😘😘👍